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Other urls found in this thread:

Specific Israelis/Sayanim involved in 9/11

Daniel Lewin (AAF11) (Sayeret Matkal captain)
Edmund Glazer (AAF11) (Lewin's seat mate)

Oded Ellner (arrested) (Urban Moving Systems)
Omer Marmari (arrested) (UMS)
Yaron Shmuel (arrested) (UMS)
Paul Kurzberg (arrested) (UMS)
Sivan Kurzberg (arrested) (UMS)
Dominik Suter (UMS boss/owner) (fled to Israel with wife, abandoning UMS offices in NJ and selling house, after one round of FBI questioning; multiple PCs seized by FBI from UMS remain classified)

Dov Zakheim (head of Pentagon, certified practicing rabbi) (formerly of SPC Systems, which specialized in advanced confidential automated/remote milcraft flight technology)
Michael Chertoff (ordered deportation of five arrested UMS Israelis and dropped FBI investigation, after pressure from Jewish state) (initiated surveillance/security state, reaping millions in profit from scanners etc, now owns Chertoff Group, which lobbies for new scanner tech to US Gov)
Larry Silverstein (his role/foreknowledge is exaggerated; he was a billionaire sayanim who looked the other way and was rewarded) (then new owner of WTC)

These names/people are the strings we yank to unravel the Israeli plot that was 9/11. While there were likely some Saudi hijackers aboard the aircraft, they were completely shadowed by Israeli operatives, as seen with the "Israeli art students" in Hollywood FL. Speculation: Some of the identified hijackers were professionally stolen identities used by Sayeret Matkal operatives who casually dressed as Muslims on 9/11.

A very interesting detail: in an official 9/11 FBI report, Anne Lewin, the Jewish wife of Daniel Lewin, confided that when he boarded AAF11 on 9/11, he was wearing a metal "Swatch watch." In 2000, Lewin was photographed wearing this watch at his company office by photog Jason Grow. The watch is a retrodated match for the Hijacker model in the Irony Collection seen on Swatch's website

>jewish copypasta at teh ready

quite sad m8

grenfel, the iran & other fully steel fire collapses completely destroy the conspiracies

the world is going to find out and you can't stop that. Do you understand?

He doesn't explain how this "critical member" was destroyed.

larry silverstein. thats my answer to you, shill.

Top Five Missions by Israel's Sayeret Matkal
>the first victim of 9/11, Daniel Lewin, was an elite captain in Israel's Sayeret Matkal
>he was allegedly stabbed to death with boxcutters on Flight 11, the first plane to hit the WTC, after being seated between two alleged hijackers
>but his seat number 9B is cited as a hijacker in the official 9/11 transcript by attendant Betty Ong
>notice how Sayeret missions frequently target airports, airplanes, and occur behind enemy lines, using disguises, including as airport staff and Muslims
>Benjamin Netanyahu is ex-Sayeret. He once disguised himself as an airport technician to kill Muslim hijackers; his brother died raiding an airport for Sayeret in Operation Thunderbolt
>Lewin's father was a Zionist Israeli poet who hated America. He refused to visit Daniel...until the week before 9/11. He literally departed back to Israel on 9/10
>Lewin's company Akamai is responsible for handling US Internet traffic on 9/11, and now has offices in Israel
>Lewin was an alum of Technion aka Mossad University
Pure coincidence? Or was 9/11 a Sayeret/Mossad operation? What did Daniel Lewin know? Why is he never celebrated as a hero if he attempted to kill hijackers as reported?

Flight 11 is the plane the "Dancing Israelis" were arrested for celebrating and photographing as it crashed. They were ordered deported to Israel, after 71 days of FBI interrogation, by Zionist Homeland Security head Michael Chertoff.

Do your research Sup Forumsaks. Before Bolton and his Ziocons drag us across mental concrete into World War Zionism. Daniel Lewin and Sayeret Matkal are the skeleton key to connection Israel to 9/11 in the minds of regular Conservatives. Israelfags can't explain this coincidence. Make them.

Good work, senpai.

Good work, senpai. See my Sayeret video itt, it further helps redpill this board.

architect here; tube frame construction is oversimplified in this video, in my opinion. Also if this thing buckled at the base the way the narrator explains, it wouldn't have fallen straight down perfectly like we see in the footage. It would have buckled at the base, and tipped in one direction. Whole video is grossly simplistic in terms of structural jargon

the mexico earthquake collapse which happened just last year was also another steel building that fell just as a fast

Attached: OpulentPortlyAvians.webm (362x640, 291K)

>it wouldn't have fallen straight down perfectly like we see in the footage. It would have buckled at the base, and tipped in one direction.

did you even fucking listen to the video?

he specifically explained that buildings hundreds of feet across the street was hit because it DIDNT just fall straight down

are you being willfully ignorant?

Iran fully steel frame building fire of 2017

Mexico fully steel frame building of 2017 earthquake

9/11 conspiracy theorists give the government way too much credit.

what's REALLY more likely? that the government, of all people, the fucking GOVERNMENT, was massively successful in a huge operation and was able to keep every aspect of it concealed from the public?

Or that the government MASSIVELY FUCKED UP by failing to realize the threat from dirty sand terrorists that had slowly built up over the previous 50 years?

You didn't answer my question. What caused the small amount of damage in building 7 which led to collapse?

watch the fucking video explaining it faggot

None of the millenials (gen Z) even understands the significance of tower 7.

Boomers were blind.
It's up to the "truther" generation I suppose.
We were justfied with the 22 pages though.
Proves GWB and the deep state created the term truther or conspiracy theorist to counter-act the theory of arab involvement which was proved correct in 2016.

There's still more documents that are marked top secret and the 22 pages were heavily modified..
After all of these years what are they hiding?
What are they ashamed about?
What are they scared about?

Relax Moshe, you're being saved for last, enjoy the sunset.

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its just superficial! its all a coincidence! it fell at freefall speed from fires from a piece of debri 500 metres away!

>steel buildings shit themselves in a fire
Steel loses 90% of it's structural strength at 50% of it's melting point. It's dangerous as fuck to be in any kind of steel structure when it's involved in fire - let alone an entire building involved in it.
The fact a steel frame building collapsed due to a significant number of floors bathing it in fire is no surprise at all.
t. fire academy instructor

I skimmed it. Give the time.

Yes, instead of making a quick video he should do a 1 hour lecture just on the steel used, another 2 hours on tube frame, then 40 minutes on how fire damages steel.

That's obviously the best way to get his message across.


That's right goy, we need to search in 5 more countries for weapons of mass destruction and totally ignore not finding anything and not building the wall. COINCIDENCE.

The first reported victim of 9/11 just happened to be an elite captain in Sayeret Matkal, the Israeli version of Delta Force. Sure, totally coincidence right? Sayeret Matkal specialize in thwarting hijackings and Muslim terrorism. What are the odds a Sayeret Matkal captain is seated between two Muslim hijackers in the biggest terrorist attack in US history? Answer that. I'll wait.

and then you'll still get faggots like this who literally cant sit thru a 4 fucking minute video, but if it was 1 hour they'd say "1 HOUR ARE U KIDDING I DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS"

thats right leaf good propaganda should be plain, simple, short and stupid

huh still explain the world trade centers

>actual debunking

Meant for
Excuse the double posting, my connection sucks rn.

>when you watch American documentary about tornadoes
>suddenly there's a comparison to WTC in how much power the tornado had
>then next thing you know there's marines rescuing tornado victims and they compare it to bravery of 9/11
>suddenly tornado melts steal beams

1. I never said anything about speed, idiot
2. a building hundreds of stories tall lightly scraping the facade of something across the street is not sufficient lateral deviation to convince me that EVERYTHING ELSE which points to this being a controlled demolition is somehow bullshit. Controlled demos often fall up to thirty feet outside the building footprint
3. I am literally an architect
pic related, fucking leaf

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Pull It!!

t. Lucky Larry Sheckelstein

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Yeah exactly.

if you didnt know what all those clips were youd miss the point. cool video though.

like at 1:05...if i hadnt watched the rick simpson video years back id have no idea what they were cooking.

>im an architect

well this faggot is a fire instructor so one of you is wrong

im willing to believe the fucking guy who TRAINED on the effects of fire in buildings

than a guy who just builds shit with materials based on cost and price of the budget

theres a reason why after YOU build anything you have to call in the fucking fire guy to inspect it to actually open it to the public


the L-team

Attached: lucky larry.png (500x326, 197K)

tell more more.

>this guys other videos

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On the night of May 4, the Los Angeles City Fire Department (LAFD) responded to a fire involving five floors of the First Interstate Bank Building, a 62-story structural steel office building with glass curtain walls. A fire sprinkler system was being installed in the building and was approximately 90% completed at the time of the fire


I'll pick the steel one.
Go to your local firehouse, ask for material for an NFPA 1001 course. The material covers the dangers of steel subjected to fire.
this shit ain't rocket surgery, nor is it a ((conspiracy)).

>chrome hat
Isn't this fag a little old to be a fixie kid?

This has been around for 10 years

based fireleaf poster

Completely irrelevant


Dominik will be first.

Why is it so hard for some people to consider it to be reasonable that, while YES 9/11 was an inside job, the actual destruction of the towers is as presented? I'm not denying mosad/deep state orchestration of the events.

>wat caused it to fall?
Larry decided to pull it.
Because jet fuel can't melt steel beams if there's no jet fuel on the steel beams.

>comparing a skyscraper to a coke can
omg based genius debunker skeptic architect!

Leaf for once speaks the truth.
WTC 7 was designed in the 70's before concrete core or concrete pillar construction was considered viable for a tower that tall.

Government didn't do shit it was the fucking mudslimes that everybody loves that did it.

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fuck meant to reply to

and it only took them 17 years

You really are clueless.

gubinmend dindu nuffin

One of the great ironies of newfags on Sup Forums is the fact that they hate Muslims yet think the worst Islamic terror attack in history was actually carried out by their own government.

One website for you over 2000 architects and engineers who say it was a controlled demolition. Now stfu.

Explain this Leaf

The claim that the impact of the jets caused “collapse of the steel structure” is very misleading. The collapses of small portions of a few trussed floors is hardly the catastrophic damage that the verbiage implies. The tower structure stood for up to 102 minutes after the jet impact.

The claim that fire weakened the steel is inconsistent with the physical evidence. NIST's core steel samples do not show heating above 480 F. That's not hot enough to seriously weaken the columns. Claiming heat weakening without mentioning the safety factor with which steel structures are designed is misleading. The perimeter columns were rated at 20X – yes, 2000% – of their live load. The towers were engineered for hurricane winds after all.

Claiming that upon failure, 48 million pounds of structure “accelerated downward”, and not explaining how 287 columns failed simultaneously to permit a total and symmetrical collapse is negligent.

Claiming that the generally accepted theory was “progressive collapse” is misleading when the NIST FAQs deny that there was a progressive collapse. NIST says:

“NIST’s findings do not support the “pancake theory” of collapse, which is premised on a progressive failure of the floor systems in the WTC towers . . . . The floors did not fail progressively to cause a pancaking phenomenon.”

Also pointing against “progressive collapse” is the fact that one of the lead investigators, Dr. John Gross, was one of very few world experts on progressive collapse. And yet despite the benefit of his expertise, NIST chose to cut off their narrative at the moment the collapses began, declined to explain the collapses or their ten mysterious features, and even denied that they had analyzed the collapses.


It's sad when these threads come up and nobody mentions the most obvious problem with the 9-11 story. And that is what caused massive sections of concrete to disintegrate in mid air and turn into a fine powder.

The problem of course being there is no explanation because it was and remains unprecedented.
Comparisons to other steel-frame structures is not an argument, most engineers do a thing called the Finite Element Method.
Keep doing damage control though, OP

Why do retards get caught up in the irrelevant details of MUH STEEL etc, worthless meandering around the mechanics of how the buildings came down? Whether it was Arab planes, nukes, thermite, or all combined doesn't change the fact of the involvement of jewry in orchestrating the event.

I'd wager that most of the people in this thread were toddlers when 9/11 occurred.

If your having 911 problems, I feel bad for you son. Keeping the orchestration a secret wasnt a problem for them.

>2000 engineers
>out of 10-15 million engineers worldwide
>1 in 7500 qualified engineers or 1 in 5000 engineers is a truther

This is why these threads are pathetic.
It's arguing with True Believers, and there's no winning. God himself could come down and bitchslap you with a physics textbook, and you'd still argue it was jewish lizard people.

Steel and fire are a bad, bad fucking mixture. Full stop. Argue against that all you want.
Have fun being miserable.

ridiculous, the two towers had massively strong central cores and you can't explain that away, also we have video of people still alive visible in the damaged section of the building, shouldn't it be too hot

You're either a shill or well intentioned fool, check out
for the best single source on 911

There's is far too much circumstantial evidence for the official story to stand up, it's just too improbable when all the facts are held in account

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This is what I believe too. Orchestrated but what we saw is what actually happened, just the details have been jerked around to manipulate opinion and policy.

>ridiculous, the two towers had massively strong central cores
>a steel lattice structure without any concrete separation between the office spaces and core and inadequate fireproofing



Redpilled! true that brother gubberment aint did nuddin wrong we all knew it was the fucking bearded arabs muslim fucks that did it

Awww are you stumped?

your deluded

Attached: central_core.jpg (750x563, 69K)

>truthers honestly believe the people behind 9/11 were stupid enough to think nobody would notice the purchases of the complex and the insurance taken out for the tower
>still somehow smart enough to destroy the twin towers with explosives after the towers have been hit by a plane and burning sufficiently for several hours that would've rendered detonation cord useless
>lucky larry story is totally true

>"your deluded"
Go back and read over what you just said. If you don't immediately spot what's wrong, you're either an underagefag or a boomer.
Post a picture of some valid ID's instead, faggot.

Also, the majority of the core in that photo isn't actually the core but the tower structure of the kangaroo cranes, also notice the lack of concrete that would normally extend several stories above the last finished floor during construction.

It would be like them telling us 19 black guys orchestrated 9/11. No one here would believe it, not because they are defending blacks but because of something called common fucking sense. The chances of a bunch of black men being intelligent enough to orchestrate something like that is about as likely as the supposed 19 Arabs that we are told did. You kikes will never understand that logic will always supersede hatred among intelligent people, you want people to have blind hatred so they go fight your battles

look you blue pilled faggot

the world is made of lies

the first casualty of war is truth and the victor rights the history
you live in a constructed reality spoon fed to you by a propaganda machine and you swallow it all because you are a baby

look at the fucking picture, I'm tired ok, it's quarter to fucking 4

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You have no clue about the powers of the occult, fool.

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That video doesn't conform to reality.

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Jews did it.

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Isn't it funny how you faggots suddenly stop trying to bring up anything involving the engineering sides as soon as you get told by someone who actually knows his shit when it comes to engineering? It's almost like the retard truthers on YouTube don't actually know anything about the towers or engineering, and I already know that's where you got most of your information.

Now post something with your age on it, like a passport. Cover up the name and important shit if you must, but your spelling and grammar alone screams underagefag or boomer.
Either way, MODS.

You're deluded AND retarded.

Attached: tower core.jpg (1023x754, 65K)

what part of it's quarter to fucking 4 in the morning do you not understand faggot?
Respond to the points or fuck off, pedantry is pathetic

The guy's a pedophile for sure.

doesnt debunk it for me, iranians cant build for shit no wonder it went down

Ignore the charges going off in the video of building 7 goy.

Listen. I'm not refuting anything that he is saying. I trust the word of a fire instructor. But what you don't understand is there was definitely more then just the steel weakening to bring down those buildings. There was explosions at the foundation and the bathtub was cracked.

>16 years
Lmao. Israel #1

ok but how did the fire start... on a lower floor...

Do you think Mossad doesn't have any structural engineers on their payroll?

I'm willing to buy that this is how it collapsed, but it does nothing to explain how it started. Or better yet, why the fire suppression system was down... in ALL THREE BUILDINGS.

What I'm still trying to figure out is how it is that thousands of Jews that worked in the twin towers conveniently decided not to show up for work on 9/11?

nice trips, what does the chrome hat mean?

>calls someone a retard
>posts a picture of the basement levels and mall structures that were bellow the plaza
>isn't even part of the actual towers themselves
You were trying to prove that the core was strong, yet you didn't even know what the core looked like. The world trade centers used rectangular tubes for the core, not box or I-beam.