Where did my dreams go?

I was binging all night on Toradora last night and boy did I have a good time watching it again. Ryuji and others have such a fun and exciting high school life. It just gets more interesting every episode, I can feel the hopes and dreams building up inside me.

So why do we have to live in a world that is the complete opposite of that. I wasn't born into Japan to attend a japanese high school and have my own romcom and even if I was reality would be pretty different from the animes.
It just hit me pretty hard today that I will never go on a summer beachhouse with my classmates, stop for ramen with them after school, prepare for a cultural festival together or go on a field trip filled with chances. Why do I have to live in a world like this?
Why do I have to suffer like this?


toradora fans everybody

you're gay, lol

nah you just have no hopes or dreams

toradora is best

Japanese high school is nice and all but it doesn't seem that different from high schools anywhere. And then you're a salaryman for the rest of your life, or a starving animator or something.

lol gay

no u

shut up bitch nigga

He's right, it's not fair bros

wat did u just say nigga? I'll have ya know I got way more swag than y'all I'm a swag kangstar

>Wanting to have 5 millon hours of studying
>Wanting to do 3 years of cram school before you have the shot at getting into a relevant college/university
>Wanting to work as a Salaryman for your life forced to constantly brown nose your boss till you either make it or get fucked over.
>Wanting to live in a sardine can sized house.
Son anime ain't real.

This. An average Japanese life is fucking miserable and is barely even considered living. Anime is so big and exists over there for a reason.

>Japanese high school is nice and all but it doesn't seem that different from high schools anywhere.
Yeah, except for the highest suicide rate in the world, it's pretty much like everywhere else. They also do good on tests though.

Wtf their suicide rate in HIGH SCHOOL is the highest in the world? Or do you mean just the population in general

"Last year, suicide was the leading cause of death for Japanese children between the ages of 10 and 19. Among teens and young adults ages 10–24, there are roughly 4,600 suicide deaths in each year, and another 157,000 instances of hospitalization for self-inflicted injuries."

They are the top in OECD education, of course that comes with retarded amount of pressure.

>implying you wont be bullied to death

why wasn't I born into anime no sekai?

When is the yearly watching of toradora?

I hope this is just a pasta.

Just go watch Golden Time now, Banri.

This is pretty much the reason why I don't consume any romance related media