To all the weekend raiders...never forget; you're here forever.
Pol memes
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who is raiding and what are they raiding about?
You must be new; welcome to hell, newfag.
>all daughters
Cool maymay, here's a picture that's based on reality, just for comparison.
Oh so its JIDF attacking trying to defend Trump being a shabbos goy and astroturfing neocon support on Sup Forums again?
where can i find their blacked videos
>all those mutt grandchildren
quick I need that picture of that sad white grandfather with mutt grand kids for a before and after
Not this time, but we've repelled their asses time and time again without so much as breaking a sweat. Today was fucking tame by comparison.
I dunno man, they still have /ptg/ which is a literal breeding ground for the_donald refugees and israel first boomers. I don't think they're going away any time soon.
once you're blown'll probably lurk for a bit...then you'll quietly find yourself to be agreeing with some things you'll see here...before you know it you'll have wished you never came...because you can never leave.
Of course they aren't leaving...why do you think they came here in the first place?
I'm telling you now, if you don't want to become like us, then leave now and never return.
I've been here before the place was infested with neocon electionfag cult worshipers ill be here for a very long time after their zog emperor is out of office hiroshimoot willing.
just keep telling yourself that, newfag.
What are you talking about? Israel #1 thats fact.
Trump is getting impeached in 2019 since he just lost the house this week to MAGA apathy
oh wait so you're a trump supporter bitter that people arent blindly defending him anymore? Once upon a time -- back when you were still on facebook -- there was this nice old man named Ron Paul. He never sold out, he wasn't a neocon that sold his children to the kikes and he was loved here. Then 2015 came and some retards decided to make a subreddit for a meme candidate that brought in all the israeli faggot loving neocons like you.
Now you're stuck here and things aren't like that heavily censored safespace you came from and it bothers you.
Enjoy the ride, mutt.
they're merely usurpers to symbolism that predates their culture by millennia; hello newfag japanon.
sorry, you'll have to try harder than that. at least the jidf shills were clever in their wordplay.
>there was this nice old man named Ron Paul
I want him back. His son just isn't the same.
Where do you think the happening memes came from...I started here in ' were probably in 4th or 5th grade around that time, correct?
Inbetween nazism and lifting the feels away rn. Starting to realise that a fascist state is really just a fantasy that will only solve short-term problems when there are better solutions for our society. Probably going to wind up pursuing row 4 desu
Even if you were correct about everything it's easily fixable via utilization of advances in genetic engineering.
Don't we all.
>israeli firster unequivocally btfo by a leaf
shame there aren’t more leafs like you here
>before the place was infested with neocon electionfag cult worshipers
You're a leaf, get based. End The Fed!
The true redpill is realizing that liberals and conservatives merely litter both sides of the same political coin and, like most dualities, are at their most powerful when working together.
It doesn't take a fascist state to accomplish great things; merely cooperation between otherwise disparate parties who have more to gain by working with, rather than against, each other.
This is what most people fail to realize when they play partisan politics. When Bush Jr. was in power, to be liberal WAS politically incorrect and revolutionary.
Trump transcends both as everyone can see both neolibs and neocons alike work to discredit him. As above, so below.
The difference today is that the left is unapologetically anti-American and anti-West. The many disparate factions that make up the right just want to maintain our incredibly fragile civilization.
This place is hell. You can check in anytime but you can never leave.
There are people on the left who support Trump but hide it so as to protect their careers. I know quite a few. Most of whom I've spoken with came to support him in 2016 because they could see how Bernie got robbed in the democratic primaries and realized the left no longer held their interests close.
great song
We haven't had that spirit here since 1969.
is he selling used shoes? front of the westlake theater...
I don't know what the westlake theatre is, but I have never seen USED shoes being sold in my life ever. Is this a common practice for spics?
Sadly, yes.
And still those voices are calling from faaarr away.
Live version, ew.
I still think its funny.
Am I the only person that never had a "red pill crisis"
I saw the reality of race long before I came here, nothing I learned after I came here really got to me. Been here for 7 years and it's only sharpened my outlook whereas before it was all gut feeling I hadn't put much thought into.
4th down
Fair enough lol
kiss me.
nah...I was raised ultra liberal but always had suspicions...hell I didn't even have a notion of race and heritage until seventh grade. To be honest, when kids were calling me crackerjap back then, I thought they were saying I looked like the man on the crackerjack box which I, ironically, took pride in because I liked the design.
Did I hit the nail on the head?
ooga booga dog emperah
This is usually what happens with shills. You try to play it cool but then expose yourself when you get called out. Weak minded leftists. And this is the internet. I'd hate to see your mental state in person.
I can't even imagine. I only have one and I already spend every waking moment being annoyed.
>panel 1 is nope
>not jews did wtc and nigger nigger nigger
Fucking newfag soycucks, kill yourself if that was your first reaction.
Pathetic how some people glorify dumb board for edgy neckbeards
>muslim rapefugee detected
Meme flag=Israel
Fasicms is marely a tool for the Communist Problem.
> slow crackdown on antisemitism
> slow
no shit
a product of the ages, user
still, play the cards you got, not the ones you wished
Kek. If only your kids knew how much you hated them
what a bizarre image
do stop wearing hoodies though
I'm gonna fuck your mom with my hoodie on, senpai.
It's a lot better laughing about how much of a shithead they used to be once you can engage them as adults.
and yet here you are, 1posting
if we're a bunch of pathetic neckbeards, what does that make you?
I find it cringey when people talk like this about pol desu
Cringe, if you must, then.