Look what you did faggots, stop exporting your degeneracy to our conservative lands REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Pakistan Yes
hhahah feel the pain
The American cancer is spreading even to Pakistan.
It has been acceptable for transfaggots to exist in Iran and Pakistan as long as a sex change takes place. You retards have been more “progressive” about this issue than we have for decades.
>Islam is not degenerat-
I don't ever care that you are just LARPing with that flag. I kinda feel for Pakistan. .
looks kinda qt tbqhwyf
gender appropriation
Pakistan is Muslim and therefore savage and backwards. Why hasn't this person been slaughtered yet? I understand why trannies are more or less left alone in India because they're accepted by certain Indian cultures, but why is a Pakistani lynch mob not going after this person?
And before you say "because the west hurrr", you do a A WHOLE FUCKING BUNCH OF SHIT we don't like, but that doesn't stop you from doing it.
my sympathies to Pakistan
may the jew suffer for his crimes against humanity
Don't you dare blame this on us
Damn she’s kinda pretty, 10/10 would’ve gotten fooled by this trap if I met her in a bar
haha i hope nothing bad happens to him
You backed the Jews responsible for the Weimar republic.
It all comes back to America and their servile nature with the Jew.
Holy shit, Michael Jackson is alive!
>finds getting pegged by a muslim arousing
Yup, you're German all right.
let's solve this issue
muslims are pro tranny, how did you not know this.
For fucks sake arabs, keep your degeneracy in check. You're the only ones that do.
>Not giving her a taste of your shoe
lol nuke yourself fgt
I thought you killed all your trannies
This is fucking you dont play stupid games.
Only brute violence can be used to keep the sodomites in check, if in Pakistan theyre failing, that means more violence than what they were willing to dish out is necessary. Stop playing these stupid hyper empathetic games and grow a pair of fucking balls, dead fags is the only hope
>we don't need white sharia
APOLOGIZE Sup Forums send the gays to canada ffs
Indians are subhumans, can't you pakis just nuke India?
You worship a child molester and rape little boys but a tranny reading the news crosses the line?
Flash alert, retard. All those jews responsible for Weimar left/kicked out to the US.
These countries force homosexuals to transition. Your obfuscation is misleading.
Better than raping goats.
proud of you, hijo
That thing looks fucking terrifying holy shit. Grudgetier.
>1 post by this ID
Anyway, I thought muslims were ok with this. That it was their solution to their gay problem.
The muslim logic being:
>man allows himself to get ass fucked = bad (passive partner is not really a man)
>man who turns himself into a woman who gets fucked = ok, b/c women are supposed to be passive in sex
this way, if they follow these rules, no one is being gay in muslims societies.
fun fact: the shariah mentions trannies and hermaphrodites and it has nothing against them
while the "revealed" texts mostly deal with biological hermaphrodites, some muslim societies (i know at least yemen does this) elected to extend that definition to include young feminine men i.e. traps
women can unveil in their presence, they can go to baths with women, they get the same share out of an inheritance as women, they're legally women only you can't get married to them so fucking them outside of marriage isn't a crime either
I wonder how long he will stay alive.
I'm still here, you're wrong. In sodomy is prohibited and is a sin. People have a misconception that being homosexual is sin, but it's not, the only sin is the sin of sodomy.
>Snownigger education
Pakistanis aren't Arab faggot
didn't the muslims leaders in Iran give their blessings or whatever to the trannies?
oh no........if this come to Indian...i will move to Antarctica
Iran is Sh*a and thus heretics. They also allow Mutah or temporary marriage which basically is prostitution. Pakistan has a culture of trannies (called Hijras) due to our proximity with India though. They are tolerated and have special protections under the law. But Islamically speaking it's not allowed for men to imitate women or vice versa.
Iranians are Shi'ites, and therefore they're not batshit crazy (so of course the Sunnis hate them), so they take a reasonable approach to transsexuals: They view them as suffering from a mental illness and treat sex-reassignment surgery as the solution. Iran performs more of these surgeries than any country in the world as far as I know.
Being a tranny isn't permissible under any form of mainstream interpretation of Islam.
>tfw the Indian poo's flood Pakistan with trannies and completely collapse the country then invade and annex it and turn it into a giant shitting street
Just so you know, you can't really get by wearing sandals in cold climates. Apparently the "best and brightest" from India don't really get that when they move to Canada.
Lol gross but fuck you paki shits glad the rot is at your door
We can not allow these freaks into our womens designated shitting streets.
how long before she gets murked?
islam won't permit this transfaggotry
>they take a reasonable approach to transsexuals
pretty sure they are known for forcing homos that don't really want to be women into becoming trannies.
lol more like you guys would never fight for Ali
>implying it won't be beheaded and thrown off of a building any day now.
And I'm pretty sure they give real, actual transsexuals what they want by performing sex-reassignment surgery on them.
there have been trannies in that region for centuries
i'm glad to see our paki brothers embracing progress! this is a great step for the middle eastern countries soon they will be as degenerate as us!
>actual transsexuals
Yeah, they don't actually want to be the other gender, they make that shit up for lels.
Now we guess how long before he gets religion-of-peaced. 1 week tops
Nigger the United States argued to punish Germany THE LEAST after the Great War! We didn't even want them to be blamed. France had a gigantic hate boner and most of their demands were met. Shut the fuck up.
Pakistan huh, probably the first time you can call one of those guys actually brave
Islam is bending the knee to the jew at record speed. Keep dreaming.
feel enriched yet paki?
If we go down we're taking everyone with us
Don't blame us, blame the jews. They're the ones propagating this shit!
>we dindu nuffin
>the only sin is the sin of sodomy.
so wait... muslims are ok with men giving men blow jobs?
also, speaking of Arabs, wasn't there some sort history with them being pederasts?
They have always been their pets. Muhammad's mother was literally a jew.
to this day
check afganistan and its afeminized young males
this is correct , but it goes further, in muslim eyes you are homo only if you are the one receiving the dick
there is nothing wrong in beeing the one penetrating
yeah, we know.
We made the mistake of feeling sorry for the damn eastern european jews and let them over come over here and we've been paying for it every since. You'd think Poles would be just a little thankful to us so that they now some of the lowest amount of jews they've ever had and are not currently being fucked over by them.
They also have the option of throwing them off rooftops but they don’t. They also don’t hang them or shoot them. That’s pretty fucking amazing for a Muslim nation, user. Your usage of the word obfuscation is also wrong, jackass.
one of marx ancestors was a literal king of the poles, a jew too
Actually many extreme Muslim nations force homosexuals to transition into women because
>literal king of the poles
fuck, is this true?
This is extremely common in all kinds of cultural groups.