>Unnoticeable because of Garbage Dropout, Kemono Trash and Kobayashit
>Actually the best CGDCT of Winter 2017
Does Sup Forums think the Uraras deserve more love?
>Unnoticeable because of Garbage Dropout, Kemono Trash and Kobayashit
>Actually the best CGDCT of Winter 2017
Does Sup Forums think the Uraras deserve more love?
It was boring.
I guess I can't argue against those numbers.
I think so, the setting was fresh and charming.
Too bad the show didn't reay.do anything with it.
It was forgettable.
On the contrary, I would put it together with Hinako Note as the worst CGDCT of the year, it just hadn't much going for it.
>Urara Meirochou
More like Urara Meiropoop. It was shit.
I really liked it
Nono ruined the whole Urara
Unnoticed because its furry fanservice trash.
The most boring of the three shows you named was far more enjoyable than Urara.
I liked Urara, but I also liked Gabriel Dropout and Kemono Friends. Kobyashit was a nice but disposable show. I wouldn't dissagree if you said it'd be nice if some of the popularity of KF went to Urara, but fuck off to Sup Forums if you want fanbase wars.
My wife Kon gets all of my love.
I enjoyed it a lot, but I was also equally enjoying gabriel dropout and dragon maid simultaneously.
Didn't care anything for the kemono show, but I watched a couple others and having a new episode of anime to watch nearly every single day of the week was exhilarating. I was smiling every day.
You're a colossal faggot who thinks liking one thing means you have to hate everything else. Fuck off.
Nono deserves more love of the nonconsensual variety.
S2 never ;_;
Best anime of its season. Shame that I can't read nip to read the manga.
>Best anime of its season.
Dunno pal. It was in quite the competitive season.
I liked all 4 and each one for different reasons.
I thought it was okay. It was pretty unique to have the plot play a larger role in a Kirara series than just the cute side of things.
She belongs to Chiya and I doubt user is Chiya.
My name isn't Chiya.
That's what I just said.
Too bad Chiya doesn't belong to Kon alone.
Yes they do, but fuck you for hating on two of the other best shows of that season.
It was okay at best.
Far too much Chiya in the first episode, I ended up putting it aside for weeks.
But Chiya is one of the best girls of this year.
There wasn't enough Nina.
But OP, this is actually a shonen anime.
Nina is old, fat and ugly
Your opinion is dumb, fat and ugly.
It was cute, also I was surprised at how the gay was on pair with yys if not a bit higher.
Sup Forums gives anime the highest praise by not talking about it.
Any adaptation from MT Kirara is a default AOTS in my book.
>Uraras deserve more love
It got enough love when it aired. What do you need man? Constant generals like the gochiusaniggers have? Why do you people make these retarded threads? Who fucking cares, it was a fantastic show that was well appreciated by the people that posted in the threads and that's it.
Are you afraid threads about Urachou will turn into the same thing and therefore you'd rather not have threads at all?
>girls with animal ears are furry
You reek of new.
Because of retarded claims like that.
How is that weird?
Because you say you're preferring nothing at all over something that COULD turn out badly without actually having done so by now.
>replacing words in the titles of shows you dislike with insults
That's pretty mature of you, great job.
I loved Urara but I refuse to bump such an awful thread. Thankfully sage still works.
Your life is never going to stop being shit so why not kill yourself? You'd rather have nothing than something you personally dislike, after all.
It will happen if people keeps making threads, it's not like gochiusa threads became shit in 2014. It will take more time because there is no loli character so the hard shitposters will miss it until you get some memes.
In other words, people should stop liking things if they don't do it in a way you approve of.
That would be nice.
Even so an occassional thread doesn't hurt.
Sup Forums the sitcom.
It's not a good idea to bait dropoutfags, kemonofags and maiddragonfags in here, you're just asking for shitposts.
People who don't have shit taste are capable of enjoying more than one thing at a time, so most of the Sup Forums that hasn't gone full Sup Forums enjoys all the shows mentioned in this thread. Unlike OP I guess. I hope we can get another Urara thread with a less awful OP at a later point.
This makes no sense.
Where did I say that I'd rather not have threads? Quote the part of the post please.
True, OP shouldn't have said that crap.
It was heavily implied by your post.
Yeah, the shows are okay but the "fans" are trash.
>It was heavily implied by your post.
It was absolutely not
Then I don't really see the point of your post, getting worked up over a question that's half a meme, half metaphoric.
I enjoyed all those shows, but honestly, Gabriel got repetitive after the first half, it wasn't that good.
You can't even talk about the show anymore.
At least nobody talked about Sansha Sanshit.
Do you only speak in extremes? It had enough threads when it aired, occasional threads for any show, no matter how old, pop up now and then. Same goes for Urara. So again, WHAT do you want? Generals? A thread every week? If so, go and make them. "Does Sup Forums think the Uraras deserve more love?" is a stupid question, meme or not.
Kill yourself.
Do you only speak in extremes? Please point out where exactly the OP implies that there should always be an Urara thread. There's a rather gigantic difference in something being more loved and being all someone can talk about.
What do I want?
Dunno, a nice thread now and then, that's all.
Calm down, I'm trying to talk about anime instead of meta.
No you're not, you're just trying to force your fictional fanbase war.
So make one.
>Please point out where exactly the OP implies that there should always be an Urara thread
>So again, WHAT do you want? Generals? A thread every week?
>What do you need man?
I don't know what you're talking about, I just want to talk about anime.
So it really is one person replying to himself.
But where is the SS poster?
You're here right now.
Gabriel only became boring slowly, but it wasn't horrible, Kemono Friends was great, and Kobayashi, well, that was horrible.
Urara was certainly the top CGDCT SoL in the year though, and yeas better than anything current season has to offer.
I'm showing you that I'm asking what OP wants. Your paranoia is pathetic.