Is this a happening or bs?

Well /pol what do you think? Is it total bs or is there really a fbi leaker dropping this today?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Now that's what I call clickbait


Any of you guys see that article titled "Pussy Tits Cock Murder Car Food Bitcoin" today? Pretty shocking.

Stephen Paddock was an amateur gun dealer and had a meeting set up for that hotel room. The meeting fell through in yet another frustrating disappointment in his life so he said fuck it, I hate these hillbillies anyways. He had already called in two noise complaints on his upstairs neighbors the previous day. He had just woken up about an hour previous to his massacre to the sickening sounds of Jason Aldean. Stephen Paddock was on a permanent graveyard shift sleeping schedule like lots of Vegas

Unlikely that he would move is inventory that way. Buyers like guns in box.

t. Small Arms Dealer W/Alcohol, Drug and Gambling Issues

Large if corroborated

I want to believe but truepundit is literally fakenews.blogspot tier bullshit. He's consistently wrong about big stories

How could he possibly need 23 guns for a massacre? I'm aware that guns can jam but that still makes no sense. 23 was just how many he had in the hotel room not to mention his house.

He's rich. Why be a small time gun dealer? None of the weapons were select fire. Getting guns in Nevada is pretty easy as is. Why did he have a sledge for the window?

He didn't have a sledge for the window. It was just a hammer.

And he was never once seen at any of the local shooting ranges, conventions or anything. He was not a gun enthusiast. Certainly not to the tune of 47 guns. However he had been traced to a field where he had practiced shooting before.

You're out of your element, Donnie

And you didn't answer my question so I assume youre conceding the point that no one could ever possibly think they need 23 guns for any type of massacre. 3 guns maybe. Not 23. Especially not 14 of the same exact kind.

Ok fine, want. No one could possibly want that for this purpose.

Dude. Arms dealers don't lob their wares into luggage. They stay in box. Illigal arms dealers don't lug them all up to a hotel room. They meet you in the desert.

Like most spree killers, they bite off more than they can chew. A dozen dead, they don't get the feels they expected, and cut it short anhero style.

Well then maybe he was a shitty dealer and that's why the deal fell through. That is far more plausible than anyone wanting 23 guns for a massacre.

people have no idea how hard it is to extract (or break) those glass panels in high rises.

Not a chance he did what "he" did with contraction tools

Namefag, it's exactly like it looks. You don't get gun culture at all.

That has literally nothing to do with what I said. Just admit that 23 guns only indicates one thing.

Is it somehow implausible that he shot the glass? And there was a hammer found.

>contraction tools
23 guns indicates that he expected to do more than he did. Any cunt that puts on bump stocks doesn't plan on selling shit, and is retarded like most spree killers are.
You are a fucking faggot retard I'll not engage further.

So your answer is that Stephen and I are both retards.

Good fuck off

When I sell legal brand name guns, illegally, I always put meme stocks on them, remove them from their packaging, load them into suitcases, and do the deal in the most surveilled building I can find, over the course of days, to phantom buyers.

My guess is the fbi themselves did the shooting with paddock.

Almost forgot. I also load my hotel room full of thousands of rounds of ammo, so my phantom clients don't have to go to Walmart. It's just good business, and I enjoy maximum hangout.

I thought you were fucking off.

Who said it was illegal? And maybe the deal wouldn't have been done in the hotel room. But he was prepared either way.

Good business is having choice and options

I'm surprised this thread hasn't been clipped yet. I pray to God that we have some good people left in that organization. This country has been heavily Fucked over the past 30 years.

>implying i can buy a hundred thousand rounds of ammo at walmart without having every glowing nigger in america up my ass

Isn't it more likely that Paddock did it alone? Any evidence the FBI was involved? Wouldn't the Mob be a more likely partner? Or Wendy's? Or the video poker cartel?
Keep digging. Have you looked at Little Ceasar's Pizza? To my knowledge, they haven't deniad involvement. Seems Fishy Fishy.

So your answer is that Stephen and I are both retards.

So you are saying that you were there?

Stephen and I ?

Israel #1!

a hundred thousand? Paddock didn't have that many.
Spread it out over ten days and you are golden

Im a buzzed contractor and meant to say construction tools

My point is that in most normal high rise structures the glass panels are fortified and I've personally seen the machines used to extract said glass panels.

I would like to see any user or jesse james, alex jones ect. do a video debunking the idea that a "hammer" or "sledge hammer" is able to penetrate and create multiple firing positions like the reports state. At least in a timely manner

Im saying there is more than meets the eye to this story. thats about all, peace out.

Did kek.

And what's so implausible about him shooting the glass with a giant concert outside to mask the noise? He also could've had some subsonic rounds or other choices to minimize the gunshot.

I used to smash glass for fun. I agree, some car windows are like steel.
But what are you suggesting? CIA niggers have better glass smashers? The glass is broken. It's a fact.

yuge if factual

Excellent points. The fbi certainly isn't loaded with politicized never trumpets who always obey the law and have reverence for the American people and constitution.

I keked at that one. Basically just enough room for the eyes.

They've been hyping this story for months now, hopefully they'll finally dump it.

>He doesn't know about Taco Bell

bump stocks make them jam

I'm still reading that one. Don't give anything away.


You mean lies. The sooner you accept it, the better your life will be.

23 guns points towards mental illness more than it does an arms deal.
They were all registered to him.
He would have a bunch of 80% rifles if he was selling blackmarket guns.

Who benefits? This thread is stupid as fuck.
Would't the Derpstate use on e of the many agencies that we don't even know the fucking name of? One of the agencies that DON'T answer to Congress.
Fucking Bush League kids up in here. Too fucking ignorant. Willfully and because age and education.
You niggers are beneath me.

won't happen; nothingburger

They all cum and then go to Applebees and pay with crypto. Most of them anyway.

They don't, and clearing a jam on an AR is simple.

these "patriot" blogs are so often full of shit it's not even worth responding. No one at the FBI is going to leak shit. If you have been paying attention to the recent news, the only time the FBI "leaks" something is when it's signed off on by the Director, Deputy Director or the Executive Assistant Director. There may be more people the DOJ has given authority to that can speak to the press, but I doubt it's without these 3 people's direct knowledge, at least one of them.

FBI agents would be fucking skewered if they leaked, only top office bureaucrats get away with that which is why all FBI leaks are highly political and always anonymously through the MSM. and this is what leads to these blogs being able to spread gossip.

So that's why another user posted the mole thread before ...bait.
I predict the link will be made to Iran

You are a shill
This was a Mossad hit meant to target a Saudi VIP
they failed to get the VIP but they did the shooting as a cover for their getaway
Paddock was just a convenient patsy
>remember you glow in here

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The most we've gotten is a congressman who said it involved ISIS coming through Mexico illegally. There's no Shia ISIS.

For some reason I expect to hear of them again, in congressional testimony. Much like DC Leaks and Guccifer 2.0

Interesting trips

One in a thousand chance!

*glass breaks*

About fucking time.

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>t. Paranoid schizoids obsessed with repeating numbers

Jesus Christ, please neck yourself

Nice dubbs x 2
But what does it mena?

>waits for double dubz

Delusional, please get help

i do think there is something fishy about the Las Vegas shooting, but I don't understand why other's haven't drawn a clear parallel between Las Vegas and the Saudi shakeup.

Allaweed owned that hotel, then finds himself in hotel prison himself forced to give over 90% of his wealth to the crown prince. I think whatever the real motive was, it has something to do with Saudi Arabia and all the shit that went on with missles being fired at the Riyadh palace and then a total coup. I think the US Govt just doesn't want to point the blame at the Saudi Kingdom for many reasons. Not least of which they spend billions of dollars in our economy. Rogue factions or not, that's not an alliance that you want to break.

I'm out.

I think an angry high functioning psychopath killed a bunch of people.

This is the most logical assumption... everyone else who is so deluded to think there is some other agenda or false flag is honestly drinking reverse osmosis water with no fluoride

So how about reloading? Isn't it easier and more guaranteed to simply reload a rifle that's already shown it's firing properly than grab a new one?

well it's not implausible. media shitshow has a tendency to make everything appear to be a false flag.

>bump stocks make them jam
mine doesn't. even when using shitty brass when reloading

For sport. In Vegas.


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Yes. We need to wait for the civil suit to sue for ballistics. Then we will know how many of the rifles were fired and who was hit with what. You're jumping to conclusions without evidence.

when will they acknowledge that an m240 was used? You can clearly hear one in one of the videos.

Pretty much. The one armed bandit only releases so many endorphins.

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The evidence is 23 guns for 1 man and 1 target

All registered to him. If was an arms dealer, he's out of business fast.

"Although the Strip and the resorts along it already are among the world's most intensely monitored areas in terms of security surveillance, Las Vegas Boulevard may be about to get a new set of eyes watching over it - and not everyone feels safer because of it."

The worst place to stage a FF, ever.

I see a lot of evidence that you have a diagnosed mental disorder. I'm right, aren't I?

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I think the FBI were already there in the hotel. A possible explaination is that when Paddock realised that the FBI were a part of whatever he was into with the guns he decided to die by suicide.
Assange said similar, four hours after I'd got it in a thread here.
I can't even remember the evidence clearly but it added up at the time.

Book 'em, Danno

I thought you weren't responding? And you checked your own pathetic digits.

I did not. The FBI must have posted that under my ID

Aren't they usually registered to someone? And I said he was an amateur.

whatever happen with this? was this from another timeline??

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Sorry double reply.
But you have been diagnosed with a mental disorder, haven't you?
Be honest.

and then there was this from another timeline

Attached: vegas early times.png (847x408, 334K)

And now you're obviously obsessing

Try breaking some glass and maybe you'll feel better tough guy.

>poster this desperate to discourage the issue
someone is worried

Kek. Yes, Rifles are registered to the owner at the time. And there is no such thing as an amateur gun dealer.

Fbi stole there fed tag, not true fed's.
Cia is even more fake based on the natzi war jew gold assassins.

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I'm an FBI Jew, and this thread has all of us in our star shaped office really worried
checked, you must be onto something

>Fbi stole there fed tag, not true fed's.
FBI stole their Fed tag, not true Feds.
>Cia is even more fake based on the natzi war jew gold assassins.
CIA, Nazi

They noticed me noticing you sperging out for no reason. We should get to the bottom of this, I sense a bombshell mystery.

With a source like "truepundit" it wouldn't be a lie! /s

We should probably meet in the bathroom of a secluded state park, to compare notes. I'll be the glowing guy in the Slayer T-shirt and Spanks.

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Wishful thinking/Freudian slip

Sorry double reply, but you never answered if you have been diagnosed with a mental disorder. It's not really an obsession for me to know. Mostly just curiosity. The more you dodge the question, the more certain I am, Michael.