So Sup Forums, what do you think about the biggest new mecha series in years?

So Sup Forums, what do you think about the biggest new mecha series in years?

Anime probably in 2018.

The fact that an edgy LN about Mechwarrior shitboxes vs Robotic BETA ripoff is the only hope for mecha is extremely depressing.
Poor man's MuvLuv really.

Muvluv mechas are too silly for anyone who's not a hardcore /m/fag to take it seriously. Not to mention isekai crap.

Guess not many read it yet.

Why? It excuted real robots in the aircraft with limbs direction instead of tanks with legs, and no super prototype bullshit.

It sounds much better than Gundam, for sure and normalfags eating that up.

I don't see any mecha in your image, so not interested.

Girl is a qt, you have my interest

Gundam survives on nostalgia of old fans who grew up watching it. Humanoid mechas are generally too stupid for mainstream audiences. Especially flying ones.

No new mech franchise was successful since Code Geass. And that wasn't successful because of mechas. Hell, girls in tanks series did better than any mecha in recent years.

It was a good idea to have spider mechs instead of Gundams in 86.

>I have never been right about anything in my entire life, but please listen to what I have to say.
