Why can't they Hwhite man complete fairly


>captain Steve Smith and teammate Cameron Bancroft sensationally admitted to ball-tampering during the third Test against South Africa on Saturday, plunging cricket into potentially its greatest crisis.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Abos cheating? is there anything new?

>50,000 other acts of ball tampering caught on video of Indians
>We dindu nuttin', das racis
>ICC dismisses cases
>Aussie actually confesses when caught
>Book thrown at him
Fuck the ICC

what is this 3rd world sport?

They were stupid and got caught using tape. Would have been better to have a pocket wank and wipe jizz on the ball. Isn't that what the Indians do or am I getting cricketers confused with waiters?

Isratine #1

your tampering with my balls with your mouth.......... fag

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Remember when kohli all but directly said that australian side was systematically cheating? He was right and now stands vindicated.


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Kekkity kek! Austrian shitbowlers

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Yeah but were Australian, there is no excuse for acting like niggers. Captain and batsmen need to go.

Should have put a smidge of glue under the brim of his hat.

I knew there'd be some shitshow coming after they kept whining about South Africans being mean. Australia practically invented sledging. It was pathetic

'm not saying the ball tampering incident was set up specifically to distract from this march. It seems like quite a lot to drag our premier sporting team through the mud just so that the news can ignore several thousand people marching in support of South Africans.

But it sure has been fortunate for the news media in this country that the ball tampering incident did occur at the same time this protest was going on.

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>Aus team in SA
>Aus embarrasses SA on world stage by trying to save the boer
The jew had to do something to punish Australia.
This was it.

>watching cricket

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stfu mutt

Good never liked smith. Warner should be captain.


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Sign the petition cobbers

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>sign petition to make it easier to let refugees in.
No this is a trick to get us to weaken our immigration policy.

Yeah I've got to agree with I'm in favour of importing all 4million white saffers, but nothing good comes from the Soros funded change.org.

Can expect the whiteoid to play fair. They always end up chimping out and/or cheating.

get fucked poo and stick to your own sports.


Ah shit, this happened the same time as the march? Yeah coverage of it would die. Fucking retarded cricketers.

Don't your lot have an issue with match fixing of was that the Pakis? Or do all of you cheat like you do one your uni exams to get into Australia so you can work at a petrol station?

If you don't know cricket is the biggest sport in India, you're fucking retarded.

I do, they can still get fucked.

Shut up cheaters. Literally a convict island lol

>considers cricket a real sport

KEK yeah it bounced so fucking obvious. Sneaky poo.

ban the cunts for life

It was staged user.

I've been trying to work out what's going on in this video. This must be how an American feels when they read a book,

Oh say can you shart
in the local >soccer turf

Don't let this news bury the fact that englel was 58/10

Mate, it's like the second biggest sport on the planet, it's fun to watch too once you understand the rules.

Also this thread is /cric/ now


George Washington played cricket.

have to admit the whole things a bit ott, was watching the new zealand game earlier and some of the comments online were hilarious.
youd think the aus captain had walked on with a gun and killed somebody

They gotta go mate. We're fucking better than this. This is shitskin behaviour.

The Aussie prime minister is having a meltdown it's fucking crazy.

Not soccer or caning your maid

Cricket is cool, it's comfy to watch once you learn the rules, Your Majesty.

You know the paki sweeping your homes? This is what he does when he becomes really good at it

Whites aren't people.

hory rhit

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cricket is field hockey for faggots.also a game for a race of people too stupid to come up with games of their own.
well besides skip over the human feces in the street game.

How much do (You) hate Uber cunt?


Impeach Dutton NOW

deserves a link. Been a bad week for the poms all round what with pugs and groomers and such.

no Anglo or Boer would willingly act like kaffers.
what happened gents?

>cricket is field hockey for faggots
No field hockey is field hockey for faggots

Fuck that is harsh, were they Japanese they'd all have committed suicide by now.

You do know baseball is a version of a game for girls called rounders?

Wouldnt of happened if they’d only bowled underarm.
Grubbers kills the kiwi

>Indian Australians record high levels of educational attainment that surpass the national average. In 2016, it was revealed 54.6% of Indian migrants in Australia hold a Bachelor’s degree or a higher educational degree, three times more than Australia’s national average of 17.2% in 2011, making them the most educated migrant group in Australia.[7]

literally bangradeshis and pakis that drive taxis in your convict island.

our current team are and always have been humourless POOFTERS

Shame they aren't really. The British seem to be good at coming up with games, just not good at playing them.

big words from a poor ass jingly

hey remember when india was under british and everything work? Now its a shithole, literally. The once great ganjes is now a stream of shit as it passes through india.

work. something you Saudis know nothing about.

Easy when you cheat. Pic related is Indian exam time with relatives scaling the building to pass cheat sheets.

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American education working overtime. Stick to baseball seppo, deciphering cricket seems to be beyond your academic ability.
This. Aussie cricket team caught cheating at an extremely cohencidental timing with the SA crisis. And the media decides to focus on this instead of the real news, what a joke.
India finally has some banter, but this incident is only the most recent example of cheating.
Pro sports is full of cheating faggots, this isn't a new phenomena.

>Convicts scheming to win a game
How surprising

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Shut up Muhammad. Back to the the whitoid child sluts.

Now that's some ball tampering.

>At the time of the 2011 Census, the median individual weekly income for the India-born in Australia aged
15 years and over was $663, compared with $538 for all overseas-born and $597 for all Australia-born. The
total Australian population had a median individual weekly income of $577

ur the one's driving taxis for Indians in melborne lol

can't expect anything better m8

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Don't worry he can take the whole ball Inside his vagina.

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Sure is a lot of money working 23 hour shifts at the 7-11, you fucking hummingbird cunt

He can take 2, like a champ


And how much do you make at home? Oh that's right fuck all because you are third world subhumans who haven't mastered the art of sitting on a toilet. You have to sponge off the white man.


he's an aussie he's used to takin in balls

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The Australian Cricket Team got demoralised in the Bezmenov sense.

Another false flag from bogans to distract you from the fact that Australia is rightful Indian clay

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1. "Convicts" were mostly beggars who stole a potato or loaf of bread for their starving families in squalid, over-populated London. Britain needed any excuse to get rid of people.
2. These "convicts" were only a tiny percent of the people who colonized the land, most were free settlers.
3. Even if we were all descendants of "convicts" we forged a nation that is one of the best and most prosperous in the world, with an HDI second only to Norway - and in less than 2 centuries!
4. Meanwhile after 5000 years India is still a piece of shit.
5. Pajeets love moving here. Seems the "convicts" did a pretty good job.

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Cricket is a massively corrupt sport

by sponging off white men do you mean making him drive taxis for u in his own convict island? if so, then yes

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being fat

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Saudi are only good at fucking donkeys

>We gud guise we dindu nuffin it was da anglos
Colour me surprised desu cunt

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18. Rod Marsh & Ian Botham.
In an Ashes match Botham arrived at the wicket to a bit of cheek from the Aussie keeper. Marsh : "So how's your wife and my kid's?". Botham: "Wife's fine. Kid's are retarded".


>Born American

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>A sport that people actually care about
Pick one.

You have a little Gungadin that sponges out your arsehole after you groan out a turd?how much did that cost?

being fat and salty

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Got one for free with a full tank at Caltex.

I'm not salty

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> be amerocan
> watch niggers felon league

>niggers felon league

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Holy shit, I finally found the Indian version of “we wuz”. I didn’t even know you guys existed