Why would anyone want to be transported to an ISEKAI?!

So.... unless you were given special abilities or destined to save that world, getting dragged into a unknown world to you is so stupid.

Like hell, forget another world ,
just imagine yourself waking up in a different country without anyone able to speak english
You'd most likely be mugged and killed in an alley

Isekai truck will transport you regardless you want it or not.


Because people have boring fantasies and no imagination. If Eva or F/SN is bait for self-destructive people, isekai is bait for people who have nothing interesting to say.

pretty much

that's not what most isekais are about though?
special abilities aside they all take place in a world with clear video game rules that you can learn and exploit.
so it's like living in a video game
which is easy because it's cleanly structured and created solely to entertain you, unlike the real world

>So.... unless you were given special abilities or destined to save that world, getting dragged into a unknown world to you is so stupid.

Because people are tired of their lives and want something new. This is especially true in Asian where people are all forced to follow the same pattern as everyone else and conform to punishing work schedules.
People just want to feel special and respected by others. They want to be the new exciting outsider. There is nothing more common than the desire to be special.

The main point of isekai is that your shitty whatever skills you acquired in your boring useless life now make you a godlike being in another world with no effort so you can feel slightly better and not kill yourself.

Look at you, talking about not abandoning this world.
What ar you? a well adjusted adult human being?

There's a big storm coming soon, I hope I get zapped by lightning and either die or get transported to another world, either's fine!


You are literally twelve.

Any sciencefags out there know what we would need for the Earth to appear similar in colour to the one on the right?

I'd take it. Being a NEET in a Nordic country is life on easy mode but it slowly kills your soul.

In all honesty that sounds like a particularly perverse and well thought out version of the lake of fire.
If you are forced to enjoy and forced to be entertained, under strict rules of behavior and cycles of reward and punishment, then anyone with a minimum knowledge of theology and philosophy will see it for what it really is.
Bonus points if the world itself prevents the "player" from committing suicide. More bonus points if it's not possible to be a non-participant.

So you need a manga to tell you you're special then? You might have mommy issues.

A space suit ordered from the lowest bidder.

Yeah but there'd be anime grills with big tiddies, faggot

Underappreciated comment.

You can find that at a convention, without the drag of being trapped in oblivion.

I rather somebody else is transported into another world

No, they want a world where talent and hard work is rewarded not this shit earth.
The level and skill system is for that purpose, you do your best and get results and power instead of being in school debt and a wage slave that’s no better than a hobo down the street.

Except that virtually all these stories have a CHEAT that the MC is granted that lets them get lightyears ahead of everyone else with less effort than any normal person. They don't want a world where hard work is rewarded, they want one just like ours where some are lucky to have been born on a conveyer belt to success, but where they are the ones who won the starting lottery. The level and skill system is to show their cheating power levels in easy quantifiable numbers.

I've worked for seven days a week, before you try and convince me being a neet equals to talent and hard work, you'd have to force feed me a handful of south american frogs. And a cactus.

also applies the other way around?

What if you are allergic to petrol and you had the option to travel to a typical sword and sorcery, middle-ages type world. Would you go?

You've been isekaied to the wrong Sup Forums, faggot.

>he doesn't know how to use body language to communicate
>he doesn't know the basics of CQC
>he doesn't know how to make basic weapons for defense
>he doesn't know how trade works
>he doesn't look like a noble from any era
For fucks sake what are gou guys doing with your time? As the first reply said, isekai truck will not wait for you to be prepared.


Well, usually only nobles got to be fat fucks, so he has that.

Is there a second page yet, it's been like a whole month.

Its not an isekai fantasy if I don't have a harem, moron; you're missing the point.