After 2020
What would happen if sales of semi-autos were banned?
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Then black market sales would begin and a crime wave the likes of which you've never seen would begin in this country. Do you even know what kind of crazy shit happened when they banned alcohol?
Black market for ghost guns. Prohibition is a shitty solution for the abuse of inanimate objects that are in demand.
A lot more katana-themed mass slayings.
Civil War.
Nothing wrong with using a revolver.
you'd probably end up with a bunch of standoffs and fuck ups like bundy ranch, waco, ruby ridge etc all over the country which then turns into civil war.
fast action lever actions, fast straight pulls and plenty of new revolvers. Probably increased production of 7 round .38 revolvers and the like to try and increase capacity since the metallurgy is there with modern technology.
Rooftop Koreans
Mass shooters would use more appropriate firearms and get higher kill counts.
I guess another question is what would the gun owners in this thread do?
Well, as a proud spoon owner I can tell you that anyone coming here to confiscate my cutlery will be met with a barrage of flying steel.
(please defend your constitution, don't be like us)
But your wouldn't do anything if they banned sales?
>But your wouldn't do anything if they banned sales?
You people are stupid if they ban guns ,you will obey . But sure kid yaself that civil war would break out.within 20 years the youth will ban all guns, brainwashed from birth to be lefties and hate white rule ,they will take ya guns grandpa but but gen z will save us
Look forward 20-30years when your old and grey hated white minority .thats when they will strike
This character totally makes sense now.
Spread butter on the door knobs and for god's sake don't rely on made in china cutlery. It's less reliable and less accurate than europe made cutlery.
run while you still have the chance. my grandfather left england after world war II and it was a good call. the 2020's for you will look like something out of Children of Men.
This is pretty much the plan.
We should be doing the same hoop jumping bureaucratic bullshit to abortion clinics and everyone on Food Stamps and Medicaid
I loved that movie
It totally deserves a sequel
I'm tempted to start voting Dem out of spite if I don't GET MY FUCKING WALL!
What if bombs were banned?
I for one would welcome our Chinese overlords...
Same thing that happened when they tried to ban alcohol.
It'll be fine if implemented as a registry like when machine guns were effectively banned
this. aspiring machinists would make tons of tax free money in their garages
As a former gun owner, I guess I would take my boat out and go magnet fishing. With all the accidents and the new prohibition our waterways may as well be lined in gold.
one of my favorite childhood movies
Unironically this
Well I already lost all my semi auto guns in that boating trip a while back. sucks I had some nice ones too. So I basically have nothing to worry about.
Lever action, revolvers and pump would make a return. Also Semi auto sales would be through the roof for the next 2 years
Same thing as Prohibition
The problem with this is that there needs to be something that would bind whatever this law was to make it basically unable to be repealed or for whatever reason the Supreme Court rules in favor of it. Short of repealing the 2A there is no chance it would survive longer than 2-4 years as the people who past this law would be voted the fuck out in favor of people who would remove said law..
Also good luck getting 2/3s of the states to sign off on something repealing 2a
Literally all gun violence would cease and America would finally know peace
I've always been thankfull for the AR-15 narrative the media pushes. Could you imagine what would happen if one of these kids discovers the shotgun? 8+1 with #4 buck is ~220 .24 pellets on target as quickly as you could work the action. Hell imagine how fucked that would be if he could achievedecent spread. Fuck stacking any buck with a good spreading soft and heavy bird shot would be fucking horrifying for first responders, everyone is hurt, everyone is bleeding, and you have to physically sort through each victim to figure out who has big holes and who has small holes to get the most seriously hurt out first.
Thank God they keep pushing the "assault rifle" narrative, because it could be so much worse if they didn't give step by step instructions on CNN an someone had to figure it out on their own.
we will sue the leftists and les pendens everything they own.
Then buy mills and lathes and just build better rifles.
>Then black market sales would begin and a crime wave the likes of which you've never seen would begin in this country. Do you even know what kind of crazy shit happened when they banned alcohol?
Suddenly I'm pro Hillary
this. all white men bend over to (((them))) . this is coming from a white man cucked to shit from Australia from one 'mad man'
Remember when this worked for the war on drugs?
How about war on poverty?
War on high prices?
Fuck it. We'll just make murder illegal.
I'm pretty sure some crazy fuck will start the civil war eventually. It only takes one person to light a match
Lmao you nog I'm part of gen z the memes are real
Cops would be exterminated in massive numbers. Those remaining would quit for fear of their lives.
Quit trying to get me partyvanned, faggot
Stop eating tide pods!
>image of powerful quote
>tacked on speech bubble with grammatical error
it's like a controlled opposition masterpiece. Fix it.
guy isn't she underage?
Then lower courts and the SCOTUS would invalidate said laws rather fast. Semi-auto rifles and semi-auto handguns are widely used weapons which have been held under Miller, Heller and other cases to be protected under the 2nd amendment (for states in conjunction with the 14th amendment).
So you cannot ban them. You may restrict them, but only to a point that the restrictions aren't unreasonable or unusual.
Or if the guy in Vegas just put a couple claymoores on the door of the hotel room and sat up there with a .50 barrett and went to town like a calm serial killer. How many people do you think he could have taken out before the crowd got a half mile out and he ran out of ammo? Hiding would have done nothing.
You'll lie down and take it like the cuck you are.
Lets see,
Black market for semi-autos and probably full-autos goes gangbusters
School shooters realize bolt action or revolvers aren't actually bad at killing people and you get more 'snipers at the big game' type killing
Anyone else wanting to commit mass murder realizes trucks are easymode and bombs aren't that hard to make either
But that's on the criminal side, there'd be lots of open revolt and 'come and take it' type things if the Supreme Court didn't simply strike it down almost immediately.
That is a thoroughly retarded synopsis. There are 450 million semi auto firearms, alone. Reloading exists. Guns last lifetimes. Most gun owners are not rednecks (70-80 million people). This is just stupid.