Manga adaptation of Lovecraft's works

Anyone else reading this? It's pretty good (unless you don't like Lovecraft, obviously) and art is top-tier.
My only issue so far is that they put way too much text even though the whole point of a visual adaptation is to show rather than tell.

Other urls found in this thread:

Never seen it before. Picking up.

So far I have only seen two stories translated: "Dagon" and "The Black Tower" but they will probably adapt more of them.
At least we know they are adapting "Haunter of the Dark" because that's the title of the manga for some reason.

Wasn't until you mentioned it. Can't get enough of Lovecraft!

What did he mean by this?

Ironic, given that HP hated Asians and would have been appalled at the Oriental devil adapting his work.


Well, this adaptation is fateful and has good art so I doubt he would be that triggered by it.
This on the other hand. I wish he was still alive so we could see him react to his creations being turned into cute animuh girls.
He would probably be a Hasturfag.

This. He was the ultimate Anglophile and had a seething hatred for Blacks, Italians, Hispanics and Asians.

Actually besto~

the cleaning looks kinda shitty doesn't it?

Aren't Italians white?

Without going full Sup Forums, no they're not by those standards. Even then, French, Germans and the like were considered by him to be lesser to the 'Anglo-Saxon master race'.

According to Sup Forumsfags no one is really white except for maybe someone from one of those Scandinavian countries.

looks amazing desu

Barney the Great Old One.

imagine seeing that in real life =͟͟͞͞ =͟͟͞͞ ヘ( ºДº)ノ

>writes about unfathomable cosmic horrors
>true horror is having his work adapted by the races he despised
Plot for a novel right there. Not gonna lie, I would enjoy that kind of suffering.

I doubt I would because I would try to fuck off as soon as I saw the weird monolith.
Though Dagon is kind of an exception, most Lovecraft protagonists are kind of retarded.
>Oh, ancient cave filled with evil statues of squid-thingies, bones and some weird eerie feeling of absolute wrongness
>I will totally get inside and start exploring the spooky place instead of running away like a bitch and pretending I never saw it
Granted, there wouldn't be a story to tell if the protagonists weren't so curious/reckless but fuck, some of these guys have no right to complain when some spooky monster murders them.

*Dagon's protagonist

Lovecraft described the Japanese as "mental and aesthetic superiors" of Yankees. It's surprising to me that there are still people on imageboards who don't understand that "racism" can be and usually is more complex than hating all nonwhites.

>not instantly prostrating and begging for powers from elder god-sama

Doesn't that usually end with you getting a tentacle shoved down your asshole, turned into a squid-thingy, going mad or some shit like that?

Where did you get this from? He's pretty explicit about his Anglo-Nordic supremacy views, see 'the street'.

I guess but will you keep your consciousness if you’re mentally strong enough to endure it? I’d take the anal probing chance.

I don't think it's possible for a human to endure that shit.
The whole point of most of Lovecraft's stories is that humans are so insignificant in the grand schemes of things that these cosmic abominations can rape our minds without even being aware they are doing it.

He was okay with Hispanics. He hated Germans and niggers the most.

Sounds like my kind of guy.

Most of Lovecraft's Cosmic horror stories don't have explicitly malevolent entities. They're mostly indifferent to Humanity and don't go out of their way to harm them. Any harm incurred from these cosmic entities is typically a product of their scale compared to our own and how the limits of the human brain cause it to struggle when it beholds something unfathomable. Look up cosmicism for more on this nihilistic philosophy.

So would the modern user be more resilient to going mad from the situations described by hpl?
Cg and horror movies, rekt threads, junji ito, violent and gruesome imagery is pretty commonplace if you look for it.
Could we have been accustomed to it?

He also despised gay people but a few writers from his inner circle were closeted fags so he inadvertently was fine with them too I guess.

He was also antisemitic but married a jewess from New York.

No matter how much fucked up porn you see, one of those cosmic horror thingies would still fuck you up.
I do believe that mordern humans would have higher chances to avoid losing their minds over the shit shown in those stories, mainly because most of their protagonists don't go mad due to some weird magic bullshit but rather because the revelation of how insignificant humanity is is too much for them to bear.
Modern humans are more nihilistic so even if we knew that our entire existence is meaningless or that we will eventually be murdered by some ancient horro awakening, some people wouldn't care.

A letter to James F. Morton. It's in volume 3 of Selected Letters--I can't find the full text online, but you can find that particular quote and its immediate context easily (the context is that he's saying the case for separation of the races doesn't turn solely on superiority or inferiority).
Lovecraft was not a supremacist in the sense of thinking his people were the best. He just preferred his people, and he makes this explicit pretty often.

The straight adapations, or modernized?


>shounen manga
>80s-90s style protag with cool hair and big guns
>fighting against cthulhu mythos creatures
>sidekick girl always getting tentacle'd
Did I imagine reading this or does someone else remember it?

Found it:

I'll retract my earlier statement on his single-minded racially regressive views, although he clearly does have a distinction between Aryans and non-Aryans and seems to have a thing for "Mother England"

I picked it up today on recommendation from an Ippo thread, "Helck"

He had a racist and/or xenophobic phase when young, then he regretted saying and writing that.

Helck doesn't have guns and he doesn't fight Cthulhu Mythos creatures, just ugly monsters.

I thought you meant guns like biceps my bad

>Helck having big guns
>vamirio getting tentacled ever
No you doof. This was litterally a 80-90s manga.

Oh wow you know what I'll give you that, my bad.

see I think Vamirio getting tentacled was a fantasy of mine and I got confused.

kiss already

Picked up, thanks OP.

>He was okay with Hispanics
No he wasn't. He considered them to be on the same level as blacks.


I'm pretty sure no one is as low as blacks.

also this
>He praised non-WASP groups such as Hispanics and Jews; however his private writings on groups such as Irish Catholics, German immigrants and African-Americans were consistently negative.[115][116]

He was referring specifically to Spaniards.

Is this that lovecraft anthology manga?
Wasnt it like only 1 volume?

No idea, I found it a few days ago in Batoto and it only has two translated stories so far.

Well, one story and a half actually, "The Black Tower" isn't fully adapted yet.

"The Black Tower" is the first part of "The Haunter of the Dark"

>He was okay with Hispanics

One of a large herd of unkempt Mexicans attracted thither from the neighbouring country, he at first commanded attention only because of his features; which though plainly of the Red Indian type, were yet remarkable for their light colour and refined conformation, being vastly unlike those of the average “Greaser” or Piute of the locality. It is curious that although he differed so widely from the mass of Hispanicised and tribal Indians, Romero gave not the least impression of Caucasian blood. It was not the Castilian conquistador or the American pioneer, but the ancient and noble Aztec, whom imagination called to view when the silent peon would rise in the early morning and gaze in fascination at the sun as it crept above the eastern hills, meanwhile stretching out his arms to the orb as if in the performance of some rite whose nature he did not himself comprehend. But save for his face, Romero was not in any way suggestive of nobility. Ignorant and dirty, he was at home amongst the other brown-skinned Mexicans; having come (so I was afterward told) from the very lowest sort of surroundings. He had been found as a child in a crude mountain hut, the only survivor of an epidemic which had stalked lethally by. Near the hut, close to a rather unusual rock fissure, had lain two skeletons, newly picked by vultures, and presumably forming the sole remains of his parents. No one recalled their identity, and they were soon forgotten by the many. Indeed, the crumbling of the adobe hut and the closing of the rock fissure by a subsequent avalanche had helped to efface even the scene from recollection. Reared by a Mexican cattle-thief who had given him his name, Juan differed little from his fellows.

Spics BTFO

Just checked, seems like the artist (Tanabe Gou) has done other Lovecraft stories in the past.
Not sure if this is something new he is doing or if they are translating something he did years ago.
Also, I read one of his works was "Isekai no Shikisai" and thought he had done some shit isekai story in the past, turns out that's the nip translation of "The Colour Out of Space".

Nice, I'll read it.

Also, have you guise read Ankoku Shinwa? Its pretty much cosmic horror.

Really? I read "The Haunter of the Dark" years ago and thought that was all.
Does that mean I actually read half of the actual story? I don't remember being confused by it or anything.


It's a manga adaptation, retard.

Oh, so I did read the whole thing and the manga just chose to divide it into two parts.
I was sure I had read the "they wanted to believe he was hit by lighting" bit so I was really confused.

Of Western garbage written by a fucktard hallucinating from chronic malnutrition, it doesn't change the shitty Western storyline, isn't set in Japan, doesn't make the characters cute and/or girls etc etc

I don't think he had reasons to hate other hispanics that weren't from Spain. Mexican gangs and flooding skill-less immigrants weren't that much of a problem back then

Still a manga, stay butthurt.

and none of what you're autistically screeching about make it off-topic

shove a cactus up your butt, mongoloid

> doesn't make the characters cute
Are you telling me isn't a total qt3.14? Are you gay?

>Words of some mental English soyboy nobody cared about alongside shitty western-style deviantart scribbles made in Photoshop
>B-b-but it's made by a Japanese so it counts ;___;
Stop choking on the Imperial chode

>doesn't make the characters cute and/or girls etc etc
>manga can only have cute girls
I'm laughing at you right now. It's a manga so get over yourself.

I'm not even going to give you a (You). Try harder.

I remember some of his works with Mexican and South American characters, and the descriptions weren't flattering. He didn't seem to hate Hispanics, but he didn't exactly respect them either.

One of my favourites is the one when a group of scientists find a weird creature in the South Pole and begin vivisecting it. After the creature wakes up and kills everybody, the protagonist says "he woke up after thousands of years to find a group of hairless monkeys cutting him open, of course he killed them".

The Necronomicon can't compete with the average user's browser history

You can bet there is some degenerate out there who would try to put his dick inside Yog-Sothoth.