>when your general needs a troll PSA to protect your raw buttocks
Evan Martin
Yo fluffy you don’t have serious opnions. Also any reason this pic looks like a construction worker with braces
Leo Collins
>using your neices, nephews, sons, daughters and students to have an emotional whine about "hurr durr ban da gunz, they are bad" gun grabbers are fucking scum, i hope neither Trump, The NRA or GOA bend to these howling cunts. bump stock ban is bullshit and should be slashed.
While I thank you for your baking, you shall be punished for not posting my image. I will check back with you soon. Know that I am not evil. I simply hold those due accountable.
Chili, cheddar, sour cream, crumbled Fritos, finely chopped jalapeños, onion, and no clue what the red shit it
Carson Wood
>Army Corp of Engineers constructing remaining border fortifications >vital to national security, can't be helped >Executive has final say in spending oh noooooooooooo, that sucks :^)
Dominic Murphy
how much money does it cost to rub my pebis on a gril body like that
Noah Gutierrez
fuck off retard, jesus christ you contribute NOTHING if you dont get paid to do this, your life is pathetic you do nothing all day but spam your manchild awoo shit and avoid discussing politics at all costs
>Join a cult becasue your so fucking retarded you can't stop betraying everyone. >get murdered while destroying the race you claimed you were protecting
>I-its 4d chess Says the desperate magapeed for the 7th time this week
John Sanders
Pharaoh Trump has granted you an audience in front of his divine presence. Make a wish or ask a favor, but it shall only be granted if you roll a 0 or 9.
What's wrong with just a simple hotdog? Just ketchup, sweet relish and a light touch of mustard?
Gavin Thompson
Drank to slow to be drunk, I'm just sleepy now; if I get drunk on /ptg/ I might accidentally post that ultra-rare saran wrap valentine's Trish and then what would I tease my fren with?
Replace each of the hole flags with a flag with the name and picture of a dead Stoneman student, and have the 18th flag say "You have the power to stop the next 17 from dying. Americans will love you for saving their children."
The DeepState can not allow Trump a Second Term because he will be completely unrestrained. He will be able to do one of many MAJOR ACTIONS nearly immediately with little political fallout. He will not have to worry about reelection or a phony (((Russian Probe))) as the investigation will be well over by then. He will have the backing of the people and the mandate to do incredible things.
thanks for the link, however superintelligent AI will have to realize later on that being connected to the etheric sea of life will temporarily prevent their premature death from entropy
Hudson Sanchez
imagine spamming r/Democrats lines at 2:15 AM EST
roll out tanks against the next astroturf from (((them)))
Trump is a Soros plant. A long con to mobilize the youth and the left, so the democrats can have all three branches in 2020. Btw, ids Stormy day today! Popcorn time.
>went back to the start of her instagram to rip but it was from 2014 and in HS I didn't rip a lot because even I've got standards about being a dirty old man (kinda), not sure if any I've got are rare anymore, but maybe this one?
sometimes you gotta go big or go home. When I get a hot dog I get every topping available at the concession stand and call it a garbage dog I only ever eat hot dogs at sporting events
Joshua Morris
Well im going to ""sleep"" /ptg/, see you tomorrow.
Imagine being trump and letting some guy wonder if he will get his retirement package for 90 days and than fucking him at the last minute. than tweet about it to make sure that salt gets rubbed in good and deep