>No more guns
>Wears a flag patch of a country that is known for its numerous human rights abuse incidents.
No more guns
She's a Commie La Raza.
>abuse incidents
murder is now an incident
I see
>these people are inconsistent in their thinking
fake attention whore dyke probably bullied the kid that shot up the school.
Israel #1
cia niggers!
I wonder who could be behind that march
Not probably definitely
>Cuban flag
Why the fuck is she in America. Commie bitch should fuck off to her dream socialist utopia.
>Hasta la victoria siempre.
Younger people love to use revolutionary quotes and images of el che cause it looks cool even though they know nothing about what they did or his ideology.
>Disarm yourself. Burn the Constitution.
>Hogg and Gonzalez
American media makes the absolute worst people celebrities. These two are entirely media creations.
oh it’s one of (((them)))
every fucking time
Hol up, is this an Emma GUNzalez thread? My word, it must be at least 14 seconds since the last one was made
>Bullying is ok when we do it
Powerful. Buzzcunt made me think
Why is there a price tag on the podium?
The whole group were people who shat all over the shooter.
Why are muricans so ugly?
I don't understand why the left just eats up the shit she says. The fake tears of hers are just unbearable.
what the FUCK was that smug brown girl yelling in spanish about, after gonzagoblino had finished her speech?
If I had to go to school with that bald whore and that stuck up faggot, I would shoot it up too.
Goddammit the mutt memes write themselves
they're all clones from the same person
the original has yet to be identified
Learn about the r/K theory:
>How much is my life worth?
She looks tired and cranky. She needs a juice box and a nap.
A bridge too far though
America is going to disarm all because of her. Isn't that something?
She could push a big long coiled turd out of her asshole and Americans would chew it up and eat it at this point. lol
The dyke isn't the problem, America is for empowering her.
She looks like a skinhead in that costume.
I went in deep today
I can't even find these things on the chart.
It would have been living hell to go to school with cia kike actors.
did you fuck some milf roasties?
I hate this country sometimes.
Balkanization when
t. pacific northwest
All boomers and soccer moms
top zozzle m8
Besides the pull-up pic, are there any more nudes of her?
>Moms demand action
Could they be any less cool
My girlfriend is 18 and she scoffs at this shit, it just isn't inciting at all to the youthful rebellion mindset.
I had some fun with them before I infiltrated and got the signs
Women are more regulated then florida?
>i am the future
Yeah. They bullied the shooter for sure. Or at least treated him like dirt and excluded him. I can tell because their anger seems like the sort of anger that bullies have when someone fights back and refuses to accept the bullshit. They also feels guilty and partially responsible for the whole thing.
wow, what a tough guy. you rode past some people and gave the finger.
definitely worth filming and posting. because. you know. everyone's proud of you in your mind i guess?
?....you bothered to film yourself flipping off people
So vlad, you wanna do ww3 yet?
I also got signs from them
Watching Sup Forums burn is great.
I knew Trump as POTUS was going to be a train wreck... but I never knew his faggot followers would Kamikaze.
I thought you most of you were Russiabots...but turns out many of you are traitors and moron...
Fat goblin is the future
Explain yourself faggot
>da J00z
Back to the shitting street you go.
Reminder that real communists do not support gun control. Real communists know that gun control is a petty-bourgeois plot to protect capital from the proletariat revolution.
I would take the poo over you anglo.
Here is a question.
How is a common citizen of the united states able to defend himself/herself, when the entire populace is disarmed?
Suppose himself/herself cannot afford bodyguards.
What then?
The police?
We have seen how some in the police force are incompetent.
Take the one moron how ordered the suspect go on the ground and crawl towards him and then the moron pulled the trigger.
This arrogant, ugly little wretch has nothing but contempt for common citizens and she is one of those common citizens, her band of attention seeking little whores included.
The turd who shot up the school was treated like shit by his peers and these retards are calling for gun control when they should be talking about bullying in schools.
sorry sweetie I dont protect whales. I harpoon them.
Lmao the Facebook batman meme
what did YOU do today user?
t. numerous human rights abuser
How has nobody in the thread even called that out ? I thought you were better than this Sup Forums...
You're probably already a poo based on American demographics lol.
ur mom is gay
No u
Maybe the autist will escape and finish her..
Emma was the real target the whole time..
Fucking knew it.
Nice pseudoscientific meme.
I’ve been having fun with them and also fished out that MDA popped up in my area recently
My favorite part was when she said "fight for your life before somebody else has to"
I suppose I could go off the deep end here at take that as an implied threat of force against gun owners, but then I remember that that is the point of the second amendment. I guess she didn't think it through all the way.
Just get a girlfriend faggot. Virtual signaling is for the Left.
I’m married
You can defend yourself without an AR-15.
Say goodbye to yer gunz, rednecks. Teehee
This would be the gateway into the absolute beat possible timeline
>the roast beef photo
Yeah. They’re retarded lol
>i sent u my futur pls respond
my man!
Wrong Tumpcuck meme. Sorry.
>this shit, it just isn't inciting at all to the youthful rebellion mindset.
fuck you bigot you will be taught the true meaning of HOGG WYLD
I think you didn't think it all the way though.
People who know how to fight don't need guns. Guns are a tool designed to make retards into pawns. Guns killed the "warrior" because it made any faggot with an index finger and "killer."
So that means your firearm will most likely kill you, your wife or you child.
Statistically speaking.
>11 years old
This is what passes for 11 in GMO food and high froctose corn syrup and birth control in the water supply Mutt America.
Name a single real communist and the country they led.
>claims she's not a lesbian skinhead
>has a shaved head, wears a flight jacket, and munches carpet
the absolute state of leftists
lel, and what are you losers going to do about it? fight another war and then withdraw becuase you stomach a real conflict? there is a reason we don't see some masturbation addicted white boy up there talking about his guns.
Oh wow, oh man.
This is all so fucking fucked man
there is an evil about these kids that i can't quite explain
trouble is coming Sup Forums, be ready for it
How can you not see she's a literal commie?
Real communism has never been tried
We haven't had true communism yet because the people aren't ready for it. The USA is the perfect vessel to lead us into a world where it is possible though. It would take a while but it can be done. Asking to name a real communism leader is kind of ridiculous, the idea is there and it works, but the timing isn't right yet. Also, every good commie knows capitalism has to fall first, and right now that is taking place.
You might want to just give up your guns, friend, you obviously don't know what's going on around you and you are just going to get yourself hurt.
it's not evil, it's a reckoning that you have been fearing for a long time, they are pure and you are not