How is this man allowed to be in charge for another 6 years?



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FDR had like 16 years or something

What's the problem, nigger?

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Violence.... Duh.

>8 years
>6 years
>8 + 6 + 6 = 20
>aussie math

Putin is a manlet
once a manlet has power, he will never let it go, history teaches us this

>100 years of gulags, exile, executions, and economic failure
>better than 24 years of stability

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He wanted to give up the office but he just couldn't learn to
>walk away


>actually do your job
>shocking that people want you to stick around

fuck you

Ask Merkel.


Ask Merkel

There is no viable option of ousting him. The man is a political genius.

great minds think alike

13 years

That was a little creepy user

He feels in charge.

Russians love him. The globalists like to accuse him of fixing elections but the truth is he doesn't need to fix them.

look up consolidation of power then compare it to how high end ceos in major companys work
> hes smart ruthless and gives no fucks

He is a great leader that doesn't allow western shit in russia.

China has perma pres, you dont care
Israel #1

By making Russia great again.

good for him

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years of gulags, exile, executions, and economic failure

Hey bro, I ordered the Gulag Archipelago and One Day In The Life Of Ivan D..whatever this weekend. Good books?

What is problem here?

...pls stop :)

Westerners just cannot accept that the majority of Russians support Putin. It does not fit their narrative.

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He acts not bad as president. We have problem with Government and Prime minister. Once he changes it - i'm ok with him ruling for another 10 years.

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Why wouldn't he? Putin is the best thing to happen to that shithole.

One of the few leaders in the world wjo is both patriotic and competent.
>why is his people giving him power?
Go back to fight birds aussie, don't forget to take your bucket helmet.

Tell that to Angela Merkel

I actually fear for Russia and the world if Putin can't find a suitable replacement.

The ZOG has been pressing hard to Balkanize Russia.

Slav = slave. Get in the easy-bake, Ivan.

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12, three terms not four.

Read this one too, I might read it one day.

Because he works for the Jews(oligarchs) who
steal money from the Russians and they are Ok with him as long as he let's them sell Russian natural resources.

Is he cold? His nipples are hard.

There's such thing, called "sovereignty". Some countries have it, they don't need to be "allowed" anything, they just do whatever they want.

t.kremlin kike

Elections and social surveys are constantly falsified. The majority of voters for the current regime are state employees. Military, doctors, teachers, police and law enforcement agencies.People are just afraid of losing their jobs.

Cry more. That's the only thing you can do.

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He supports Democracy so much that he just keeps getting elected

lol u mad?

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>t. kremlin jew

gas yourself yakov

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Because we love him very much.

The russian people have decided that putin is good at preserving their interests, and he hasn't done anything to betray their trust.
So, they elect him over and over again. Why does it matter that he's X years in charge? He's doing a good job and intellectually speaking, compared to him, other countries politicians are drooling monkeys.
Look at the interview with megan kelly, that's a perfect example of a painted bimbo talking to a person 65 times more intellegent than her.

Putin and Merkel have the same amount of years in power.

you fucking nigger kys

98% vote for Putin. not fixed. Honest. Ask mother Russia.
Would mother Russia deceive you?

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Putin is the anti jew

Alphas take what that want, outback nigger

Russians love being the bitches of a strong commie leader

Came to write this.

in what way is putin commie you retard

Putin's the only one seemly to get the job done

Russians like him and Russians make laws for Russia.

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He was a KGB colonel. That was a pretty communist organisation

This man is boss, imagine if he ran a country like America wonder what would happen to all those libtards

Putin is anti-Russian.

At least he wouldn't sell out Russia to the west, like Navalny would

He has sold Russian to Jews and muslim colonizers.

John Howard
25th Prime Minister of Australia

John Winston Howard, OM, AC is a former Australian politician who served as the 25th Prime Minister of Australia, in office from 1996 to 2007. Only Sir Robert Menzies has served in the position longer.
Howard was leader of the Liberal Party from 1985 to 1989 and from 1995 to 2007.

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There is nothing new about him, just watch out any totalitarian regime, Hosni Mubarak for instance. They all run elections and get some insane result (75-99%) and than come out and say: hey people just love me so why not?
What Putin (and all alike leaders) actually did is depriving anyone else from participating in politics for the whole time. Most people never seen those candidates who apposed him on the elections before the campaign started (and it lasted for less than 2 months). So it is no surprise people don't vote for someone they barely know. Provided that all candidates were to be literally approved by Putin's administration he almost chose secured his results beforehand.

I would like to ask any putinist ape who is shilling for Putin: why does he spend that much money on propaganda? If you watch first two tv channels you will discover each of them has at least 4 hours of literal soviet-style propaganda. If everything is so goddamn fine why do (((they))) need to explain it for 3 hours? And why did Putin abuse his Address to the Federal Assembly instead of participating in TV debates?

I Wish Trump would have the ability to stay for 24 years, Trump is a VERY strong leader...
Putin is an extremely strong Leader, the Russians Love him.
I hope He stays for another 240 years.

>He acts not bad as president. We have problem with Government and Prime minister. Once he changes it - i'm ok with him ruling for another 10 years.
Lol. And who appointed that government you have problems with? Oi damn, it was Putin and it happened six years ago.
No one loved Medvedev's govt, both libs and leftists yet Putin gave no dank fuck to uninstall it

Isn't Merkel in charge of Germany since early 2000s?

Dunno ask frau Merkel bout it

It's Russia dude. They don't play by your rules. Never have, never will.

Hello, soyboys. Putin is elected by majority of people in Russia. Again and again, because other candidates are same cuckolds and sobyboys like you, fella's


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Либepaхи pвyтcя дaжe нa фopчoнгe, кeкyc.

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20 years as a president, 4,5 years as prime minister.

Пyтин - либepaхa.

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Why not, he should be president for life.
If entire western msm hates you, you are doing something right.

И oн cнoвa пpeзидeнт, хeхe) нeт ничeгo лyчшe, чeм бaттхepт хeйтepoв)

Merkel is on her 4th term 16 years of Merkel now

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Дa нeт y мeня бaтхepтa oт eгo пpeзидeнcтвa. B бoльшeй cтeпeни y мeня пpипeкaeт oт нeocвeдoмлeннocти Зaпaднoгo oбывaтeля.
Oни дeйcтвитeльнo cчитaют, чтo Пyтин кaкoй-тo бeлый нaциoнaлиcт, a eдинcтвeннaя eмy oппoзиция -- этo либepaлы.

Кoтopыe в peaльнocти paбoтaют нa гocyдapcтвeнных CMИ (эхo) и являютcя чacтью пoлитичecкoгo иcтeблишмeнтa (тycoвoчкa).

leaders are like haircuts and wives. when a man finds one that works for him, why not keep it for a few decades. get comfty

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he's competent and doing a good job, so why not?

I thought 4 terms but he died at the start of the fourth

>having German flag
Das racist!

Haters -)
The British MI5 first attempt to kill Putin was over Ukraine, MH17 was Flying damn close to Putins airplain at the time. The British wanted to kill putin and Import ISIS into Russia, they wanted to exterminate Russians.
Russia Must now do everything in its power to make sure ISIS never leaves UK... this is a Matter of Honor.
What are they going to do attack Russia and America?
Sharia for Britain, this is a Matter of Principle.
Its the British, this this is the head of the Beast.

Why? Cause America needs to get the fuck out of other people's business and fuck off.

That's why

И, кaк я глyбoкo yбeждeн, oн являeтcя идeaльным пpeзидeнтoв для Зaпaднoгo нeoлибepaльнoгo иcтaблишмeнтa. Coчeтaeт в ceбe кaк экoнoмичecкyю пoклaдиcтocть и cтaбильнyю пocтaвкy нaциoнaльных бoгacтв, тaк и yмepeнный милитapизм, кoтopый мoжнo лoвкo иcпoльзoвaть в пpoпaгaндe, нaпpaвлeннoй нa oтвлeчeниe нapoдных мacc.

Because he is destroying Russian folk.

> We must understand that in any free elections fascists will win and hung us all with pleasure.
The head of Russia Today.

И нaциoнaлиcты из Mocквы. "Я нaциoнaлиcт, живy в Лoндoнe. Чypoк вoн!"

>, they wanted to exterminate Russians
Why? Putin himself is successfully doing it.

Because the kikes have been rigging Russian elections since 1917.

>this is what the u.s teaches it's students in public school

Putin says he is reversing the populations loss Trend now.
What Say You?

Yeah, by increasing the mudslime and kike population.

Putin is an anti-Russian liar.

> The natural decline in the population of Russia in 2017 amounted to 134 thousand people.
> The birth rate in the country has fallen to a minimum over the past 10 years.
> The total population of Russia, according to the Federal State Statistics Service for 2017, is 146.8 million people. During the reporting period, it grew by about 70 thousand people due to the influx of migrants.

I.e. we took additional 200k muslims.