ITT: Absolute truths

Race is sociobiological
Gender is sociobiological
Class is sociobiological
God exists (Thank you based Aristotle and Aquinas)
Unrestrained capitalism and coercive communism are both corrosive to the health of a nation
Taking personal responsibility is a prerequisite for any kind of positive change in your life

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no, just biological

>God exists

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fuck of Sven, don't you have a bull to prep?

>absolute truths
Israel #1 deal with it



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>God exists
prove it

>God exists
Could be a higher dimensional being for all we know, so... we’ll see.

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>4D tipping

>higher dimensional being
and "God" is the name we use for it

>God doesn't exist
prove it

no, it’s both. Our culture is defined by our sociobility

Great points, mostly.

But Dr Manhattan is a shit character, made by a Commie Occultist. Watchmen has AMAZING story but the philosophy is TOTAL garbage. Its the exact opposite of what you are preaching

>Haha how can you believe in a god there's no proof!
>There is also no proof there isn't some type of divine being
Atheists are the biggest brainlets, their own arguments contradicts themselves. Why aren't you a agnostic Chad.

Humans were not conscious beings until 4-6 thousand years ago. You are now your own god, good luck.

Add IQ to that list and you're golden.

But what if the dimension theory is right and say god is from the 5th or 6th dimension? Would it too contemplate the existence of higher beings and higher dimensions thus having a god of its own?

Read anselm if you want to learn that god is real. I am thank ful for it becausue now I know that it's real.

that would make sense imo

One cannot live on welfare and be #1
Also, 20% Arab

Desu I just like the picture.

Anyways, I'm just trying to make sense of it all. Sup Forums has helped greatly in my education, and I like to try to give back where I can. I don't really know if I'm missing any other 'big pieces', but I'm moderately confident in my map of reality at this point. I don't really know what to think about religion at this point, and will probably continue puzzling over spirituality/metaphysics for the rest of my life.
IQ realism is a subset of class being sociobiological.

Jesus, thats such a bridge too far.

Theres no proof of that at all

Its more likely that history it self has a half life and that theres no way of passing on information and historic tellings in the face of LONG stretches of time. Information has a physical structure that breaks down in the ocean of deep levels of time. So from our view, we look back into the past and theres a horizon, in the field of history, much like an event horizon in a black hole, that we can "see" beyond.

Not directly related at you, but why do we assume "higher" dimensional perception is "better"? T retard

You are literally correct.

Ok. Now what?

It's also pretty naive that many atheists/ materialists assume that god, transcendence, or the supernatural could be experienced or explained solely by the intellect.

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Thanks Hans. Am I missing anything? More time could be spent fleshing out metaphysical commitments, but I'm not really sure how to integrate Aristotelian metaphysics with modern science beyond acknowledging God as the unchanged changer/unmoved mover of reality.

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100% Agreed.
Also, hubris will be the downfall of mankind.

It actually makes some sense, but I doubt it's true. The origins of consciousness in the breakdown in the bicameral mind is about it and it's a pretty fun read.


Hormones make women women and men men. Sociology has nothing to do with it

it's gods all the way down

you forgot the chromosomes that informs the sex organs

1) Seek peace between ethnic groups/races via peaceful separation
2) Restore trust between the sexes by acknowledging sociobiological differences, and rehabilitate marriage as an institution
3) Encourage high IQ individuals to have more children, and encourage lower IQ individuals to have fewer children
4) Formally acknowledge God as a pre-requisite to any kind of policy making or academic inquiry
5) Support moderate regulation on businesses to protect workers, but not so much that small businesses cannot compete with large firms
6) Encourage private charity rather than government handouts
7) Encourage people to take responsibility for their lives, and praise those who do so

I dont know any more than you would but we have the 1st dimension which is a singular point, 2nd dimension which the line between two points, 3rd dimension (our dimension) the material universe, 4th dimension which is time and the fifth dimension which would theoretically be an immaterial existence.

>prove a negative

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Yet in the last decades, society has turned men into women

Do men wear kilts, or pants? Do women work in the fields, or in the office? Social conditioning and evolutionary adaptations are both at play. Biological determinism is boring tbqhwyf.

young stud FUCKS fedorafags for 1 HOUR CLICK TO SEE HOW

But god doesn't exists man. He's a big COPE with death we created years ago.

Its time to let go and grow up, create a new set of morality not based off religion.

just because you special snowflag think it is boring doesn't makes it wrong. Not even social conditioning was able to break the biological gender roles. Hell not even poisoning men with oestrogenes and getting women to take the pill and fuck up their hormones did the job
btw, clothes? you are either a troll or all hop is lost and you should consider removing yourself from life
yep, my bad
no not really

I actually used to be an agnostic-atheist. See

There's no need to be mad. I'm merely acknowledging that the sociologists are not *completely* incorrect to point out that gender roles are *partially* socially construed. I agree with you though, there is a biological 'root' to gender roles. All I'm arguing is that if biology is the root, and the gender roles are the flower, socialization is like the gardener who prunes the flowers.

>Sup Forums has helped me greatly in my education
Opinion discarded
Its easy to say ''He exists but its beyond our understanding man, so just believe it aight ??'' but it is retarded nonetheless

Everything you said was horseshit except the last part

I completely disagree. one might find the one or other brainwashed poor bastard who tries to be special but without any surprise the tendency in those to end their existence earlier is far higher than in the median population. Gender sociologists are charlatans

I'll watch it, but watch this

You clearly didn't watch the video that was linked. The argument for an unchanged changer arises through the contemplation of the phenomenon of change of Being, and the Aristotelian solution to the paradox posed by Parmenides and Heraclitus. You can certainly disregard the argument, but that is on you. For the intellectually curious however, the argument must be dealt with.

the only thing worth mentioning are biological abnormalities, xxy, those with thyroid glant issues or such stuff. But those are mutations that are irrelevant for the whole population

>Its easy to say ''He exists but its beyond our understanding man, so just believe it aight ??'' but it is retarded nonetheless
That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that you can experience the transcendent, just don't expect to be able to have that experience with your intellect, or to be able to understand it at all. It's not about just believing it, it's about making a diligent effort to experience it.

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Race and gender are biological. Show me one proof of god I'll convert tomorrow morning.
You didn't take any science in uni, did you user?

>When religitards are serious about the idea that you can define God into existance using a bunch of sophistry.

Gotta be honest. That sounds like a lot of work.

uh, no. chopping of a cock and roleplaying as a woman doesn't make you a woman. no one can change xy to xx

The world has never been perfect. There has always been evil.
If one goes back in time and eliminates Muhammad, then there would be no Islam. So no more terror attacks or Sharia law,right? Wrong. As long as there is good,evil will always find a way to manifest itself.
One could make a similar argument how the Three Abrahamic faiths has caused irreparable damage to humanity with their One book,One God,One faith ways but knowing humanity,people will always find a way to fuck things up whether or not these religions exist.

based indian

Looks interesting desu.
You seem to be operating on the assumption that I'm trying to be an apologist for trannies. No, transgendered persons are seriously mentally ill and should receive help, rather than being pandered to.
See Well, if we do nothing, things will continue to get worse- if we try, things might get better.

Forget all that. If it turns out that there is a God it certainly definitely obviously totally happens to conveniently be the one I'd like to believe in.

Never seen any of these theists play their word-games, check up on the "facts" and come back with the blackpilled news that there is a God...but it turns out to be Cthulu or something along those lines and he created the human race so he can feed on our pain and misery to sustain his essence

If you don’t worship your god pretty soon you gonna be subjected to whorshiping “theirs”

You clearly didn't answer either of my questions, because in 2000 odd years there isn't even a single proof, and because you didn't take any science in school and now are susceptible to any shit that you see on the internet.

*tips fedora*

>uh, no. chopping of a cock and roleplaying as a woman doesn't make you a woman. no one can change xy to xx
that wasn't my point

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>The semantics behind a claim dictates burden of proof.
No svencuck, claims of any sort need evidence to support it.

What are you talking about? I studied chemistry and math at university. As far as proof, science doesn't describe the entirety of reality, it only describes the parts of reality that are amenable to scientific investigation. To use a Feser analogy, its as if you went to the beach with a metal detector, and found a bunch of tin cans, bottle caps and screws, and concluded that everything which is discoverable about beaches can be found with metal detectors.

There might be discrete variances in gender roles relating to the cultural environment but this doesn't justifies the conclusion that race or gender are any relevant way social constructs. This perception is just the result of how science is financed; those screaming the loudest and annoy the most get the funding, and feminazis and soybois inhabiting social science are do to their mental illnesses prone to be the loudest and most annoying. But that is a socio economic question

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No, prove your statement. If you state smth regardless of wheather it is positive or negative you have to prove it faggot

In reality, just as there are many aspects of a beach which will not be found via a metal detector, there are aspects of reality which will not be found through empirical science, but must instead be found through philosophical argument and investigation.

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These are more like mostly relatively true truths.

Holy fucking pseud batman

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great thread to get an idea about how many lefty shills have taken the wrong lane and somehow stranded on here

I don't believe you, else you wouldn't be saying shit like socio-hyphen-anything. That's trash talk user, if you were a chemist you'd know that.

Biochemist if you are wondering.

Violence works, there is no political solution
Christianity is Judaic
Racial demographics DO matter
Alt Right will never succeed at gaining any real political change (Trump will not save the white race, don't be delusional)

Race is actually geographical.

>prove your statement
which one?

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>Absolute truths:
Please provide your proof that you do not hallucinate all evidence. It is 100% necessary to be this asinine, because an absolute truth must be absolute in the face of any argument against it.

A simple example: Prove you are not a brain in a jar hooked up to a bunch of simulated stimuli. If you cannot prove this you cannot prove anything about your environment as absolute, since it could be manipulated at any time by the simulators.

”Therefore it is true that there is only Now, the now-moment, that actually exists, and wherever we look, that existence is empty of separate Self. And this selfless happening, that is our world, our reality, just is; without cause. But this realization would be a taboo for modern western ethos, not that it implies that there is no separate God to be found, but for that it means that there would not be Ego either, and to accept that would be to accept the death of modern consumerism as we know it...”

-Janis Petke: lectures from the void, part XI

>Too stupid to keep track of one's claims.
You need to quit the soy svencuckson.

>Do men wear kilts, or pants? Do women work in the fields, or in the office?
Do men have uteruses?

Do women ejaculate sperm?

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>thank you based Aristotle

God bless buddy Christ be with you glad my rhymes are getting to people.

Retard detected

>Taking personal responsibility is a prerequisite for any kind of positive change in your life
Did you know that Peterson is a Zionist?

prove the opposite

Metaphysics is prior to epistemology.
Maybe because I don't consider humans to only be matter in motion? Materialism is a trash philosophy, user. Hylemorphic dualism is where it's at. Recognizing that humans have a certain amount of free will does not eliminate evolutionarily adapted gender roles, it's merely acknowledging that we have a choice in how we choose to live. Is it feminine to wear a dress? Does a toga count?

you can't prove god does not exist therefore god exist

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I see your point, though

>I made a statement
>the burden of proof is on you, brainlet
I bet achmed is raping your wife in the other room right now

>I bet achmed is raping your wife in the other room right now
really?! how did u know

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You're talking nonsense, user
Honestly, we're just an anomaly I think -- the masses will drag us back to being mediocre half savages soon enough.

>Race is sociobiological
lol no.

I thought you fucking Swedes were good at trolling, meh

>you can't prove god exists
>therefore God doesn't exist

It's called faith for a reason.

prove I'm trolling

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>The Holy Prepuce, or Holy Foreskin (Latin præputium or prepucium), is one of several relics attributed to Jesus, a product of the circumcision of Jesus. At various points in history, a number of churches in Europe have claimed to possess Jesus foreskin, sometimes at the same time. Various miraculous powers have been ascribed to it.

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don't quote popes on matters of Christianity they have 0 authority

>Holy prepuce

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