
Idol Accel is out.

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/file/js01cdre61381po/Index-san 29.txt









Sasuga Gunha



Right now I think Idol Accel is the manga I am looking most forward too each month, compared to all the other to aru manga.
It really needs to be adapted as a short anime at least.

Also is the server down ?

So for the library mode bosses, it seems like it works like
Floor 1-20: One boss every 5 floors (5, 10, 15, 20)
Floor 21-40: Can have one boss on regular floors, guaranteed double boss every 5 floors.
Floor 41-60?: Can have double bosses on regular floors, dunno about the fifth floors.

Has anyone got to floor 45 to see if the have double or triple bosses?

I reached floor 45 and it had 3 bosses, but I was almost instakilled by a Vento and then lost al my remaining players.
The mode is WAY too hard, not even my 64 lvl Orianna can beat floor 35+ bosses.

I don't think they're expecting people at the level cap to be able to beat it. Maybe if you're at 70 and somehow have enough food to get all of the characters to 70, but failing that I assume they're expecting it to go unbeaten until after they increase the level cap a bit.

I got to floor 41 with level 54 Tsuchi, Acqua, Stiyl, Mikoto, and got wiped by unexpected double bosses. The boss rng is just so important...

Index-san 29 Translation: mediafire.com/file/js01cdre61381po/Index-san 29.txt

Thanks js

Tomboys like Mikoto are for Oyakodon!

>what is her special present?


Mikoto is a goddess. Her very existence is sacred, she is a shining light for this world.

based js

What I look forward to most.


No need to state the obvious user


If the pattern keeps up, we can expect quadruple bosses at floor 65, and quintuple floor 85. Not that anyone will get there.

>yfw Playable Fiamma beats the bosses with one hit

Server still down?

Is it me or is Accelerator slowly being kicked out of the spotlight of his own spinoff by Misaka here?

If you can't beat it with current rules you can try with the next set

Accel and his group still have the most screentime followed by Estelle

Hence the word 'slowly'. It just seems like she is slowly getting more presence and slowly nudging out other characters for pages.

I'm not seeing it. She has this cake scene and the wedding dress one in the last 6 chapters, that's not what I'd consider kicking out others for screentime.


Gunha is living his own series with his own villains. I'm surprised he has ran into beetle saving lolis

A Certain Scientific Hero manga when?

Is it appropriate foor beetle to do this? Fraulien is only wearing a thin nearly transparent shirt.

Gunha is all natural. A certain Gutsy Gemstone.

Dumb mikotofag priest

>Skirt shorter than shorts
Dumb Mikoto, this only makes my dick harder

Pretty sure its the same shirt she started with

You can't stop the lolicon.

That's gotta be a mistake, Tokidawai skirts are short but not THAT short

Are there any changes besides new costumes and crates?

Everyone feels faster now

You get more rewards for S ranking missions
When you get something its icon goes to the phone/the upper bar
Each mission has rankings

we already had this conversation when the game first released, seeing it in game form just makes it more obvious and stand out, same with characters heights

Blame Mikoto for making it that short

Miyabi looks pretty W I D E

>dat delusion

Whenever it comes to cake, Junko's on the receiving end of it whether she likes it or not.

You get keys the same way you get crates, right?

>Gekota lingerie

Crowley has to be putting something in the water world wide for this to be a thing.


Misha got angel mode buffs

>yfw Toaru Nichijou no Index-san continues offscreen in this manga and Touma and Index have their comfy lovey-dovy lives together while their friends and acquaintances are now idols

Astral Buddy > Idol Accel-sama > Railgun >> Accel

Toaru Kagaku NO Accelerator.

Isn't that a plushie?

>christmas mini-skirt LO

no, it is beetle just like Fremea's keychain is beetle

Her special present? Babies.
Misaka's (especially the original and originals mother) are made to be pregnant and to have a loving husband.
Think of a single misaka without a great lover. You can't.

So the mobage is gonna go full TF2 eventually next and give you hats, right?

No, it's more comparable to something like marvel heroes, with something like struggle battle constantly feeding them costumes they'll probably never run out

You need to go back, Etzali

The original doesnt have one and the clones dont either

>open a crate
>It's 10k silver

Unless the Misaka is the man in the relationship.

Original has Touma and clones don't have one YET. They still don't have a bad lover, and they are young, so its fair to say this claim is legitimate still.

>Original has Touma
you don't know what a lover is

I'm using it loosely to mean the one they are in a relationship with.
Kamikoto is basically confirmed to happen, unless index is ending in the next actual novel, which I doubt,

In Mikoto's dreams maybe

You still have no clue what you're talking about, the only person Touma is even remotely in a relationship with is a literal fairy

>original has touma

Mikoto's in luck. The relationship is so disturbingly deep between Touma and Othinus that the lesser position of wife is still technically available.

So, Agnese's gimmick is that she is ranged? Disappoint.

Agnese's gimmick is that she ignores defense

>2k tickets
Oh for fucks sake

Oh. She can only do it when the bar is not empty, right? What does Faith do for her? Increase the amount of defense ignored?

I just bought it, you can exchange pink tickets for blue tickets if you have em

blue tickets also just aren't really hard to get

Increases damage

How do you do that?

Go to costumes>click the blue "+" where the blue tickets are

I can only trade gekotas

Ok, thanks for the help.

Agnese is done. Only three Magic characters left.

Do you have pink tickets?

What date in series are we in as of NT19?

December, I think.

Never mind, I'm retarded.

Where do I get that suprise box? I wanna see if I can get terrorist Biribiri

play the damn game user

So who is more morally just? Touma or Shirou?

What date in December?

Mid December.

The guy who actually has concrete morals I'd say.

It not mid December that would be Dec. 15-Dec. 16

We are on Dec.11 late night as of NT19

Shirou would put you out of your misery, Touma would put misery out of you.