Anime you thought you liked until you read the reviews and people' opinions on it

Only weak minded does that. Just b uself.

>caring about what other people think
not sure anime is the right hobby for you OP

>Shiny Chariot on the upper right
As drawn there, she reminds me of Char from Gundam for some reason.

>not defending your taste
>not convincing other people to follow your superior taste
>form your opinion based on other people opinion
I dont want to call you names but you are a faggot

>letting other people influence your opinion
What a spineless pussy.

No-one's arguing anything. We're merely stating a fact that you're pathetic.



Your first impression is the most valuable one. Don't let other people sway you into feeling a specific way. Don't take stances for someone else. Take your own stance.

"Not an argument" is not an argument

>hey guys look at me I am such a unique snowflake independent of all influence. I evaluate art, something that to its core is a cultural byproduct and the evaluation of which cannot exist purely at an individual level outside said cultural context, based on my own superficial, instinctive emotional reactions

Fuck off.


Nice 360p stream quality.


I mean, thats usually how it works, yes. You look at something with the limited amount of knowledge that you possess, debate your opinions and might (or might not) reach the conclusion that you were wrong/mistaken. Quite frankly, someone who is refusing to change his opinion despite being proven to be is more of a spineless pussy than the person who desperately hangs on to it.

>inbefore opinions cant be wrong

It's all subjective bro reality is all your perspective I don't want to take any responsibility for my ideas and convictions, just be like me and detach your self from any mental responsibility by overindulging in nihilism and irony. new age thought is here, get with the times

I laugh at the idea of all these anons that can't say they enjoy a show because Sup Forums hates it.

And you probably also think that everything you like is liked because it actually has merit, not because its hyped for no good reason, right?

I like things before they get hyped though.

>missing the point

what?? i don't get it.

but your experience is not an opinion. changing your opinion on a show is fine, but changing how much you liked it? it doesn't work that way.

Funny, since a lot of shows are "hyped" the second the first PV drops.

It goes both ways retard. A person who likes something because its liked by others is no better than someone who hates (or pretends to hate) something because its hated by others.


>not evaluating things based on superficial, instinctive emotional reactions

Why do you care about other people?

You can still enjoy objectively bad shows user, I know I do

Oh yeah, I forgot one of the qualifications for liking anime was watching a bunch of bullshit and ignoring everyone else's negative opinions of it.

fpbp really
why bother thinking if you let others think for you

>things you liked until you read opinions on it
wow, this is retarded

bumping shit threads is the ultimate act of retardation

I can't help it.

Ussually, when something is too hyped, it never lives to the hype

ITT: Anime you thought you hated until you realized that people had reasons for disliking it