Emma Gonzalez - Anti-Shill General Thread
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Emma González as a high school senior survived the February 2018 Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida. Her mother is a math tutor and her father is a cybersecurity attorney named Jose Emillio Gonzalez, who immigrated from Cuba to New York City in 1968. She has an Aunt named Angela Gonzalez who resides in New Jersey as well as two older siblings.
González, who identifies herself as bisexual, is expected to graduate from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in the spring of 2018 where she serves as the president of the gay–straight alliance. She enjoys creative writing as well as astronomy and was previously tracking team leader on Project Aquila, a mission to construct a school-made weather balloon. Aquila was documented by fellow student David Hogg, who is claimed to be her cousin and a professional crisis actor, a theory which has been supported by notable figures such as Donald Trump Jr.
On the day of the shooting, Gonzalez was in the auditorium with dozens of other students when the fire alarm went off. She attempted to exit through the hallway, but was told to take cover and took refuge back in the auditorium, where she was held for two hours until police let students out. Prior to the shooting, Gonzalez planned to study at New College of Florida.
Questions Remaining:
>Where was she born?
>How old is she?
>Is her mother Jewish?
>How many pairs of ripped jeans did CNN buy her?
>How often does she work out?
>Is she aware of her meme status?
Previous threads:
top right is MUCH better
>anti shill
>literalyl shill posting trying to jailb8 some anons on some lesbian
really makes you think
She wasn’t ever there st school that day right?
Shes ugly faced
The only reason you see certain anons attracted to her is due to the taboo nature of it
they know she stands for everything they hate & they're into femdom
she is 18+ and having one thread is better than 10. The only people who would be mad about a general thread are the shills themselves.
fuck your waifu
Makeup added to the bottom right.
>"Wh-what are you gonna do, s-stupid GUN lover?! Y-you're gonna RAPE me, ARENT YOU?! Rape my TIGHT freaking TOMBOY PUSSY?! Dang. I might even get PREGNANT! Wouldnt that SUCK? Like a mouth 'round your COCK would? Would be MINE most likely! Terrible. Just think of it! YOU filling my WOMB up?! CUM getting EVERYWHERE?! Blech! And we'd probably be at it like RABBITS till you PLOPPED out my BUTTHOLE. I'd spill over for sure! And I'd HATE being that. Your SWEATY naked CUM DUMP? Hate it, user! I'd HATE IT!"
Top left: ayyyyyyy lmao
Not only make up.
Nose job and pumped lips.
Aliens. What a great movie.
doesn't this girl look like her on top right?
hahaha what the fuck is wrong with these kids?
give her your gun the only way you know how, loaded and in her mouth
I didn't change any of her features and the stock photo came from wiki if you want to check it.
It does look like she has had retouching done. Did they alter the photo to make her appear more masculine?
Is it me or is she a little bit ann frankish.
I want to stick a gun in her butt
Women were a mistake
My Lefty waifu
Hail Hydra!
Like her yet?
Finally, Watson is no longer worst Emma.
>Prior to the shooting, Gonzalez planned to study at New College of Florida.
Until she got a golden ticket to any college in the country.
The willingness of you fucking freaks to sexualize and tsunderize La Goblina smfh.
Why is the left trying to sexualize this cunt?
she will see our love and embrace guns! youll see!
So she will grow up to accomplish nothing and be a net negative contributor to society. Got it.
she has already contributed memes
>Has she declared for any school yet?
>Is she even attending HS anymore or is she getting an honorary survivor degree?
The only positive thing I see here is that she definitely burns coal when she decides to indulge in the penis, which means the likelihood of her having kids out of wedlock are high. That'll slow her down
girls with hoops drive me fucking crazy
I want to make ugly la creatura babies with her while mating pressing her, being leglocked, holding hands, maintaining eye contact and whispering her that i love her 56% face.
I don't get it
Why do you guys keep spamming this fat beaner? You can find 5 of these type of girls in every poli-sci class.
When will these kids realise that showing your emtions during a speach is not powerful nor is it going to persuade your point better. im alright with them crying but crying for attention just makes me hate them.
This is a fucking joke isn't it
I hope this goes the way of Clockmed and she is exposed as a fake
Oh look, another Emma Gunzaluaelz thread
This general has been up for 12 hours now keeping things tidy, sorry the mods stopped your raid from posting 10 every hour.