Dragon Ball Super

How strong was he by the end of the Goku Black arc? SSG level? SSB?

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Stronger than Vegetto Blue who was on par with Beerus.

Weaker than Kefla.

As strong as the story demanded him be at the time

Below perfection

She's such a qt.

>fusion defused right before killing blow
>enemy winning
>solution is to spirit bomb enemy
>not even counting Bio-Broly Zamasu

It has been stated that Beerus sealed the old kai during a god meeting which means all the deities and the Grand Priest saw this domestic abuse case.

Why did no one do anything? They knew Beerus was abusive and neglectful and they knew Majin Buu existed.

Marron is 9 years old. In the Buu saga, she was 3 years old. In the peaceful world saga, she was 13 years old. Why does she still look and act like a 3-year-old? Shouldn't she look closer to this? Just a bit smaller and, ya know, pre-teen?

How do I impregnate Kefla?

She'll age when Goten and Trunks do.
Which is never.

Reminder that Android 18 is beautiful

ultralove power mode tier, with asspull sword of light

Genkidama mode? He has more raw power than Jiren, Kefla and UI Goku.

The gods are dicks. Thats been established at this point.

Reminder that Gohan-san is beautiful

I dunno, where on the chart is he?

who would be stronger

gohan blanco or gandalf blanco

She, Trunks and Goten will get taller after the Tournament, just like when Goku got taller when no one was around. Also, Bulma will sound different for some reason.

Who cares? Fusion characters are using crutches anyway. Caulifa was probably comparable in strength to Trunks. Kale has a unique SS transformation that is most similar to SS3. This is why Kefla is so powerful. It's not really hard to understand.

SS2 tier. I mean, he got a rage boost but didn't really get a new transformation.

As hard as possible.

Free the CHADforce

Is 18 for Caulifa?

Goku got taller after a 3-year timeskip, then again after another 3-year timeskip. It wasn't after some 48 minute event the he wasn't at.

Or is 18 for Ribrianne?

Nah, Cabba is for Caulifla.

DBS threads are the best threads from this board.

Maybe 18 is for Goku?

You can't, the heat will pulverize your dick if you are not a saiyan.

I know, 18 is for Vegeta

Kale and Caulifla are SHIT tier waifus

Debate me nerds

Shut the fuck up. 18 is for Krillin, Trunks is for Tenshinhan, and Gohan is for Yamcha.

Or could 18 be for Trunks?

You are wrong.


Not an argument

There is no debating facts.

Actually 18 is only for...

I love Caulifla so fucking much

17 is for krillin. Gohan is yamcha. Piccolo studied medical science for most his life off screen.

Caulifla is unironically the best thing that happened to this shit show, you can't deny it.

Here you go boys, have fun

Why don’t you post the retard who was too scared to fight the robot legs?


Things that never happened the post

One of the few good posts so far.

Jiren will lose

To himself.


How would Battle of gods go if it was one of these guys?

Shoo shoo, gohan pedro

He did but she didn't deliver.

its true

Real reason why Tien kicked out Launch

Thanks user. Let's keep these threads /comfy/

This was yamcha greatest achievement, carrying the champion.


God I wish that were me

There seems to be misconception. Actually Zamasu was greatly weakened after his fight which made him lose. Also he had energies from Goku and Vegeta. He would ideally be placed somewhere before SSJB Vegeta.


I swear I've seen this before but this time it really fucking got me good

Just watched the new episode, where those 3 remaining universe 2 fighters just standing by Goku the whole time the fight was going on?
I hate when they unrealisticly portray time.

Will Chadbba win the Caulibowl?

If he has any smarts he wouldn't even be in the running for it

Where the comic imgur link at?

>tfw my waifu is only temporary

Who is stronger, one Kefla or ten thousand Son-Gohans who do not know where Piccolo is?

One Kale.

That's why, after wishing them back, Goku will train and groom them into the perfect Saiyan warriors/wives to keep him satisfied with Saiyan sex (aka fighting) 'till the end of his days.

Next year.

High level gods look a lot more open to talking
Low level are a bunch of savages, but I'm sure Beerus is the most trigger happy
Furry universe GoD was a cuck tho

CHADhan Blanco

>seasonal waifufags in a nutshell
Glad you realized it at some point.


Gohan would beat the shit out of kefla and rape her before ringing her out. Kefla is god tier while Gohan is SSBKK.

No, i'm just talking about her being a fusion.

>GoD tier
There I fixed your post.

I showed my bf this webm and said Gohan was cute and he called me a faggot
Wtf is his problem?

Meatshield-less Gohan wouldn't last a mnute

Thinking Gohan is cute instead of a woman like 18 makes you a faggot user

If he’s SSBKK tier how come he lost to jimeze?

Note is pure!

Caulifla alone.


Why are they so fucking cute together? You don't know how happy I am that last episode btfo King Ryu and his shit

Furball > Elephant > Cat > Fox > Robot > Fish man > Mouse > Fish lips > Gnome > Woman > Fat Cat

>btfo by base Goku

Things that never happened.

Caulifla is weaker than base goku so no.

And get revived for the Sadala Arc.

Wakey Wakey Universe 2

Gohan is such a jobber at this point that he'd lose to General Blue and you all know it

>Implying Goku CANSADO couldn't stomp both Caulifla and Gohan at the same time

>The last woman in the Tournament
Best girl. Who 18 here?

They might actually be, avatar-kun

>no argument

Kefla would win against a hundred thousand gohans, that's like asking who is stronger one million farmers or goku

Le caulifag smugku poster xddd