Made in Abyss

Welcome to the Fifth Layer, how tough are ya?

i can't believe nanachi is fucking dead

I eat mitties for breakfast.
Without any milk.


Just wait for the next asspull and see.

>but we both have dicks
>that only makes it better

I don't believe you user

I won the Father of the Year award over four times in a row.

The village is like this too. Even Faputa looks like that when she's flying. Seems to be a pretty definite motif for narehates. No idea what it all means in-universe.

Where does the blonde come in? Was it a random mutation?

Is not like Bun is actually dead in any way, you could say Riko was way deader in volume three and she managed to survive, saving Nanachi from what seems like a magical force is not that out of question

>Big lab filled with a bunch of adults
>Wrecked by three kids
Tougher than you.

I'm so tough that I once touched Ozen's butt.

Oh, is that why you don't have arms anymore now?

Shut up Mark, no one believes you

Touch enough to make myself comfortable here.

That's wrong, I am not Ozen

Better not be that fucking abomination fluffzen

I forgot, how did he fire Spargmos from his elbow?

Artifacts, son

maruchan is best girl

please post some screenshots of the best scenes in the show; I need to confirm my tastes.

Mark is a handsome man and there is no need to imply that He looks at all like a girl. He just wears this because Ozen make m-him!

What do you think the next major suffering event will be?
Mitty must die again?
Reg must kill moth?

every fucking single thread, user.

holy shit, this is some CKII-level incest




was confirmed the other day nigga
maybe not another season but a continuation of the anime

blonde hair is a recessive gene brought out by inbreeding

ozen is bad people

post more of the best boy

as you wish

proof pls

Hey anons who have experienced both, how does the Made in Abyss manga to the annie-may?


Read the manga it good very ultra pro.

Manga has more nipples

Man, that's lovely soft shading unlike in any manga I've read.

We know she is aligned with the forces of evil because Tsukushi gave her an outie and not an innie.

I like her claws, it looks like she uses them very delicately (expect the stabby stabby)

how are they gonna cover her nips up in the anime? I thin cloth or something? rip

They're already covered up in the story.

oops, I'm reading it right now, I just got off of this page and had to take a break lol

this doesnt make sense, even if he impregnated each one of those girls by the time they were 13, the dude would be in his mid 80s by the end, would he even be able to produce any sperm without heavy genetic damage that doesnt end in miscarriage?

Both have flaws and pros, if you prefer manga, then read manga but if you prefer anime, and watch the anime. Anime is great adaptation


>has unknown indestructible relic with a mysterious letter written on it
>draws a flaccid dick and an erect dick on the back
never change, riko.

Is riko saying that meinya stinks?

Imagine her showing this letter to Lyza.

quite the opposite

she's saying kusai though

Maybe in that other pic Meinya mostly smells like Prushka? So Meinya may not smell that good but Prushka does

That's right. I am Ozen.


Does the Abyss have a day/night cycle? It occurred to me that I don't remember reading about it specifically. Logic would dictate that it should match the cycle on the surface since that's where the force field gets light, but if there's time fuckery the deeper you go, shouldn't day and nights become shorter and shorter?

They must have some way of tracking days because Ozen makes Riko and Reg survive for 10 days and they return without being fetched

>that small peek of Maruruk's dick right under Reg's strand of hair on the back of his head

reg's silhouette kinda looks like a moth here..
>captcha: mark motorway

Damn it, riko.

How does reg control himself so he doesn't demolish that cunny

He's just doesn't know what sex is, yet. Once he's aware, however..

Yeah, makes sense, but it's strange how the topic of light or fire is never brought up, being completely blind in the depths at night must be dangerous as all fuck, you can't see shit but all the predators can still hunt you perfectly fine with their curse-vision.

The day/night cycle must also be accelerated in the depths. If a day spent down there actually encompasses multiple days on the surface, then a day down there must also encompass multiple surface day-night cycles.

Do you mean Nancy?

If I remember correctly he's got an artifact of his own which keeps him young and virile, and on at least one occasion he doesn't even wait to 13.

And in one ending they finally have enough of his shit and cut his dick off, but I don't know if that's canon.

control yourself

>nanachi's tail feels so good...
>*rub rub*
>*haa haa*
>wherever i touch nanachi is fluffy isn't she?
>*tremble tremble*
>stop it~
>don't stick to me~~

age derived problems mostly fall under the influence of the mother genetic material.
besides, magical 2d nippodick> than science in anume

is Sixth Layer part of the asthenosphere?


>ending theme is called "Travel left hand, farthest right hand"
>riko loses use of most of her left hand
>reg gets his right hand cut off

that track is just full of foreshadowing. the lyrics talk about dawn being near and shit

unless their planet is a lot smaller, no

fucking dead what?

didn't it only last down to like 15000 meters or something. that's still far from enough.

we can see the sea bottom level in the map, that should tell if the planet is non-earthlike

sauce user?

There are only a handful of doujins on sad panda. It's obvious.

tsukushi hasn't even started storyboarding ch 44 has he?

someone should ask him on twitter

he still hasn't finished fapping to the new wave of shota and loli art of made in abyss that came with the anime adaptation.

just noticed mark is peeing himself lol

Are those Riko's knicks?
How much?

Its called precum

No, that's clearly piss. He even said he used to have a problem with it too.

>flowing down his leg

Is there an English translation of the lyrics somewhere?

spoiler that shit you fucking idiot


>inb4 chapter 44 ends in the same nanachi cliffhanger as the last 2 chapters, leaving us at that point for over 6 fucking months in total.
you heard it here first

10 days until ch.44 boys

>10 days

10 business days.
Hes not including Tukushi's Xmas holidays so its next year.

100 days*

Who's got the stinkiest shit in the abyss?

That's right, i am Fluffzen.

>implying the sequel announcement didn't light a fire under his fat ass

Ding-Dong Diddly

Floor-mat senpai

Riko, you daft cunt.