Dragon Ball Super

How boring is this arc now with them eliminated and soon to be erased?
Toei will use the literal who's of U3 & U4 to pad filler for three months until Goku vs Jiren's rematch.
They should have just been honest from the start and named it the Tournament of Unlocking Goku a New Form.

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They didn't learn from the U6 v U7 arc and made the same mistake as last time; all of the antagonists are fodder except for the main antagonist. I'm going to be really disappointed when the ToP ends without Vegeta and Frieza getting a real fight.

>2 replies
>3 posters

But there are three replies.

>piccolo cuckmeisters in a nut shell

how embarrassing

Don't feel bad Freezer, maybe you can eliminate me next tournament.

It's clear that the Human race is superior to the Saiyan race, and the Namekian race is on par with/superior to some Human cultures, but where does the Majin race lie? Do we know anything about their culture, or their societies? Have we ever seen a Majin city? What kind of temperaments do they have on average? Or do they just mix into Human societies with no home or culture of their own? How productive are they to society?

Yea, "eliminate"

>accidentally mix Bulma and Bardock

why did nobody ever tell me how good Bulma looks with a tail

Toppo is still there and should be a good matchup for Vegeta or Freeza.

Everything's better with tails.

>tail not gold




Gold tails really do look a lot better. I don't know why they're left brown 90% of the time in "official" stuff.

I don’t think Majin was really thought of as a race until recently and mostly came with stuff like heroes, online and xenoverse. I thought Majin Buu was something created by Bibidi rather then a race but I can’t remember.

It's part of the future Toriyama made for the DB setting, which was used for Online, and to a lesser extent, Heroes and Xenoverse.

Buu was created by Bibidi, and then Buu created the race because he was lonely and wanted a girlfriend.

Could Spongebob Dorado and Patrick Rosé beat Jiren?

>inb4 Sup Forums
>inb4 reddit
>inb4 spic

>I don't know why they're left brown 90% of the time in "official" stuff.

less animation less money



Why do the U6 Saiyans have those slanty Japanese eyes? The U7 Saiyans in flashbacks were a lot hotter. The only reason to like the U6 saiyans are tits and midriffs.

Only GODhan can save Super

>androids tanking the ratings

guess who will not appear for the rest of super?

Freiza's race should have a name already. It's pretty awkward to call it "Freiza's race" all the time.
Arcosian is pretty cool

I hate spics and their memes

>eliminate me
So the characterfagging hasn't improved I see

Frost demons you retard

Ice demon.

Sooo...there's a guy named Goku. Something something space. Something something super sayain. Lots of muscles and yelling and veins popping out. That's what I know. Doesn't sound like my thing at all. I guess I'm not manly enough.

Hold up, Grande Padre said he took half of Super Dragon Balls from U6 right?
Do they only exist in U6 and U7?
Since Zeno deletes everything beyond time and space, what would happen if they delete U6 and the prize of the tournament?

ain't that awkward now that Frost is ar-

Oh. I'm sorry. I just had the weirdest sensation of recalling someone who never existed.

I thought Buu was just awakened by Bibidi. Hasn't he been around since the beginning, like a prot-god of destruction?

Are you irritated?

U4's introduction has something really weird, see if you can spot it

the dragonballs aren't in the universe right now. They're in the world of void or whatever you call the place where zeno lives. They were extracted from their universes.

I know you're talking about Gohan but the little blue guy doesn't react at all to that stomp.

This is correct, but that is a recent retcon from Toriyama. In the original manga and canon at the time of DB heroes they just said Buu was created by Bibidi. It wasn't until like 2010 when Toriyama decided to change buu's origin for whatever reason.

>A reminder that Frieza's wish will create a new multiverse ruled by him, that's why the arc will last until March.

Freiezaer is gonna pull a King Piccolo

...wish to force every day to be Freiza Day?

What are the chances of some multiversal evil being coming out of the world of the void drawn by the enormous powers of the warriors fighting to wreak havoc on everyone/everything?


Something like that

Freizaer is gonna get Hakai'd by the end of this arc.

>Freiza murders Super Shenron
>The Z gang has to find the original 7 on Earth while being hunted so Shenron can be promoted to the new Super Shenron

Freiza would just blow up the planet while they're searching for the dragon balls.

New Namek's dragon balls, though. Porunga as the new Super Shenron when?

those characters were shit and I am glad they are gone. No more dykes screaming while I am trying to watch the episode. The 3 robots are far more interesting than them. Ribrianne was more interesting than them. Go away and never come back.

Isn't that the episode where Kefla was eliminated?

disgusting degenerate concept

>How boring is this arc
You mean Super in general

good one!

you mean anime in general

Quite the opposite. Saiyans mastering their ape forms, their basic instinct is an evolution. Degenerate is 5 pure saiyans holding hands wishing for a power upgrade.



>How boring is this arc now with them eliminated and soon to be erased?

The entire arc is a waste of time. You know what would have been really exciting? Goku getting knocked the fuck out of the ring by Jiren and everybody shitting themselves because their best hope is gone.

I didn't know red fur and new pants is mastering anything.

Same could be said about the changing hair color. It also didn't stop Vegetto getting a new wardrobe in the goku black arc when they used the potara fusion

Who can't Hercule defeat?


Fortunately, the Z-Epilogue is still canon, can't wait to see Super revisiting the end of Z and all still looking the same just like pic related.

I'm watching the Black arc right now and I don't get how it makes sense. If future Trunks lives in a separate dimension where Goku died before fighting androids then how did Zamasu go evil in that universe? There was no Goku to spar with him and piss him off, there was no recording of his fight with Hit that gave Zamasu idea to use super dragon balls. Why would Zamasu want to turn into Goku in that world?
I'm sorry if that's explained later.

EGP isn't a fucking moron, he already located the super dragon balls and put them somewhere safe.

It's implied he is just overall insane because he thought about killing Gowasu in every timeline.

What doesn't makes sense is why future Zeno didn't erase future U7 alongside the other 7 universes with low mortal level when Trunks was a kid... unless of course, it was Goku's fault after all.

Sometimes it's always brown, other times it's brown except when you go SS3
Fucking weird

hey, user - i took the liberty of fixing that pic for you.

>Toei will use the literal who's of U3 & U4 to pad filler for three months until Goku vs Jiren's rematch.
U4 and U3 are the real deal, simple as that. I like this more because they are more mysterious.

Reminder that this is the one true DB canon:

> Jaco the Galactic Patrolman Manga
> DB Manga
> Yo! Son Goku Returns! Special
> BoG Movie
> RoF Movie
> Champa Arc script
> Dicasty's fanarts
> Future Trunks Arc script
> Universe Survival Arc script

NOT canon:
> Movies other than BoG, RoF
> TV Specials and OVAs other than Yo! Son Goku Returns!
> Episode of Bardock
> Filler
> Any differences found between the Champa, Trunks, and U. Survival scripts (such as SSB Kaioken, Planet Potaufeu mini-arc, Mastered SSB, Trunks' healing)
> Entirety of DBGT
> DB Videogames (other than MAYBE DB Online)

> DB Online

She's a miracle of the universe.

yes how something so ugly could be the result of randomness.

No u

Yeah, but the locket of the guy from U10 that Gohan defeated was erased as well. It was not a part of the guy it was just an object and it was not in the U10 it was in the void world. It implies that Zeno knew about the locket and erased it consciously or every person/object from U10 has a specific characteristic that he can distinguish when erasing. In the second case he would probably erase half the super dragon balls.
Do we know which universe they originate from ? I'm pretty sure we only know that they scatter across U6 and U7 when used.

too ugly, green feminism hair too..yuck.

Is Caulifla's gang called the #cutegang? I'd like that.


user, U6 and U2 are getting erased this week and these two have plenty of fighters. They will show that thy are powerhouses somehow.

He was holding back.



In the manga Zamasu sees the fight on godtube.

>yfw this kicks in between Gohan Blanco and EL GRANDE PADRE


You should replace Dicasty's fanarts with Dicasty's extended artwork or something

That armor is restrained his true power and probably he was ordered to holding back until the last minutes of the ToP


Fucking pathetic

Check the air date you literal fucking retard.



fuck off she didn't ringout a single person.


Back to the 4s. Let's see if any of the next episodes will do worse than the special.

but episodes have already been written months in advance?

Your point?

>the only macrostrategy in the entire tournament was gohans cuckircle

Embrace the superior cover,
Pokefucker will never finish his - he'll just tease it with snippets and rearrangements until the single drops and then he'll go, "whoopsieee! I only do unreleased tracks guize!"

What does this even mean? There has been strategy and teamwork in this tournament.

Vocals are a bit to M-M-METAL, for my tastes, but holy fuck - kudos on the speed of delivery. Like three days after the Kefshit episode where it played in full.

>Actual ost when?

>ToP ends in march
>at least 13 episodes
>13 non-U7 participants left
Just end this, please.

choose one

>ToP ends in march
>at least 13 episodes
>13 non-U7 participants left
>11 of them are irredeemable jobbers of jobbing
FTFY, just end me, user...
