Just Because
This would be the best thing to happen in my life in a long, long time.
Of course it won't actually happen.
No matter what happens, Camera could still beat the fuck out of that womanlet Kaichou in a 1v1 fight.
I don't believe you.
>setting her up even more the fall
I just care about you anons, I don't want to you to get hurt again.
I do not follow your train of thought.
I like both Camera and Prez.
It confirms that she's a best girl but I still don't think she's gonna win
I have a bad feeling Camera girl and Prez are gonna get dumped leading both of'em having a relationship with each other
Not sure how accurate this is, but spoilers for the ending:
this fucking asshole doesnt deserve her
It's Cinnamon so it is legit.
You really didn't want people to enjoy this show by posting it huh.
I'm a camerafag. But yea.
Hahaha, I'm not gonna open that.
Repeat after me people.
T R U E T E A R S 2 . 0
Yo guys.
Anyone want to drink with me?
ITT: self-insertfags seething
Why do spoilers for this exist? isn't it original?
>spoilers for an original
Yeah right
Because the light novel actually came out before the anime ended. Which was yesterday I think.
Sucks to be an idiot.
There's actually an official novelization of this out, you retards. Nips were posting it since last week's episode. This is real. At least the novel is. It's official. Still don't know whether the anime will follow it but judging from the PV where the train ride to Enoshima was shown exactly as Cinnamon described it, I think chances are Ena's going to get BTFO'd hard.
why is there at least one GuP/Gochiusa poster or article in every Megami Magazine? not that I'm complaining but why are they shilling so much?
A real fucking Tawawa.
who would have thought.
HK didnt dissapoint.
Fuck this shit if actually real.
What the fuck
Why would they spoil their own fucking show
FUCK EVERYTHING. ENA SHOULD HAVE WON. HOLY SHIT I'M SEETHING. Why does best girl always lose? Fuck Japan and their shit taste. Fuck the director. He deserved every obstacle that came his way. I hope he never gets another project off the ground again. I hope the nips burn the fucking studio to the ground.
Being this ignorant isn't good you know.
I mean, the author, not the director was the one who made the story so..
This is retarded.
This legit ruined my day, I`m fucking done
AHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm not reading that but from the reaction it looks like best girl wins.
always expect the worse
So what's the point of watching it now? inb4 just because
We are here to ride the final wave of our own choosing.
So Ena not only loses the Eitabowl but also doesn't even win the award herself, just gets it from one of those guys who snapped a picture of her instead. Why is she even in the series? Just to suffer? Fuck, Ena deserves better than that faggot Eita.
>mfw camerafags didn't saw it coming
this shit ruined my whole fucking week
I'm more pissed that I'm getting an anime original spoiled again, why is Japan doing this? Release the damn novel after the anime ends god dammit.
Less interest in novel after it finishes and everyone knows what happens.
I saw it coming from a mile away, am a Camerafag and still this got me seething.
I was expecting this outcome, but that still won`t make me less mad
The anime is bombing so they figured that they might as well release the LN soon so the people who want to know how it ends would buy it.
What are you saying. Every camerafag knew it was going to happen.
All they were hoping is that it doesn't happen.
Just because
>had a dream about Kamiya yesterday
>i rushed to calm her because she cried
>now this
>Camera-chan loses
>she meets Photokano camera snapping photos of cosplay sluts at da con
>they end up getting into a yuri relationship
>Nikon is the real winner.
I’m okay with this.
Not even gonna read it, but the outcome is obvious regardless.
It's ok. Camera deserved better anyways. Let Mio have the faggot. She can aim for better guys.
She didn`t even won the competition, what did she even do to deserve it
>Her name is not on the award, but one of her senpais who took a photo of her when she took a photo of Eita and Hiroto.
Fuck. No.
Camera is too good for this shit show, so it's fine
it's like next level cucking
Honestly, if you expected anything else you're just a self-inflicted cuck
How many volumes was made for this anime? 1? 2?
At least Botan won.
It's anime original, retard.
Maybe the anime will get a different ending and the novel was simply a redherring too make the ending more surprising.
I’m okay with this.
Don't do this to yourself user
What did you guys expect from Sakurasou's author?
>spoiler the whole show this early
Yeah i know that novel spoiler real, but why?
I believe the anime will go down a different path because why the fuck would you release the novel and spoil your whole show if you're planning on doing things the same way. Perhaps the novel is an alternative ending and the anime will feature a different ending where Camera does win.
this anime was my highlight of the week
i really wanted Komiya to win but best girls never fucking win
fucking dropped
That's the spirit. Keep believing in Camera.
it's over user
that sort of thinking will only hurt you more
A-at least Brendan got Trumpet, right?
President and Camera deserve each other
Camera girl's hair all drizzle she looks like a lesbian.
>anime, a secondary medium, where everything is an adaptation and you can't discuss the show without spoilers
>an anime original, the rare fun show where no one knows what's going to happen.
>spoil it
wtf. Dropping this shit.
This is some personal type of hell for the camera. Fuck this, fuck everything.
>new anime release called just because!
>all are looking at
>a release of a novel soon
>novel release before anime ends
>all buy the novel
>novel spoil end
>all angry
That's marketing
I am not at all shocked or surprised. This show is going down a well trodden path that shows of this type usually go down.
My biggest complaint is how unoriginal it is. Nothing I read in that spoiler is nothing we all have not seen many, many times before. Nothing surprising. Nothing new. Just the same old same old.
You'd think Japs would get sick of this plot thread, but given how pervasive it is, they clearly are not.
The face of a winner
>yfw you're a trumpet-fag and just get to watch the world burn
i hope the animation studio will burn
At least SOMEONE loves her
I wish Death Notes were a real thing so I can write down the director, scriptwriter and producer's names wishing them all horrible deaths for repeating the same formula for every single romance anime. Let the other girl win for once, goddamn it Japan, this is why your birth rates are declining.
>She can aim for better guys.
Better guys are much worse than the faggot. Camera is gonna go full dyke in the epilogue.
Fuck you with a poisoned cactus, user.
The problem is they keep making the other girl better than the main girl.
She ends up together with the senpai who took her photo and wanted her boobs
no fucking way if that actually happens i'll do an hero