>Exist beyond matter, time and space
>This is boring, I want to do something
>Want to create a sim to make buddies with whom you could hang out, want to give them free thoughts and will so you're not talking to yourself
>Create a concept of an adversary because without him free will is impossible, make him weaker than yourself, put him in charge of opposition to yourself, give him free will for equal grounds
>Create the starting point of the universe, 0 because you're already +1 and your adversary is -1
>Give humans free will so that you're not talking to yourself once good bois are ready to join u after going through trials
>Okay, adversary, convince as many easily convinced bois to be naughty as you can, I need good buddies, weed out the shit stock (not his actual words though, don't sue me Jesus, we're bros, alright)
>Make a deal with adversary for him to start convincing poipl after x amount of their multiplication, give them enough people to talk to each other so that it's not the only first two tainted
>Your adversary double crosses you to win and taints hooman from the first pair
>Get upset but it's your adversary, he's supposed to be a cunt and you want buddies so let it slide, maybe one of their multiplications will bear good fruit
>Jews side with adversary meanwhile Jesus is watching the shitshow, waiting for at least one good boi
>In comes Noah
>Hmm maybe if I leave dis boi and make him multiply I'll beat the adversary, and take revenge to what he did to Eve and Adam let's see where this goes I have nothing to do anyway, this should put us back on equal grounds
>There are still more evil than good poipl because adversary tainted the source
>Fuck. I knew this would happen oh well there will at least be some good poipl the gate is gonna be narrow though
>Let adversary fuck around, basically give this world to him you only care about good poipl to be buddies with anyway
>Could start over at any point but curiosity gets the best of you

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>Pop out beyond matter, time and space to drop off some prophecies to convince more poipl to b gud
> Find out that you'll get enough friends to hang out with forever, but the best outcome is to become human as you already are though because you created Adam in your image but you already knew this because you've been through this and will be through this in the time loop.
> let the time flow freely, will only be able to use human free will once you pluck them out of simulation beyond matter, time and space but you're keeping a list whom to take and whom to fuck up, BITCH
>the way humans act with nature, eachother and themselves is how they're gonna act with me their whole interactions mean everything
>Alright I made the first humans in my own image so I must get the source of a human body
>Find a 14 y/o girl as a hostess for yourself who is without sin and will join you without needing to be in line to go to heaven as a repayment
>Become human-GOD, yourself, you're anything you want to be whatever I can be this, I made this
>This is your start. This is your birth place. You have always existed thanks to this moment. This is also how all humans are born and experience what you have created for them. Time to check out what it's like to be human and get that human bod for forever for yourself for creation of humans, for beyond matter, time and space. You can do anything, even give a start to yourself inside of the timeline.
>Walk around, heal people, never sin, feel kind of good even though this for you is a simulation because in this plane you know everything what humans are gonna do so it's not really what you want, feels kind of rapey, you know what humans will say this isn't the dialog you want to have with them beyond matter, time and space

>be man
>invent a concept to justify abusing an innocent man
>he kills you instead


>Tell jews they follow the adversary, smack them around, see where it takes you I mean you're right, you're you, you ain't giving fucks but you're inheritly good and fair and you are giving an example of what you want, you don't want niggas chimping out in heaven love and peace my brother let's all chill
>meet adversary, tell him to fuck off and that he was a cunt but he's supposed to be a cunt so he's doing his job right but he shouldn't try to convince you to be evil because you made him, you retarded adversary you don't even know who I am, do you, go fuck goats, that's right I can see it you goat head fucker
>Gospel available to all good people, take followers, teach them so that they'd spread the word after your death which you know is coming but you need it for the body and to reach as many people in the future as possible through your suffering and gospels
>Get convicted by jews for doing fuck all bad, going against adversarys teachings
>Get obliterated, the pain receptors you gave to humans, are nothing like you have ever experienced anything before but if humans take it so can you after all if you want them to be your friends you must suffer as they do it's only fair
>Realize what kind of fucked up place you created that a person without sin can get convicted and obliterated to death
> Come to the conclusion that those people who just believe in you will be saved because this is terrible

This is the chr*stcuck Sup Forums police, stop it now.

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> Tell these words in one of your previous teachings because this is a loop for you and you exist in the beyond matter, time and space, your natural habitat, but also here, basically everywhere at any time. This timeline habitat has reached it's full potential for you. To make fweinds :3 you don't want to be seen as a hypocrite in heaven who doesn't know human suffering. You have the body for Adam, you are a GOD who is human GOD, not a stock up asshole adversary or fake gods. You know pain and are proud of it. You will inspire future generations to join u because this world is shit, it's hell you want your fweinds to experience your friendship with you, beyond matter time and space.
>Die, resurect, fulfil your own prophecy
>Obliterate adversary delete -1 and sufferers of hell to stop their suffers, you don't want pain anymore onto anyone because you know what it is
>Be left with +1 and fweinds :3 for an infinite amount of time, if you get bored you can always start another simulation. Good ending. Satan can suck my dick. Jesus is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. He's the one in Genesis and the one in New Testament.

Shout out to all Christian bois and girls. Have faith in Jesus nothing else compares or matters. He's the one who cares. He's the church. He can do everything and anything. Don't give people power they don't deserve. PEACE.


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>be God
>israel #1

What's with Americans and having difficulty reading? Jesus doesn't care for jews. He cares for humans.

An interesting view of the situation. Seems to support the idea that Jesus is the Son of God & Messiah, that He died for our sins and rose again. I think it's ok. Unusual, but I think you'll be in heaven being corrected, not burning for eternity.

I'll pray for you. Amicus brief of sorts.

good stuff

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Last bump.
I'm going to sleep. Gn yall.

The lack of attention span

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10/10 nice biblical TL;DR quick rundown

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>be human
>claim to know God's thought process
OP btfo

there's a big difference between not wanting to read a paragraph written by some retard on the internet and not wanting to read a book. just because people don't want to waste time reading pointless shit, doesn't mean they have short attention spans

Your god sounds like a fucking retard

You missed the entire point, goldfish

The guy "tATuK1/N" said that OP's post was pro-jew when it was anti-jew

Attached: bigdipper.jpg (1000x1000, 236K)

>OP describes a super natural being
>OP thinks said being has average human sentience
That projection.
Stop trying putting yourself in a super being shoes, that's the stuff only retarded atheists do.

You know I've been thinking of accepting Jesus and you've legit given me something to think on. I mean it's formatted in a kind of stupid structure but I get the message.

I'll think about it. Maybe even attend a sermon or something.

JURU (jewish guru)

I love you!

Attached: JESUS ROME GOY.jpg (900x900, 529K)

I like it, OP. I want to believe God has a sense of humor and chuckled a little.

Fuck yeah
love you god

Interesting take on it

Being hypothetical here...
>be being of pure thought and endless intelligence
>command matter in all its form
>flesh and blood, base 3d matter mean nothing to you
>be in existance since before time had a meaning
>some guy on Sup Forums posts a simple greentext about your motives

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If God has free will then it doesn't follow that he'd need to create an adversary to make free will possible for others. Free will is a function of sentience. The bigger question is does free will go away once you're in heaven.

>in 1800 b.c.
the codex format depicted here appeared in the third century A.D. after that we have retrospectively renamed those ancient works with a big enough volume 'codices', which evolved into today's books.
otoh I'm sure the retard who made this image does not know the difference between BC and AD and meant 1800 A.D. it's like the other picture with the crusader and '1000 years later your ancestors ...'. why do americans use big words they don't understand?

God hath endued the will of man with that natural liberty and power of acting upon choice, that it is neither forced, nor by any necessity of nature determined to do good or evil. ( Matthew 17:12; James 1:14; Deuteronomy 30:19 )

Man, in his state of innocency, had freedom and power to will and to do that which was good and well-pleasing to God, but yet was unstable, so that he might fall from it. ( Ecclesiastes 7:29; Genesis 3:6 )

Man, by his fall into a state of sin, hath wholly lost all ability of will to any spiritual good accompanying salvation; so as a natural man, being altogether averse from that good, and dead in sin, is not able by his own strength to convert himself, or to prepare himself thereunto. ( Romans 5:6; Romans 8:7; Ephesians 2:1, 5; Titus 3:3-5; John 6:44 )

When God converts a sinner, and translates him into the state of grace, he freeth him from his natural bondage under sin, and by his grace alone enables him freely to will and to do that which is spiritually good; yet so as that by reason of his remaining corruptions, he doth not perfectly, nor only will, that which is good, but doth also will that which is evil. ( Colossians 1:13; John 8:36; Philippians 2:13; Romans 7:15, 18, 19, 21, 23 )

>This will of man is made perfectly and immutably free to good alone in the state of glory only. ( Ephesians 4:13 )