Does drugs or alcohol help with anxiety, before a suicide?
Does drugs or alcohol help with anxiety, before a suicide?
Technically yes but be realistic you would be less likely to succeed.
The best method is a fall from a height more than 7 stories.
Israel #1 deal with it
I disagree. A shotgun to the temple would most likely succeed.
Stay away from that shit if you're feeling suicidal. Good chance it'll make it worse. Seek help, stay strong user
Probably lessen your resolve
Can you livestream your death?
Drug runners use xanax in case they are questioned by leos. Suicide, why would you dull your senses in the last moments that you have them ? It seems like the moments before suicide might be the most intense feelings in a, by your definition, worthless life.
I do mutual wank sesh parties with my str8 mates. Foreskin pride
If you have suicidal thoughts, here’s my advice, sleep on it.
In case this thread is serious, throw your life away a different way. Sell all your shit asap and travel somewhere far away doing as much debauched shit as possible.
Thanks guys. Really appreciate the advice
dont do it user
If you're going to die at least take some people with you. Don't go out like a little faggot wrapped up in a blanket GamGam knitted for you. Travel to South Africa and take out as many niggers as you can before they overwhelm you and kill you. Just think of it like a Zombies game.
user tell us about yourself. We most likely know that feel.
the only issue with using a gun is you dont want to end up blind or a fucking vegetable. gotta find a good way to do it. shotgun i guess
Think of it this way. If you truly don't value your life anymore, then it follows that you shouldn't be afraid of taking risks you wouldn't have otherwise considered. Channel your suicidal thoughts into not giving a fuck about risk, and finally gather the motivation to do shit you have always wanted to do.
If you're 5 minutes away from killing yourself, do this instead: Go for a run. Doesn't matter what time of day or night, just run. Run until your legs give out or you puke, just run. Then go home and sleep. Tell us how you feel tomorrow.
Tell us more about you, user. What have you been doing lately?
No, just spend all your money and move to Alaska and you'll be dead within the month. I don't regret killing myself.
How about, just enjoy the drugs or alcohol, and don't commit suicide?
I suffer from a mental disability that I will most likely live with for the rest of my life. I don't want to live like this anymore
user don’t let (((them))) win
What if he is one of (((them)))?
This opinion is totally rational, and even appealing, but it's also 100% bullshit, because depression simply does not work this way.
Seems like a good idea actually.
What sort of mental disability?
Autism and ADD from brain damage. I also have anxiety and ocd
Why not jump from a 7 story roof and shoot yourself with a shotgun on the way down?
Make something useful with your life(and dont go shoot up a school,this only fuck us more)
Your brain is wired to keep the body alive. Suicide would basically require you to be brain to become pulp.
kek, you Americans always type the funniest comments
I've always thought that if I was going to take my life, I'd do it in a way that would also kill feral niggers, like driving my car with a fertilizer bomb into a crackhouse or something.
You can overcome ocd. And autism is really humans evolving. It's evolution. In the future all people will be somewhat autistic. It's better than being a normal fag. I know this because i have met autists and normies.
>like a Zombies game
Got to say, never kek'd this hard in a while.
I had anxiety myself. Couldn't ever get out of the house because of it. Was embarrassed and ashamed of myself all the time. People who don't have the same problems you have don't understand your situation or how you feel. I know how bad depression can be, and I've considered suicide before as well. Do you have any family, user? Any close friends or relatives at all?
I suggest climbing an isolated mountain without food or water and waiting on the pinnacle
If you are serious about this look at this way:
We ard currently living in hell because many people are insane / evil / stupid.
Are those people worth killing yourself over?
I do have family and relatives, but no close friends
Don't punish yourself for being human.
You have to be your own friend to get better.
Well I'm not trying to downplay your situation, but if you don't have some sort of permanent disability like I do, then what is worth killing yourself for?
Imagine how you would feel if one of them killed their self, and you found the body/had to clean it up. This is what they would go through if you killed yourself. A loved one committing suicide is one of the most devastating things anyone can ever go through. You never forget something like that, either. I suggest hanging around family members that you are comfortable with, and talk to them. The more you talk to people like that, the better off you'll be. Alcohol helps tremendously.
I have social anxiety, type 1 diabetes, and mental agony every single day because my mother is in bad physical shape and needs constant care. I can't leave her alone at all.
Anxiety you gotta overcome. Currently trying to. Sometimes on the street passing by people will make me tense then again I was molested and beaten so there is some correlation. Having friends helps, this one girl I know takes care of me emotionally as well as making sure I dont fuck up my life. I think she is secretly in love with me because she constantly wants to be with me and do things for me but idk not gonna force it. thanks for reading my blog post.
Theres nothing worth killing yourself for. At some point, we're all going to die anyway, and we might as well do the best we can to help others and do whats right until we eventually die.
I know what path you're on, but if you just give Hitler a chance, you'll see the light