Do you want civil war because that's how you get civil war

I'm not a gun nut. I own a few guns, and honestly if they came for them I would just hide them. But, I grew up in fucking Alabama, I know tons of crazy redneck fucks that have a hard on for this shit. They would come the fuck unhinged if you tried to take muh guns. I know crazy people who have actually planed for this. I know the damn sheriff, hell he'd probably start the shit. My 70 year old boomer nam vet dad would gladly kill anyone who tried to take his guns. Fuck every ex Marine I know would come the fuck unglued. Some of these 3% fuckers have actual contingency plans for this, it would mean guerrilla warfare on a scale never seen.

And, who the fuck are they going to call the Alabama national guard? That's the biggest bunch of redneck gun loving fuckers around.

Believe me, the fucking rednecks will have a massive fucking chimp out. And, they won't be raiding the 7/11, they will be ambushing people. These fuckers kill things for fun, deer, squirrels, opossums, racoons. These assholes ride around in trucks at night with night vision goggles and silenced rifles shooting coyotes, one of them shot my damn dog just for lels. They would jump at the chance to kill anyone dumb enough to try some stupid shit like these bitches are pushing for.

Honest question how would they handle the millions of crazy pissed off rednecks?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Tfw David Hogg just looks at you and says
>just give me the fucking gun you old fuck...I'm Harry fucking Potter

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Well thats half the fucking problem, isn't it?
Its hard to consider gun owners reasonable, when they think that threatening to kill people

Why the fuck are you okay with arming people that will threaten to kill you (if you try to take their means of killing you away) ?

You have a bunch of Americans that are incredibly eager to kill other Americans.

If that isn't a powderkeg, you're an interesting perspective holder.

I wouldn't want to put my armed servicemen at risk, but execution by squad gunfire does seem to be the 'reasonable' way of diffusing the scenario of violent nuts with guns.

I don't want ANYONE to be utilizing force here, but if it had to be someone, it would be the state, because I live in a democracy, can influence the state, and run for official position within that state.

Resorting to violence for political reasons under a democracy is terrorism.

I don't support terrorism. The nation should have the monopoly on local violence because there is a degree of accountability, and it is primarily executed for the safety of the nation as a whole.

>uck every ex Marine I know would come the fuck unglued. Some of these 3% fuckers have actual contingency plans for this, it would mean guerrilla warfare on a scale never seen.

comfy post user

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I agree with you, but why did you format your post that way.

>implying gun-grabers are our countrymen

Ummm DUH! The Georgia Guidestones weren't put there just for lels! (((they))) want population thinned and only way to do it is to get well armed group against LGBTQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKL:"ZXCVBNM+ who think they can nag everyone to submission.

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>Honest question how would they handle the millions of crazy pissed off rednecks?
Liberals talk a bunch of shit because they know they ain't shit.

This country was pretty much founded on everything you just said.

>I don't want ANYONE to be utilizing force here, but if it had to be someone, it would be the state, because I live in a democracy, can influence the state, and run for official position within that state.

I hope they at least let you put some ketchup or mayonnaise or something on that boot, given you put so much effort into licking it.

disregard leddit fag

>because I live in a democracy, can influence the state,

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I've actually seen these things, who the fuck is rc Christian?

I will also add that if your cops aren't afraid you might pull out a gun and start shooting at them at a routine traffic stop, they'll stop being such demanding authoritarian assholes that seem to be willing to shoot YOU at the slightest misunderstanding, or wrong movement of your hands.

You're not an American if you don't support the 2nd Amendment, you're merely a guest.

fucking BASED kiwibro

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Target practice

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left something out

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Please, we're a bunch of larpers. We're like niggers acting tough to impress our friends. Remember when we would totally start a civil war because of Obama?

>Resorting to violence for political reasons under a democracy is terrorism.
that is how we gained our independence. I would call it fighting for our freedom, not terrorism. Wanting to kill me because I refuse to relinquish my rights? That is terrorism.

Gun nuts literally founded and built america, the greatest nation for free enterprise on the planet, shit for brains. What's the matter, don't trust your kiwi brethren to only shoot maoris?

What do you think happened in 1776?

>Resorting to violence for political reasons under a democracy is terrorism.

The Left has been doing it for decades

fucking this















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t. city nigger

We just want something to happen for once, shit's been boring since 9/11

heil hogg

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These people don't want a civil war. A civil war would be costly and ruin their powerbase (America)

No they want to subdue the white population, demoralize them (tearing down statues, removing Confederate flags).
The absolute last thing these people want is for the dog they're kicking (white men) to bite back.

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Spoiler alert: they wouldn't. Anyone who says otherwise is a dipshit.

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>civil war 2.0

That's the plan

Remember what happened one time when some glow in the dark ATF niggers got a bit uppity?

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I don't think they are I know people who actively train for this. The guns would be the straw that broke the camels back.

David Hogg might be a complete dip shit who throws at least two curse words into every single sentence that leaves his mouth, but he's made it pretty clear he's not for taking guns away, more for making it harder to obtain them, and a better resources for the mentally ill.

I wish you guys would read or watch something instead of taking shit said in image macros as facts.

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Damn dude, you have completely missed the point.

Literally the exact opposite of ceding all power to commit violence to the authorities because we can influence them with our politics.

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I'm not an american, you nut.
Its called an AMENDMENT. The information is in the name 'amendment'. Implying it could be improved.

Parroting what the law currently is is not a coherent argument for not changing the law, I don't have the time to insult your manner of thinking, I can only beg you to try to keep up with whats being discussed here.

Are you, perhaps, not aware that people discussing this understand that guns are legal in America? They understand that guns are legal in America. Some of them have reasonable concerns about that.

Chanting the law as it stands isn't an argument.

Look, I can do your job for you.
Manufacture is a big deal, and it leads to prosperity.
Arguing to remove guns could have the consequence of harming American wellbeing in a financial way, due to the loss of manufacture.

Why don't you research that and use that as the basis of your argument?


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American Psycho, but with David Hogg

Numerals decide when the civil war begins

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>gets arrested for unlicensed butter knife

Can I lose weight and get in shape first?

My back hurts

It'll never happen. The government knows better. At least they should. This country won it's independence under similar circumstances.

They will be all killed they are pawns of satan's system in the USA

Making sure you are going to Heaven cause shits going to hit the fan soon.



Just get on the boat

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Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.

No. Plan is to keep any white resistance subdued until we are all a brown sludge of consumer slaves.
See here Civil wars are costly. Bad for business. They're doing this to avoid one not cause one.

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That's nice cupcake. Stay the fuck in New Zealand.

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Guarantee of free speech is also a constitutional amendment. If you disagree with free speech then you can fuck right off.

A buddy of mine from South America that escaped a communist regime with family has been reloading for 20+ years and has more ammo than I've seen in my life. I mean crates upon crates upon crates. Must be millions of rounds . I asked him why he did it once and he just kind of smirked and shrugged and said "for when the marxists try to take over here" and that was that.

There are million of people with his same ideology.,MILLIONS. There are more guns than people in America- it's going to get real messy when it pops off.

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What the fuck do you think happened at breeds hill, bunkers hill, and Dorchester heights? It was literally a bunch of rednecks with shovels and guns.


Shut up.

and you think cops killing more people will make them happier? imagine an armed BLM movement that knew what it was doing

when the (((State))) does it, it is totally not like terrorism because the state is doing it so it is not illegal and not terrorism at all. Just like lying to the state is a crime, but they can lie to us because reasons.

NZ fag. You don't get a say mate. You gave your right to speak to your government. Coincidentally you gave your guns to them too.

Cool story bro time

>Hurricane Ike several years ago
>Police blocking roads into Bridge City, TX from people returning home due to concerns about looting
>several members of the militia, fully armed, went to road block, politely asked police to step aside so people could return to their homes with the promise that there would be no looting in Bridge City
>This was never a news story and it never will be

Fast forward to modern times, the Cajun Navy during Hurricane Harvey stepped up. Lessons were learned from recent disasters in the area (though admittedly you still had some government pricks with inferiority complexes that were publicly admonished)

Cajun Navy was ad hoc group of well armed rednecks and coonasses with raised trucks and bass boats, many ex military, many part of local militias, gun clubs, etc...

Local charities outperformed federal aid hand over fist when it came to food, rescue, and other immediate aid.

If Civil war broke out, I truly feel bad for anyone that would bring a fight to my area of the country.


4th of July

So you admit that they're trying to change the 2A? Didn't you just say they're not trying to take away people's guns?

He’s not a freeman he’s a willing slave. Not even human.

It's gonna fucking happen tho, and I can't wait for the fucking fireworks m8.
But yeah they know full well who holds the guns in this country, they know its their biggest obstacle, that's why they push the antigun propaganda so much, they defiantly don't give shit about white children dying. Fuck it wouldn't be supported if half of the shooters were CIA-niggers killing whites to create propaganda. They definitely don't do anything to try and stop them when they are given glaringly obvious signs there's a problem. So even if the shooters aren't CIA plants, they know they are a threat and choose to do nothing to stop them.

Nothing about the word amendment carries with it an implication of improvement. You don't know what the word means bruh.

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You personify why no one gives a shit about new zealand

Someone needs to dynamite that thing!

what is soros plan?
is he trying to make the dog bite?
maybe he put his life savings in gold and is just trying to destroy fiat


it'll never happen because all of you faggots are too busy claiming false flag anytime one of you tries to start it

Please, civilian resistance would be trivially easy to handle.

1. Monitor online communication, find vociferous critics with bad op sec.

2. Make up charges to get warrant then raid at 3 a.m. The vast majority of gun nut blowhards would shit their pants if they faced armed, trained opposition. They surrender quickly, assuming they even get out of bed before they are cuffed.

3. The arrest footage and trials are shown on tv as a spectacle. The public starts to associate gun rights advocates with cowardly criminals. Public support for raids goes up while fewer moderate gun owners opt for violent resistance.

4. Resistance collapses, and over a period of a few decades the rate of civilian firearm ownership plummets. Murder and crime rates fall as well. Eventually, people view gun ownership as an archaic relic of a distant, violent past.

Cops will continue to be authoritarian assholes so long as they're not held accountable for being so. A disarmed populace? That just makes it easier.

And they wouldn't actually be disarmed. Just the law-abiding ones would. But how are they to determine who those are? I mean, presumably they're confronting them because they already think they're breaking some law, right?

>If Civil war broke out, I truly feel bad for anyone that would bring a fight to my area of the country.

I wonder if I will be ok in Iowa

>I'm not an american, you nut.
No shit. I never would have guessed that by your strayan flag and your regressive views on self-defense.
>The information is in the name 'amendment'. Implying it could be improved.
The information is also in a history of gun grabbers getting BTFO.
>Are you, perhaps, not aware that people discussing this understand that guns are legal in America? They understand that guns are legal in America. Some of them have reasonable concerns about that.
No they don't. Your argument is a bunch of faggotry predicated on stupidity like equality and democracy. People aren't equal, that's religious mumbo jumbo. Secondly, your argument that people should take away guns because the people who refuse to have their guns taken away will resist violently is fucking retarded like you. People will resist being murdered as well, does that mean we should just murder people?
>Chanting the law as it stands isn't an argument.
The debate is over. Gun rights are settled science. Now crawl back into your pouch strayan.

lol. is that shit real?

No him but um

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we made the mistake of thinking shills were all obvious and incompetent but somehow Sup Forums ended up like this...

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Sherrifs are locally elected

they have already chosen a side, and it ain't the Communist's

Raised in south Alabama, live in the pan handle now. I've seen opal, Katrina, Charley, Irma, and a fuck ton of others, these people know how to organize when shit hits the fan.

Yes exactly. The one guy was all like "i'm for only the government having guns" and then you were like "that's why America was founded!" and I was like "no" and then you were like "yes see all these reference's to the times it wasn't the government with the guns" and I was like "oh so now do you see that the original guy who wanted only the government to have the guns was the exact opposite of what American rebels wanted" and you were probably like"oh now i see my mistake"

The more time passes, the more I realize that America needs to be completely fucking destroyed. It has been almost completely subverted at virtually every level by mongrelized, judaified, commie fucks.

It needs to be smashed into the ground and rebuilt from the ground up.

Civil War is 100% a good thing and we should be praying for it every night and every day.

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Middle American gun nuts aren't as cucked and impotent as West Europeans or coastal urbanites. You'd be surprised.

>Murder and crime rates fall as well.
Not with a country full of niggers and mutts lol.

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Yeah that sure worked out for Al Qaeda and ISIS, and they were treated as military threats.


American constitution (the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness) is the new world order, as opposed to the old world order (you have to be born noble to have power)

Yeah, well Maui beat up the fucking sun, and you're talking about some jew that got killed by romans (as some kind of feat of power).

The weird thing about YOUR mythos is that
a) you think the Deciever Character has power, and can fool people.
b) You have a savior character that claims that they are the only path to (good things).
c) You would argue that you have no way to know the deceiver wasn't deceiving you, and yet can't accept that your savior might actually be your deceiver.

I don't accept either mythology, because both sound like made up storys with fantastical elements.

I'm just puzzled as to how you concluded that your savior isn't a deceiver. If I was a deceiver, I'd totally claim to be the only way to salvation, particularly if it was an effective means of preventing salvation.

I don't really care about your answer however.

Maui beat up the fucking sun. Your god is mundane and petty by comparison.

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>4. Resistance collapses, and over a period of a few decades the rate of civilian firearm ownership plummets. Murder and crime rates fall as well
why would this happen
why hasnt it happened in gun ban cities

Holy shit you’re a fucking despot. You need psychological help. Did someone abuse you as a child?

>Civil War is 100% a good thing and we should be praying for it every night and every day.

Assuming it was actually possible to get started, I think there would be surprisingly few casualties
So they will of course never let it get pushed that far. It's going to be slow insidious lawfare that never lets up.

Really dude?

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>Honest question how would they handle the millions of crazy pissed off rednecks?

I'm not a gun grabber, but it's actually very simple in theory.

There's two methods to do it:

Number 1 would be to declare them illegal, but then not do a massive gun seizing operation. Rednecks will get their guns and wait by the door for... nothing. No one will come for them.

No armed resistance forms because nobody wants to be the first guy to run out of his house and start shooting cops randomly. (This is exactly why the "day of the rope" never happens. No one wants to be the first guy to start killing random blacks, they want everyone else to start first)

Instead, manufacture of new ones stops. Border security actually becomes a thing with both liberals and conservatives behind it, so very few guns get smuggled in. When the rednecks inevitably get arrested for beating their wives or whatever, then their guns are taken away. When someone dies and the government has to help distribute their estate to their heirs, illegal guns are seized. Because it's just one person at a time, no armed resistance forms because there is no trigger point.

Over the next 30-40 years, most guns are removed from the U.S. population. Children of the rednecks who grow up in a world where such guns are illegal willingly turn them over, having never experienced being able to use them openly. Within two or three generations, virtually all guns are gone.

Option 2:
Do it the way smoking is being eliminated. By making smoking more and more expensive and inconvenient, until virtually nobody does it anymore. (Smorking rates have gone down from ~50% in the 1960s, to ~10% today and still dropping) The few remaining people who don't care about the cost are ostracized by society into quitting.

All grabbers need to do is just make guns more and more expensive to buy via gun taxes (Completely legal and constitutional) via purchasing requirements, and restricting the places you can have them.

>not for taking guns away
every single new incident is another chip in the strongest pillar of this country:the 2A.
They DO NOT ENFORCE the laws already on the books.
They are, in fact, making distinct parts of a firearm illegal until one day the only thing left legal to own would be, for example, just the trigger.

>Why the fuck are you okay with arming people that will threaten to kill you (if you try to take their means of killing you away) ?
are you completely fucking retarded?

>police are killing unarmed niggers for "no reason", this must end, Black Power!
>the second amendment is just silly and outdated, we don't need a way to defend ourselves from government abuse of power! Hand in your guns!
Are leftists capable of basic logical thinking?

They could never win a hot war and they know it. That’s why they’ve been winning the culture war for 50 years.

Can't expect a leftist to actually understand the difference between offense and defense.

Speech is violence.

Self-defense is murder.

Not giving is taking.

The only thing the US has to do is spend it on rebuys for a good price instead of moab.

Its passed the average age of empire. Statistics exist for a reason, america isn't some magical exception. Everyday I pray for economic crash or anything that makes things get bad at a rapid rate. Maybe a plague, maybe a nuke. I don't care if I die. Death is preferable to this I am being 100% serious. Being alive in 2018 western world is a life not worth living