Race war when?

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never, everyone's a cuck

50 years too late if we start today

goddamn this is boring change teh channel.

Deeply embarrassing. This is what happens when you don’t check narcissism, this is why we can’t have nice things.

gen z joe rogan jujitsu-nazis will pick up the slack
gen y are the basement dwellers who cant do shit

Best meme for identitarians yet.

Something with literally no identity - neither male/female, no discernable race - destroys the constitution with a psychotic expression.

Attached: Commie for christ.jpg (360x266, 21K)

Soon. I can feel it

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Everything is fucked anyway. I see no purpose anymore.

Billions predicted this.

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I lol'd

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>race war

nice try, liberal.

man, I'm just going to run out into the fucking sahara and join a berber tribe, fuck this

This is shooped right?

Attached: E147C494-784D-464D-8108-C9872CF87E9F.jpg (500x375, 41K)

yeah its not the real constitution

>A literal mutt ripping up your rights and freedoms with the caption "Our future looks us in the face..."
It's almost self-aware.

I'm well aware.

Attached: if-you-buid-a-wall-my-generation-wil-like-our-27636260.png (500x511, 133K)

What is that from?

Attached: Question.png (463x492, 179K)

Gen z is a bunch of autistic limp waisted cucks

Even your niggers are weak



Yeah, a leaf made it.

It's worse than a mutt.

It doesn't even have a sex.

Attached: Disgust3.gif (200x270, 1.09M)

>Gen z is a bunch of autistic limp waisted cucks

Sigh...and here I thought they were the solution.

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this picture is honestly alarming. it's not a joke, these are the types of mongrels that are going to try and take over our government

if you're not having white conservative raised babies, you're just as much apart of the problem as this goblin is

Stupid HBO show from 2 years ago.

You're goddamn right.

Pretty sure almost nobody in Gen Z has picked up a jackhammer before so I think we're safe.

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This pic depresses me


Same, bro.

That image just looks like straight up fucking treason. Imagine showing that to the Founding Fathers. Imagine what the men who had their whole lives destroyed, had their homes burned, had their families imprisoned, raped, beaten and killed, lost everything they had and even their lives over the words and ideals represented in that document.

200 years later a female child who, if born then, would be at the mercy of whatever governing power ruled over her, is now ripping apart the work of those Founder's fused minds, bodies and souls...

This is treason.

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Never forget.
White men alone maintain civilization. White men alone protect freedom.

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Not everything user. Thar be gol in dem hills...

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>This is treason.
I feel the same way about what that photo shows. This is a total failure of the education system. Ripping up the constitution insinuates that we should craft another OR fend for ourselves and our own immorality. I guarantee within a few weeks, most cities would be starved and full of crazy.

These idiots don't grasp what they are asking for. They couldn't live in this world without the protections of the Constitution. They wouldn't even have the right to speak publicly.

What can you guys do
If they want to be slaves so bad, let them be.
Go for your own path and leave the country when things become critical.

>That cringy actor/actress/thing felt fulfilled when it could play a literal non-human

Fuck that shit. Reminds me of Ayn Rand's anthem, wherein the main character was stuck in a commie society, and had to pour through old books to even appreciate the concept of "I"

Attached: Anthem.jpg (185x278, 91K)

I think its fake, but I'm not 100% sure.

You're absolutely right. Fucking saved. Now, where do we begin.
>flood social media with concept weapons
>not guns
>worse than guns
These are all the fucktards who worship a guy who just sold-out fucking how many flamethrowers? We need a virus.

I had a feeling all of this is an effort to move Generation Z to the Left more. They've been more right wing than previous generations, so in order for the Democrats and their global partners to win elections they need to move them to their side more, in time for 2020 elections. So they're targeting the high-school kids, they will be old enough to vote in the next election. They're trying to get them now.

Tut, tut... In order to tear paper that thick her fingernails must be longer than is allowed without a license. If she managed that tear without using her nails then she must be in possession of dangerous assault muscles. America is in serious need of common sense nail and muscle control regulations. Someone might get hurt!



Who thought a picture of a mud tearing up the american constition was a good idea?
I mean wtf.

Yeah and they all had names like FREEDOM-450 EQUALITY-679 so no one would be any more unique than anyone else.

It is, she was holding a shooting range paper target. You retards are falling for your own propaganda, no wonder you keep losing.

fpbp, it'll never happen until you cucks stop screaming false flag anytime one of you gets the balls to kill someone

>brown dykes ripping up muh constitution
B-but muh constitution.

Attached: Classy Wine Elliot.jpg (480x640, 29K)

Got proof?

>america’s Future is a 16 year old Mexican lesbian destroying liberty because of muh emotions


that was the shooped version, nice try schlomo.

stay in your trailer at the edge of town, hick. nobody wants you

>Imagine showing this to our Founding Fathers

>200 years later

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Great, maybe that will shut them up and keep women from voting as well.

Every time I see her face the desire to behead her grows.

literally typing in the handle with take you there schlomo

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Yeah good point, cuban kikes should never have been allowed to immigrate to the US in the 1st place

Confirmed kike.

They'd probably wonder how terrible things have gotten that they aren't able to shoot back


It still is powerful to normies because that's essentially what she's saying when she rips up the paper target

This is just the DNC trying to scare the shit out of young voters because the Mexican aren't voting for them in droves like they predicted

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Never, Americans have shown that they lack the will to resist the state, Sup Forums is a perfect example. For all of Sup Forums's talk and bravado about the day of rope and Deus Vult they refuse to so much as leave their basements. The founding fathers of the US revolted against a less oppressive state than the current US, if they were alive today modern Americans would brand them terrorists when they resisted the state, while Sup Forums would condemn them as government agents carrying out a false flag attack.


>This is just the DNC trying to scare the shit out of young voters

Could this scare them into going right-wing?

Powerful. Brave. The future is female, goys.

Wrong. There’s a race war happening right now but whites aren’t participating and they never will. Whites will either be wiped out or the global elite will kill 90+% of the population and only whites will remain

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Where is this from? Time?

Don't worry, just like the Civil War, dead american bodies won't boil anyone's blood. But tearing up a fake constitution...

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I hope she tears up the 13th and 19th.

It is all happening very fast is it not?

>the media only promotes autistic limp wristed cucks

Hmm I wonder why

>That image just looks like straight up fucking treason.
That’s because it’s photoshopped- the original is from a teen vogue photo shoot where she ripped up a riffle target. You’ll notice they made her nose bigger too.

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> my political opposition wants people to die

Fuck off CNN


White people wont do shit with so much comfort and entertainment. It will be a slow death for the West.

future future future nex time peace sign

>That image just looks like straight up fucking treason.
>Oh no they tore up a piece of paper that sucks
>But its about the symbolism
The constitution is no longer followed by the government anyway, she isn't tearing up your guarantee of rights because that guarantee was abandoned long ago. If you want to be angry be angry at the state officials who have rendered the constitution worthless with their complete disregard for it particularly the first, second, and tenth amendments.

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lol, if you don't a build a wall, pedro is going to rape you

bruh go outside and fucking try that shit. you'll get decimated by the police in seconds kek

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Fake. Watch the top right of the paper and how the words look when the paper is separated. Bounces around like it's trying to stay on.

Yes, which is why the image needs to spread

Even if it's fake it's still symbolic (and a quality shop)

What do you say now?

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No shit retard

Do you think the average normie is going to notice that?

Nice edit , jidf , damage control

They are really playing with fire

Isn't GenZ really conservative too?

bring it on queer. we'd honestly love to beat you into mental retardation then piss on you as you convulse in the middle of the road lol

why are they ripping up a target, target shooting is the most based hobby/form of gun ownership there is

man these kids are retarded

an amerimutt? why? don't you have more pressing issues dude?

There were other posters who seemed to believe it was real. Retarded facebook boomers would definitely buy into it.

It's photoshopped, but we both know that she would still tear it up.

Zog patrol finally showed up to distribute the fakes.

>looks us in our le 56% face

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>yfw the race war makes poor people of all races realise that they are in a similar situation and instead attack the bourgeoisie

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This where vogue overstepped

Ripping up a target literally says we want to ban all guns even for hobbiests

Kikes won. We lost.

>La goblina war
We need a irl goblin slayer