Is he right? Should anime take more inspiration from American cartoons and YouTube?

Is he right? Should anime take more inspiration from American cartoons and YouTube?

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No, trigger are hacks.

no, studio trigger hasn't made anything good.

no more trigger plz

>Set up a kickstarter for a couple OVAs
>Half the funding came from weebs
>"Anime needs to cater to western audiences"
>Almost every show you make is awful

God no, fuck imaishit

Yeah man anime should be more like Rick and Morty that would be like so epic xD

>american cartoons

Do you regret it yet?

A world without anime is a world not worth living in. Can you imagine how ugly media would be without the talent and aesthetic of Japanese art?

>even their cartoon characters look like mutts

It's funny because most Trigger anime is the same when it comes to story beats and characters.

Hey, look on the bright side, once CRISPR gene editing for cosmetic purposes takes off, at least we won't look fucking ugly anymore.

knowing americans they'd probably gene modify themselves to be even uglier

also, all the promotional art for that show on the right, all the characters look like they're trying to hold their piss in.

Trigger is the only studio taking risks. The stuff they make confuses and frightens Sup Forums and Japanese audiences because it takes a slight step outside of the 1-dimensional sellout shows that are consumed here.

I didn't like the character designs for Big Mouth at first either, but after having watched the show they really fit for what they were trying to go for, what with highlighting the awkwardness and ugly reality of puberty and middle school

>Should anime take more inspiration from American cartoons and YouTube?
How is this connected with what he said in your picture?

Nah shaft is taking risks, trigger is a shitty copycat.

and the ugliness of mutts

Their last show was filled with cliches and one dimensional characters but with the familiar wacky Gainax feel to it, like pretty much every Trigger show. Trigger doesn't take any risk, neither creatively nor financially.

huh, didnt know what the show was about. not something I'd want to watch but I guess I can understand the design choices now.

>Is he right?
Considering it isn't working for them trying to make something at least half decent, I'd say no.

That's true, but at least I'll be able to make myself into a cute anime girl.

Yes. I wanna see my qt anime YouTubers Akidearest and Jesuotaku in anime

more like, muttubers

I dont want a fat flip and someone with a mental disease in my animes.

actually I'm pretty sure japanese anime already takes inspiration from american people and characters, where do you think they get their ugly goblin designs

his only point is that creators shouldn't only consume one type of media, that it limits what you can and will create

which is true, it's why so many millenial brainlets are slopping out abysmal work cause they never consumed anything but cartoons and mcu movies

trying to spin this as "he wants anime to be LESS JAPANESE!" is disingenuous and if you're lashing out cause you're perceiving it that way you're an insecure faggot

they should watch more good theatrical masterpieces from europe


hopefully they will americanize user's shitty anime so he'll cry about it daily
whites are pathetic

>reddit spacing

He's a triggernigger, give him a break he's just getting used to this imageboard.