Season 2 confirmed.
Theories in Abyss.
Last thread Let's continue the discussion.
Made in Abyss
There is a non-zero chance of chapter 44 tomorrow.
>inb4 "muh ova/movie" post
I swear I don't understand how anyone could possibly hope for that. It would drastically lower the chances of an actual season 2 afterwards and therefore of a proper conclusion to the story.
I just hope chapter 44 comes out soon
i can't believe nanachi is fucking dead
Face it, the editors will never let Tsukushi kill her like he wants to.
Hope you're right user.
>proper conclusion
Too bad that after the Bondrewd arc, nothing happens. Bondrewd is the perfect spot to leave off on until he gets further with the manga. Seeing as how he cancelled 44, I can't really see that happening all too fast.
Nice general, faggots.
It's most likely that a season 2 wouldn't come out so soon. Tsukushi, Penkin and the VAs of Reg/Riko/Nanachi all had no idea there was even going to be a continuation before the announcement. They probably just wanted to give confirmation that it was coming eventually as soon as the corporate side of things gave the greenlight. Season 1 stopped at 3 volumes and half a chapter. We have 6 volumes, which is kind of enough, except you could argue more action means less time per page and that there is no cutoff place after the elevator. In that regard, it shouldn't be more than a year before we get volume 7 and that is solved. I'm sure we'll have a good cutoff point even if Tsukushi has to specifically contrive it, since he cares about the anime so much that he wanted to make the balloon scene manga-canon retroactively.
>cancelled 44
>believing user lies
Did he finally cross the H-barrier or something?
reg belongs only to riko
They best not be stifeling best boys creativity.
Ruroni Kenshin dude ratted him out probably lol
But seriously, that screenshot is obviously fake and I have been spending far too much time stalking Tsukushi on Twitter to notice that so quickly.
Of course it's fake, but I feel like Tsukishi is playing a dangerous game while pushing to see how much loli/shota smut he can get away with in these magazines.
Narehate village is an artifact, it works a bit like the Zoaholic, who controls it? I dunno. Is it one of the white whistles? Maybe, but I find it unlikely. What the fuck is Faputa? Probably a kid who managed to overcome its effects. What are the actual mechanics of it? Your guess is as good as mine.
Excuse me but what you are reffering to as smut is actually his artistic vision. Take for instance the scene where we see Bon-bon removig Regu's urine this is clearly to show the purging of all of Reg's piss. TLDR get some class and taste.
>who controls it?
Those 3 'founder' narehate or whatever they were called, perhaps
It's pointed out that it looks like a corpse, actually. That explains why it's fleshy like a giant narehate, and why the establishing shot when they first enter it looks like a skull.
Maybe the relic just works on its own and the three sages are the only ones who actually know what it can do and use it to their advantage.
On a completely different note, what if all the relics are just attempts from an older civilization to defy death but ended up dealing with forces beyond their control, creating some kind of weird portal between a world that exists between that of the living and the dead? Eldritch horrors are the best guess, I'm sure I'm not the first one to think of this.
The awe of this genius who thought this up.
Here's something crazy I just thought, what if it looks like a corpse but is actually thousands if not millions of corpses piled together that formed some sort of hivemind from exposition to weird abyss shit What if a relic caused their death and also brought them back as part of this hivemind contained within a disgusting multibody system?
January at the earliest. Let's be reasonable here guys.
The artifacts seem to be much too varied to all have the same purpose, plus some might be related to the Abyss itself, like Riko's lost Star Compass which supposedly always points towards the Abyss.
We know flesh 'artifacts' are a thing, so why the fuck not?
Bondrewd character is a strange mix of faith and science. Like how his bodies are called the Praying Hands, his whistle shape and his pose which makes him come off as a sort of deranged pastor. Yet he is fully devoted into science and aside from his backstory with Prushka where he would sound preachy, he would also talk of experiments and results while crafting theories of the Abyss.
It's going to be really disappointing when this song never gets made, right?
Or even worse, it gets made and put on the CD, but isn't used in the show.
I love him
Why is Tanya in the OP pic?
She is another reincarnation of Tanya afther she's died for the 2nd times, user.
No wonder that bitch lost.
Not to mention that if they do make a movie, it'll just be shit reception-wise compared to other shit like the latest SAO movie and GUP movie. I mean the first BD+DVD literally only sold just over 5,000 units when other anime movies tend to be made for franchises with a really big fanbase already.
Also they know how popular the show has gotten overseas too, making a movie would be a horrible idea because overseas fans would need to wait a super long time until the home release is released in Japan.
I honestly think that they'll eventually make a second season but will wait for Tsukushi to finish this current arc. If that's the case though, Tsukushi will need to release chapters at a much faster pace, and if we don't see that then I doubt it'll be a second season then, unless they do plan to have it air in 2 years or something.
Anyways, it's dumb to think about it right now since we won't know anything more until the next official announcement. If they announce a "sequel" though I doubt it would be something short, so a second season would be the most probable.
>Tsukushi will need to release chapters at a much faster pace
Chapters don't need to be publicly released if they really want S2 anime. They just need the story and to consult with him.
The artist is momo_krys on twitter, they better put them up for pre-order soon, literally the best fan-merch so far
That's true, they could do that, but it wouldn't help the manga at all. The viewers would then need to wait for Tsukushi to just draw out what they've already seen in the anime, what's the point in that?
i want to bum the bun
It doesn't necessarily mean that the manga won't be out by the time S2 is actually finished, more like they can have content laid out for an entire season and work on it immediately even if the manga isn't published up to that point right now. By the time S2 actually broadcasts, the manga could have already reached said content even if it isn't done right now when they just announced new anime content.
His cult of Praying hands is like Healing Church from Bloodborne. On surface it seems deeply religious, but actually founders used to be high skilled scientists, who tried to learn nature of Old Gods by experimenting on people and travelling to the deepest layers of Chalice Dungeons.
Also, take a look at these beuatiful kids from orphanage in Lumenflower Gardens.
7 more hours
bun is dead
you're missing a smol bun
The real magic of their relationship is that all three belong to eachother equally. Really hoping they all survive this part so Tsukushi can go ahead and draw the graphic three-way loli/loli/shota sex chapter he's always wanted to write, if he's a madman beyond absolution he'll throw Faputa in there and make it a femdom reverse gangbang.
I love that these kinds of images have gotten so popular, and I hope there are many more to come.
This must be the cutest bun image ever
>!? !?
Who is pic related ?
Is he a friend of bondrewd ?
For what!
It's surprising how little we learned about this so far.
Habolg described "the Dawn" as a religious tradition but the only specifics he mentioned were how relentlessly Bondrewd pursued his scientific goals. This must be some kind of philosophy fanatically devoted to novelty and discovery, the allusions to prayer are probably just a metaphor.
Alternatively, it's a cult that knows something about the Abyss that we don't and is very tightly related to the 2000 year cycle, praying skeletons, the whole deal.
Kisses are lewd!
what the fuck user spoiler that next time
He's bondrewd
No he's Drewd's bone
I always thought that artifacts are lives of people wiped out on the last millenial purge. And depending on how deep they died the strength rises. On the first level people gave their souls for boob pluses and other junk. But the ones deeper turned into time stopping bell and so on. The thicker the field, the stronger the artifact.
No for real who is he
Best Papa!
First time she's ever seen an ejaculation, she's as confused as she is fascinated, probably planning to start milking him every time he gets an erection. Looks like it's bun's first time too but she's trying to play it off cool while she's stroking him off.
Only these kinds of kisses.
>Season 2 confirmed.
Wait, so Kinema Citrus is doing sequels now?
why is Reg the only one getting kisses, he is a pervert!
reg is not pervert
reg is pure
rabbit is pervert
riko is pure
Knowing that they are both boys only makes this hotter.
He can't help it, he's at that age.
>riko is pure
Are you sure?
Don't give Tsukishi anymore ideas, please.
Is Riko officially a White Whistle now?
No not officially.
That's right, i am Fluffzen
u aint shit little girl
I miss Mark
Yes. It's not a title the guild can issue out, so because she has the whistle she is a white whistle.
fluffzen? more like dumbzen amirite
That's surprisingly dark.
She has a white whistle that only responds to her, so yes.
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Prushka is.
Riko is perv. First thing she did when she found Reg was tug on his wiener and break a ruler off in his ass.
That's not what normal folk do to others.
Am I a white whistle now?
After all the times he's heroically saved and protected them some kisses are the least they could give him.
Still no pictures of both of them kissing him simultaneously yet that I know of, hope someone comes along and fixes that.
Only in the sense that she has, and can use her white whistle. She skipped all of the other prerequisite whistle stages (Ozen was only loaning her the blue whistle). Riko certainly isn't on the same level as any of the other WWs.
she is a woman of science
a pure woman
Have some Kevin lightening the mood then.
>i am so going to touch Reg's penis
Violating another person for science? She's no better than Bondrewd.
>She skipped all of the other prerequisite whistle stages
There is no other prerequisite stages for white whistles, because there is nothing saying that a lower tier whistle cannot go down and acquire their own white whistle themselves, besides regulation. All the others likely were black whistles before they became white whistles, but it's not exclusive.
And she defeated another white whistle and destroyed his base of operations. She's earning her title, slowly but surely.
>There's no rules for it except the rules
robotto-kuns aren't peoples
Regulation meaning "a whistle is restricted to these layers". Keep in mind even black whistles aren't allowed on the fifth, where you need to be to make a life-reverberating stone.
Riko is a white whistle because she has one. That's the only requirement.
You do you, Riko Lord of Dawn
This guy. How did they even find him?
That's right, i am Fluffzen.
buns aren't people either