It's obviously not just school shootings. This shit is being pushed way too hard. If some redneck has a private gun collection, how is that bothering the elite?
Someone explain to me: WHY do they want to take away guns?
you know (((why))) supermario
Hopefully to kickstart the death of the Union.
Because Israel #1
So you’re vulnerable and dependent.
No. How do Jews benefit from it?
You can't take away the first amendment until you take away the second. Very simple. Look at the UK. Look at China.
No first amendment they can totally control the population through mind poison conditioning.
He could possibly arm an insurrection against them. While not a threat right now, a resistance force could capture his collection and use it against the elites. Having the right to self defense is also intrinsically tied to firearm ownership, name one country were you can defend yourself legally and yet not own a gun.
>talk about Jews
>Summon Satan
Seems legit
>WHY do they want to take away guns?
Because they plan on invading and conquering your nation, and they don't want you fighting back.
how does every oppressive government stand to benefit from disarming their populations?..
Somethings brewing...what happens when the millions that marched do not get what they wanted from their little show? (I.e trump does nothing on guns) will these people then become a violent mob? Will they begin to attack institutions and individuals that they deem unreasonable or dangerous? Its comi ng soon anons. Im honestly surprised a false flag did not happen at the march this would be what they wanted. Look for news of a thrawrted attack soon.
War soon. No country can invade the us while citizens remained armed. Those gun nuts hording ammo and rifles can single handedly arm citizen militias.
Too expensive to try and bomb all of America
The elite want Hunger Games to become a reality
The gun grabber movement is actually funded by the gun lobby to sell guns.
That's why it's a giant show that never accomplishes anything.
They take the guns, Remove the electoral college since there's no fear of retaliation, Democrats/Liberals control everything. Conservative votes don't matter in a system where the 3 biggest states choose the president. Enjoy America run by Canada.
They want to disarm everyone for the same reason you'd want to disarm someone:
>the armed person in question poses an immediate threat to your life and/or property
"But wait," you say, "I have never committed a crime. I pay my taxes, I own a house, I'm married with children. The only reason I'd ever use a gun would be to defend my family/property from someone attacking me."
And then it hits you:
>the reason they want to disarm me is because they think I'm a threat, but I'm only a threat to someone who wants to do me harm, therefore THEY WANT TO DO ME HARM AND WANT ME DISARMED WHEN THEY DO IT
You're thinking of some place like Bolshevik Russia? Because the other side argues that places like Spain and Norway don't have guns either and they're not oppressed.
If someone told you a gorilla broke out of the zoo in your area you would probably be on guard. Now imagine there are millions of gorillas running around and someone told you you have to still go to work and you cant bring a gun with you. Meanwhile they are a filthy rich baron in a gated compound that comes with it's own security force so they dont have to worry about that. Such is life in the world today.
Remember how long it took for them to end the Bundy ranch shit? This is why
america isnt fully subjugated yet
>inb4 taxes, education bureaucracy etc etc
american people WILL push back if they get shoved. Guns make (((them))) less eager to push.
It's about control.
they want you to feel dependent on the state for protection
The Jews want to kill all the White Christians, just like they did in Russia 100 years ago. Have to convince us to disarm first.
goyim are useless if they're dead, that is the last thing they want
more than likely this
they saw their sales went up one day from FEAR and PANIC, so they advertise it to millions
It's probably a scare tactic to frighten the honkeys into buying more guns at a premium price.
he said whites why do you think they are shipping in the latinos, arabs and keeping the blacks.
corporations already use the latinos as literal slaves. LITERAL SLAVES.
The New World Order wants to make this Planet a 1 continent sort of thing, Guns are symbolic, they give people a sense of individuality.
the New World Order looks good on Paper, but Hard Liberals want to genocide Whites, well Shit hit the fan and Now Whites want to genocide the Blacks (after the 2016 us elections).
Long Story Short, its not the Guns the Left wants, they want full control, They have no intention to force the people to work, they want to rob each other Blind.
Guns mean nothing to them, its Your mind is what they really want.
Blacks want to Exterminate Whites, Look at South Africa... that is just another Vector.
Sup Lucifer
Wrong. They want to enslave us, but they cannot establish control over an armed nation. When all guns are banned and the populous is brown and mutt as fuck without any separate identities they will initiate the takeover.
No but in order to make us slaves we must be disarmed
Allows them to subjugate the population since we have no way to defend ourselves from tyranny. Say Israel suddenly starts receiving a rediculously larger amount of our tax dollars causing taxes to shoot up, but what can we do about it with our means of stopping tyranny gone?
There are a lot of mass stabbings in China. Don't listen to people's bullshit when they say these things only happen in the US.
Those guns ensure that an American government that meant business about carrying out the globalist agenda would quickly be overthrown or simply be unable to enforce its will outside DC, if even there.
Those guns meant even the House Negro could only do an extremely limited amount of damage to the republic.
You might call the guns in the hands of American civilians their get-out-of-globalism-free card.
Obviously the globalists don't like that, so they blow extremely rare events like school shootings to bring gun ownership into disrepute.
Certainly they do nothing to prevent them. On the contrary---a few dead children is a small price to pay for making American patriots look bad.
It's part of setting up Satan's earthly kingdom, they want Christians to be defenseless.
>WHY do they want to take away guns?
They want to put us in fema with no resistance
We're mostly enslaved already. It's to prevent any backlash form a seriously nasty shift for the whole world. Mostly World Government bullshit as usual. It's their little wet dream that they and their progeny will work toward. Every time it gets stamped out they come right back.
everything is a calculated long game to disarm america. its the #1 goal of the cabal. Its a very slow agenda of cultural and legislative attacks that erode the 2nd amendment.
They just want chaos. There's no way to realistically disarm Americans, it would be a bloodbath, you would have mass disobedience from Leo and state govt, it would break up the union. I would say most likely they want to contain any disruption to their plans that may have been possible with populist Trump admin by taking it into deep waters of incredibly complex lose-lose scenarios both nationally and internationally. There's isn't really a way for Trump to win on this only lose less badly. Simultaneously watch them steer him towards hostilities with Iran. The Uk/Russia thing is another one.
I Just want to remind everybody here, Left and Conservative, brothers and Sisters.
The Last time a people where disarmed Peacefully, the moment they put their guns down all 297 of them Where Instantly shot.
Dont let them do this, even to Your enemy.
take example of this country, once gringos lose their weapons they will be prey to the corruption of their government, organized crime. In the best interest of ((them))
Checked. Many cases in history, in the name of false (((democracy))). They want to round up our actual intellectuals and rid the world of them. We won’t allow this here under any circumstances. We’re going to progress accordingly under truth and the world will be better for it.
they are they just don't know it yet. All of Europe is gone and the US may be our last stand
You don't get why America was chosen do you ?
You don't understand why America has the constitution?
You don't understand why America has the largest military in history?
America can spread gay rights and SJW culture to the world showing how much rights and freedoms nobody else has as a tool for reform no matter how much it fucks over it's own population. .
This tool has recently become not workable so now America will show the rest of the world how fucked up everyone else is through trade wars and the alt right.
The soldiers who died in the previous large scale wars where majority white farmer stock leaving the soft and weak to bread's a form of eugenics. .
Guess who will fight for the future ey.