Sup Forums Why can't we just all get along?

Seen from space, looking at the voyager pictures from Saturn now... we're just a tiny dot.

What separates us?

Serious question. We were all given the rare gift of life. Why are we wasting it with hate instead of colonizing the universe?

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Why dont you ask the group that wants to give criminals more rights than victims, play the race identity game in order to manipulate the divided, clamp down on self defense, divide up people’s hard work in order to cater to lazy fucks, push for liberal usage of hard drugs, and welcome a single body entity to dictate how we live our lives?

Why is everyone so determined to breed my people out of existence, I've seen way more white chicks exclusively go for black guys than ever recently
Given those chicks are usually genetic dead ends, its still infuriating to see

Colonizing the universe is a sci-fi dream, not a reality. All those "I love science" idiots should realize that what happens in human societies is more important than stars and galaxies, at least until we figure out space travel.
The evidence we have shows that we are the only sentient life on the only habitable planet.
We're not tiny because everything that matters to us happens on Earth.

This looks like the start of the most awkward porn shoot ever.

Because crackers want to make life miserable for everyone else

To colonize the universe, niggers arabs and women must be enslaved once again.Not to work for us, we don't NEED them, we never did, just to stop them from keeping us down with the equal rights they have now.

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>What separates us?

To colonize the universe, we would have to have a world government to coordinate it and keep from territorial circle jerk
But a world government would give very few people unprecedented power, and I don't dig it


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

>Why are we wasting it with hate instead of colonizing the universe?

Darth Vader is up there and he hates homos so I strongly suggest that you stay on Earth.

Yup. But by all means, lets keep investing billions trying to go the fuckin moon

>Serious question. We were all given the rare gift of life. Why are we wasting it with hate instead of colonizing the universe?

We don't have such technology, and we won't have it for at least 300 years.

We are nigger faggot..
It's these moron kids who think they should be handed everything and want us focused on kike manufactured issues like gender and what mother fucking bathrooms we use.
We should be promoting kids to be the first person to invent things, to actually reach for the stars..
But the jewed and blacked nation is focused on moronic dirt kicking issues..
We can't blast off to space with the hordes clinging to the ship..
It's like we are bobbing vertical like the fucking titanic in the water but all we have to do is let go of all the retards like the priest holding them up in the Jew titanic movie....
If they priest would just let go the fucking ship would spring back up and sail on.
In other words, it's time to let go of the people who hold us back.. FUCK THEM!!!!

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when the superior Anglo has killed you all and colonised all your countries, then and only then will we look to the stars.

when the siperior Anglo stops his neighbours from gangraping his daughter then and only then will your opinion matter



that's what I mean. This is exactly what I'm talking about.. the jews prevent the Star Trek future. And anyone else who puts greed above anything else. :( Sad. So sad.

Greed wouldn't even be a problem if we could conquer space.

Jews would have their own planet called "Israel". And be happy.

Muslims would get their own planet.

So would Christians and Buddhists and what not... We would never ever have to talk to each other again. Problem solved within our terms of thinking. For the next 10,000 years we could all be happy within our ranks. Why not push for that? We have the means and money for it. We're just too stuck up and short sighted now. Future civilizations would think of us as Gods if we pulled this off!

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non whites come and non whites go. but the anglo is eternal.

how would you know what white people built, mutt.

Couldn't be arsed reading this comment fully but i agree with the jist of it.

We need an all racial agreement to stick to our countries of origins.

Colonizing the universe is hard. Mankinds greatest advancements came out of spite. If we pissed off the right people I'm sure someone would invent napalm that stops the irish people from ever getting drunk again.

Only by sending our lessers to the grave will we ever hope to colonize beyond our world.
Ideally robotics will replace the menial tasks we previously relied on those lessers to complete.
The white man colonized this world.
Only he can colonize the next frontier.
The lesser races can and must be purged.

Sage. We would better be together in our separateness, than separate in our unity

We had a world wide war 73 years ago and only 28 years ago a 45 year long dick measuring contest in terms of who can fuck the opposition up with nuclear weapons up faster ended and you're talking about world peace and space colonization.
We are closer to global destruction than we are to lasting world peace.

Because, space for whites

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Careful there, you might get reported and your police might actually come knocking on your door.

>give more land/money to colonizers
>constantly play the race card and in fact responsible for the Holocaust
>take away rights from people of color, including voting rights, by purging voter rolls and implementing racist laws to prevent black people from voting (Jim Crow)
>give tax breaks to the richest, who don't need it, and pay for the future off the backs of future generations

So, white people? You realize you just described white people, right? White people not only committed the worse crimes against Humanity in the 20th/21st century, but also created technologies that pollute the planet to the point where it is causing climate change and created the world's most destructive weapons.

Honestly, the world would be better without white people. I honestly wish all of them would fuck off back to Europe. Can't wait till you scum are wiped out.

Get fucked.

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The only reason for space programs is seeking for new types of fuel and energy to harvest, ideally finding a hospitable planet akin to ours for whatever purposes

I will be a shit posting martyr before I ever take advice from a mutt.

>short sightedness and willingness to sacrifice for betterment of future generations
That’s the biggest issue we have currently.

Suede denim secret one? Because brits are so uncool even their representative claims it by saying man’s not hot

Can’t be a maytr when your whole population agrees to arresting you

>We were all given the rare gift of life. Why are we wasting it with hate instead of colonizing the universe?

Life is cheap as fuck, humans are monsters. There's nothing in space except high energy particles and radiation. The best part about Earth is that I am not obligated to exist in a lonely room for the rest of my life. If you want to know what's it's like in space, drink your piss free falling in zero-g in a sound proof refrigerator trying to grow food.

Still buthurt about all that unpurposefully wasted tea?

Retarded divide and conquer tactic, soon people will see through the facade
Black people and Muslims come together as one, respectively
You're not some unique white snowflake of purity, you're a fucking smart(ish), hard working white person
United we stand, divided we fall

>looking at the voyager pictures from Saturn now
>What separates us?
The ability to get those pictures.

>drink your piss free falling in zero-g in a sound proof refrigerator trying to grow food
Regular routine of a circus bear in Russia

Where are all the fucking white people??? Is this what America has become?? A disgusting mutt zone?

Show your face, Muttypie

Once all right wing genes are cleansed from our DNA we will start exploring the galaxy, but not before then. The disease of being a "conservative" who is afraid of all change and irrational must be destroyed.

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Anytime anyone uses the word "illuminate" my NWO radar goes off, also BLACKED

>What separates us?
indoctrination, separates us, also ignorance.


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Niggers first!

you're a fucking smart(ish), hard working white person

uhm, thanks.

tea today, gone tomorrow.

>cyka blyat

>Serious question. We were all given the rare gift of life. Why are we wasting it with hate instead

We all waste our lives

white men building white tech got that voyager there,we would be even greater if we wasnt having to babysit dumb niggers

We can just jump in my trailer

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Scientific perspective on the world turns people Liberal. It's why so many educated people are on the Left side of the political spectrum. You have to willingly shut yourself off from this broader sort of thinking and convince yourself that science is a Jewish plot to keep the white man down in order to become a far-right racist.

well, one things for sure... you poles won't touch the moon with your feet ever... and I by insulting you like that I truly want you to prove me wrong. But since Russia and the EU is poking at you with a stick from every side... I seriously doubt it. I mean... if you do... good for you. I mean that.

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I remember unironically believing this.

Two guns walk into a bar.

The pistol asks the rifle, "say, how did you get here?"

The rifle replied, "we'll you see, some kids got together and 'memed' me into having a conscience, heck, arms and legs, even. Oh, all that and the ability to aim and pull MY OWN trigger!"

Pistol laughed, "If that wasn't so damned funny it would actually be scary".

"Yeah", Rifle retorted; "Talk about missing the target!"

"Bartender, a round of LULZ for every one on me."

And the guns continued to anthromorphize over a few beers.

globalism is such a bad concept. I agree. If I go on vacation I wanna see diversity. I don't wanna see a fucking McDonalds or Burger King. I want to see a Hans Schnitzler, or a Fish&Chips... or a Doner McKebab... a Paella McShrimp.... A fucking Scandinavian Fishstick.... all this globalization is killing culture and diversity. It's turning the planet into one big fat franchise of



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enjoying the gift of life with niggers in your country is fundamentally and physically impossible.
You can't enjoy life if you have to fear death every day. Or if you know that your hard earned money is used to feed half apes who only know eating, fucking and violence. If i want to see monkeys, i'll go to the fucking zoo

Yeah, before you decided that science was run by Jews and was therefore untrustworthy? Before you decided that our petty issues on this random rock in some indistinct part of our mundane galaxy were important enough to kill each other over? It's silly. You have to actively partake in willful ignorance and narrow your perspective on existence itself to buy into this mindset.

sagt der Kreuzbergjunge. I'm smarter than you think German.

Wie sagt man.... am Arsch.... kek :)

Do you want the universe colonized by capable, attractive whites or do you want humanity to be nothing more than retarded, earth-bound niggers that have no potential?

You are aware science has, is, and will continue to be used as a tool to manipulate people. Scientific results can, will and have been misinterpreted.
Global warming, do you accept it, how do you slow it? Reduction of carbon fuel, more recycling. It won't work, the problem is over population.
Take a look at this guy, his name is John, B, Calhoun, he did so interesting experiments with rats and mice, back in the sixties. Look him up, if you want to know where your society's heading.

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whites. Im sure many gray aliens have fought that battle.