
Echoes ACT 3's Developmental Potential was still at B, shown in Part 5.

If Koichi was met with a force greater or equal to Kira, what would ACT 4 have been? We saw Johnny's Tusk ACT 4 to be incredibly powerful, would Koichi's ACT 4 have been the same?

Although it was disappointing that ACT 3's ability only seems to be Three Freeze and nothing else.

Other urls found in this thread:

It would be Four Door, like Three Freeze.
Can open doors everywhere

>Starts opening people's backdoors
Tanned Hazameda would be pretty cool.

Reminder that part 4 is the worst part.

Is Araki a mormon? Isn't Jesus travelling to America a mormon concept?

Yes it's a mormon thing but Araki isn't though.
He studied in a christian school and i'm pretty sure he is a protestant of some kind. Maybe even Catholic, he said that with Jolyne he wanted to have a strong female protagonist like the virgin Mary

Not a very Christian girl considering she mentions all the dicks she wishes she could hop on

Why does Act 3 swear in a laguage Koichi doesn't know?

Better question would be, why Act 3 is so shit? Act 2 was powerful and allowed for creative applications at a huge range. It's obviously superior to Act 3.


Act 3 was "stronger" because Koichi is too stupid to use Act 2 at its full potential. This is why 3 has a single, obvious function.

>thread question
What's you favorite stand design? I like Crazy Diamond, two-tone colors, simple look, and has a lot of personality, even if it looks like the world


Best stand right here

How did Mista shoot after he and his gun were soaked in water in the White Album fight?

Literally Minions.

>Life has many doors, JoJo!

Literally nothing in common

>skip the number 4
>bullet 5 would actually be 4
>helps mista out the most
>3 beats the shit out of it anyway

>randumb humor

I prefer it when they are white

if the world and king crimson fought and diavolo was a vampire who would win

Epitaph would not see what happens during stopped time, but DIO would probably just kick with his bad leg and die.

Characters like that work only when they barely get any screentime. I'm sure Sex Pistols: The Movie would've been terrible too but as it is they are fine

autism must be terrible to struggle with, user

Araki forgot about the Mary thing

Araki can't write shit

Araki never meant to write a virgin pure girl, that would be a stale stereotype.
Jolyne has great strength and humanity in common with Mary though.
Also that prefaction by Araki is from chapter one and the chapter begins with Jolyne masturbating so he didn't forget at all.

>enemy Stand can open doors

could hey ya help pocoloco carry things

can humanoid stands be used in an innocuous everyday way that doesn't necessarily take advantage of their special ability like moving furniture or pretending to be telekinetic

Like Pokemon? Maybe. They can physically touch objects.

But Koichi is studying English in school


Literally a digimon.

The reveal was fucking beautiful, finally seeing Tusk with legs is amazing

Digimon and pokemon are all a blatant rip off of stands

Not only that but he's wearing some fly ass shoes.

>pretty cool
pretty hot, you mean

I don't think so.
Both Pokimans and Digimen were based on the tamagotchis, and those were virtual pets that had nothing to do with Jojo.

ACT 4 looks like something straight out of Kirby

I got two for the price of one.


Why did they turn Killer Queen into a sweet transvestite from Transylvania?

thanks, I was thinking Robobot

Fuck off animeonly

Why did Araki make Killer Queen look GAY AS FUCK

>Why did Araki started drawing every character like a sweet transvestite from Transylvania on Part 8?

Also, Killer Queen always looked like a whore.

>>Why did Araki start drawing every character like a sweet transvestite from Transylvania on Part 8?

Sideballs lol

>virgins can't masturbate

I blame my keyboard.

Either this, or Ball Breaker.


What is King Crimson so mad about?

why is diavolo such an angry man?


What the heck, how much money does Araki spend on CD's? I'm assuming all of those are part of his personal collection.

He's angry because he can't understand how his own powers work.

is annasui a man or a ftm tranny

Originally a woman who was supposed to have a beautiful lesbian relationship with Jolyne.
But then, editor-san appeared and said "no Araki, you can't put a lesbian relationship on a Shonen Jump manga" and she was changed into a man.

>supposed to have a beautiful lesbian relationship
>editor-san appeared and said "no Araki, you can't put a lesbian relationship on a Shonen Jump manga"
There's no source on this, stop pushing it.

Then how else do you explain it.
There's no other reason for Araki to change a female character into a man, unless he actually forgot about their gender.

Jolyne isn't lesbian though, she never was.

You're right, she's canonically bisexual.


Thanks Doc.

How come Kira didn't know what a Stand was, that other people had them, or what it was called until he met Shigechi, despite his stand coming from the Bow and Arrow, his father being a devotee to DIO, and the awareness of Atom Heart Father?

Why is there a cat on Araki's sketch

Maybe he decided there weren't enough men in the cast. Maybe he decided himself that a lesbian relationship was too much for WSJ, why do you assume an editor made him change it? Maybe there is no reason and he just wanted to change it. Don't you think that if that was the plan from the beginning, and an editor told him no, then he would've changed it before the chapter went out? There's a million reasons as to why it could've happened, yet you assume this rumor has to be correct.

Alternate stray cat confirmed.

That's so cute.
She probably just wants to taste pussy but she's too shy to admit it.

>>>Why did Araki start drawing every character like a sweet transvestite from transexual Transylvania on Part 8?

FIFY at least get the quote right you faggots.

The best theory I read was in a thread about a month or so about Anasui being a self insert for the WSJ boys. Hence why he is intentionally pretty blank history wise and has that natural companionship and bonding with Jolyne.
They were much more eloquent about it in the thread, but it made sense at least to me that Araki would balance out the cast like that.
the editor thing was a retarded 2ch rumour IIRC, same with the part 5 vampire one. If anyone remembers that.
The only stand that could fuck a man up by just sitting on the floor.
I wonder if Araki trod on some lego with his daughters and filled with rage he writes it in so Gappy gets to destroy it.

Alright guys I have an idea..LMAO what if it was in a different universe where all the characters we know are there... but different!

His dad never talked to him about it, that's all. Or maybe he tried but Kira wasn't interested on the old man's story.
>You know son, I obtained this arrow in Egypt, a woman called Enya...
>Shut up dad.

>How come Kira didn't know what a Stand was
Seeing as he's used his for years, it's pretty clear he knew what they were, just not that other people besides him and his father had them.
>his father being a devotee to DIO
He said that he stole the bow and arrow from "an old woman in Egypt," pretty sure he wasn't working for DIO.
>and the awareness of Atom Heart Father?
That doesn't mean that he knew that other people had them, and I don't know if Yoshihiro even knew they were called stands.

I'm afraid that this line will never be adapted to anime. We won't probably get a Part 6 anime at all.;-;


>tfw you will die before Part 8 is animated

From worst to least worst?

I think you accidentally did this backwards, friend.

>David productions will never ruin the best parts by exposing them to retards who will put it in their xD mlg jojo memes

why is the art in part 8 so subpar

Forget that, we could die even before the manga is finished. Some of us will never know who the main villain of Jojolion was.

Anime was a mistake.

Reminder that part 6 is the shittest part

You're not a real jojo fan unless you read the duwang scans back when they were being posted online.



I couldn't get this cunt under the limit even on the lowest jpg settings.
Here's the Urban/Doremi tank advert stitched:
Sorry for the Deviantart link but imgur doesn't want a 80mb image apparently.
If anyone can tell me what the big wrapped writing says, I'd be thankful.
Also made a quick pape version. pic related.
Rock humans are very good at stealing identities, aren't they?
>tfw facing an aortic valve operation next year
but it's okay if the worst happens, because I saw my original husbando make it to theJJL verse and I have 100% faith in Araki to keep JJL going good.

>JoJo is garbage after part 3 in terms of both story and art
In other news water is wet

You better survive that operation.
Even if you're a dirty rock human, I still love you.

>Spaghetti alla Puttanesca becoming "housewife spaghetti"
Kek, is that censorship or just plain bad translation?

It's Duwang

Why do people name their stands in a language they don't know?



Why not? People thought we wouldn't get the panties-sniffing gag during the Kira fight, but they kept that in.

>the panties-sniffing gag during the Kira fight
I do not remember this

can someone explain this meme about araki claiming star platinum is the strongest stand when shit like gold experience requiem, made in heaven, bohemian rhapsody, tusk act 4, and hey ya! exist