Are Australians more red-pilled than Americans?
What's it like living in Australia?
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I fucked a kangaroo once
It's a myth as the two biggest cities are full of chinks, niggers and Arabs. Australians are degenerate drunkards for the most part. We have no real culture besides drinking beer, eating meat pies and watching the footy. Job market is completely fucked, there is a huge drug crisis going on, our politicians are the some of the most inept in the world and the country has been basically sold off to Beijing. It's a shit country with a shit history. I want to kill myself every single day.
Best country ever till around 2005 and then hard slop downards into Sweden tier feminism and Chinks taking over.
but we can always fuck kangaroos
Audio-Visual experience of what it is like to live in Australia.
Taxes are shiote but it's nice smashing minorities every now and then
Hahaha isn't it funny how much of a joke we are? So wonderful!
Lol most aussies are cucks GTFO stop acting like we do nothing about minorities.
this. Around the turn of the century this place was heaven on earth.
I would say generally speaking Aussies are more redpilled than Americans, although we are nowhere near what we used to be
don't kill yourself or you will never go to heaven.
Please do
ever drank a box of wine filtered through a girl's knickers?
yeah have to agree with this cunt. this country was something truly fucking special, was hard to find a real fault with it. now it's a bit shit and i don't see it getting any better
a lot of this is true. growing up i rarely saw africans and asians. just mostly whites and wogs. it wasn't until i entered high school that i saw more asians/wogs/indians than whites. so much so that you play spot the skip and it's like playing wheres fucking wally.
nowdays the junkie scumbags are seeping into "good" areas, like central south east melbourne. every day i see more and more africans and arabs, but the kicker is they just walk the streets during the day and if you've ever seen a sub saharan african walk around it's the weirdest shit. they do this kind of stride like their limbs are too long for their bodies. but yeah, during the day when people should be at work or uni you just see these african men roaming around and it's pretty fucking obvious that they're on welfare. and they're in areas where housing prices are through the roof so how can they afford to live there??
i used to feel safe but with all the carjackings and b&e's, stabbings and muggings in broad daylight that aren't relegated to Sunshine i don't feel so safe now. and it's ALWAYS fucking africans. lebs are shitcunts too but they just do petty assaults. not really keen on raising a family in melbourne anymore, would move to south korea or japan (fuck europe with its islamification) with the mrs but I have no transferable skills to that country and would need to learn the language to get by, and fuck that
Ozzies don't get in heaven. They go to Australian heaven. It's got spiders and smells a bit off.
There is a prevalent myth online of Australians living some kind of "authentic" outdoors based lifestyle with a boomerang on the wall and kangaroos outside. In reality its one of the most urbanized nations on the planet with the vast vast majority of people living in a few gigantic sprawling cities. Aussies themselves are generally fairly apathetic about politics due to their isolation at the southern rim of the world. NZers are even more so.
No they voted for gay marriage
They walk like apes, that's what it is. If they hunched over a bit more it would be more obvious.
This. I would say 1996 is when it started going downhill as its when boomer greed started taking off and mass immigration and not from based southern europeans as from the 50s onwards who mostly worked 100 hour weeks and became succesful farmers and businessman but mainland Chinese etc. who came to drive up boomer investment portfolios. Pre Howard Australia was poor but comfy
Mate 80% of my fucking school was Arabs, Islanders and Turks. I am not kidding you. This country is FUCKED. Completely and utterly fucked. The whites were literally bullied all the time in my school and we couldn't do much because we were so outnumbered. I remember a vivid memory of this kid who got the shit beat out of him by like 40 Turks and Lebs for insulting the Prophet Mohammad. Islanders were alright but Lebos and Turks (especially Turks) are subhumans. Bringing them in was a mistake, the people who brought them in need to be hanged!
If you don't see this country going down the tubes you are probably a rural fag living in the middle of the nowhere.
damn dude. I visited Melb in 2012, and FUCK i felt sketched out walking around Carlton/upper Elizerbeth st at night. Tons of loitering sudanese youths and a heap of swarthy arabic looking fucks speaking some monkey lingo.
Australia is the land of boomer jews that ruined the entire country and let in shitskins and chinks, now every club/bar is a open gay bar. Gay marriage is legal, debating a jew is considered antisemitic hate crime and can land you 4 years in prison.
48.5% of the voting age population voted for gay marriage, pajeet. The rest either voted no or didn't give a shit
Also go into Melbourne city at any time of the day and it's fucking 80% asians. This is an outright invasion. It's similar with Sydney.
This country is FUCKED.
Another factor in Aus and NZ is that our boomers are probably the worst in the world. All the shittiness of the murican boomtards+heavy anti gun sentiment.
Politricks isn't going to stop Zog. You got that Liberal secularized mentality, boy.
where'd you go to school? granted i went to a private school that was probably out of the odd turks/lebs paygrade so i didn't see many of them, mostly just wogs and chinese
I'd say about time Rudd took over the damage went from recoverable to complete downhill
just once?
Cities are generally pozzed - lived in red Elaine and Melbourne but fucked off up north in 2004. Regional areas can be good but icehewds and boongs ruin it and shits fucking expensive
Rudd was a chinese spy. He even let his daughter marry a wealthy chinese family.
How to speak Australian
Slot machine = pokie
Blackjack = pokie 21
craps = dicey pokie
roulette = right round spinney pokie
Perth is shit
Lived in aust for 12 years. Its a shithole. Full of muzzies and gypos. Moved back to europe. No regrets.
Public high school in the Northern Suburbs but it's a pretty well known shit hole.
My family is not that wealthy so I never had the luxury of going to a private school so I was forced to go to high school with subhumans. Islanders were cool as fuck though. Aussies and Islanders always had each others backs.
No. The people here are braindead and cultureless besides trying to emulate Americans they see on the x factor and the like. Sydney has been also been annexed by China.
>jalal yassine naja
Could've been worse desu
>mother of 7
Nevermind then
Those negro angels, bring more of them in!
>If you don't see this country going down the tubes you are probably a rural fag living in the middle of the nowhere.
I'm a rural fag living in the middle of the nowhere and I can see it going down the tubes. Drugs are saturating the small towns and crime is going up as a result. Luckily we are generally safe from cultural enrichment out here for now (except for the usual black fellas doing as they have always done), but its slowly encroaching and everybody can feel it coming.
islanders are cool this is true.
ice is by far the worst and single furthest reaching problem in australia.
even 100% white rural towns in the middle of nowhere with 30 - 40 people have a gang of meth heads that break into cars and homes every night.
Go to the city in Melbourne at any time of the day and it feels like it's 80% asian. At night it's even worse because all the white people with office jobs have left home for work. It's an utter disgrace. It really does seem like China has annexed us. It doesn't seem Australian whatsoever.
I think fag "marriage" passing is a testament to how brain dead and subjugated the public is. They love being the lap dog of Jewmerika, and The Jew world order.
Mate I would love to trade places with you and I think as time goes on the enrichment will get worse to the point where I will be forced to move into the rural areas myself. It's sad what's happening.
had a mate who went to westall sec, pretty much the complete opposite of what you describe. to be honest i think it's whatever race has the majority will gang up on the minority, and wogs/islanders were the majority there so the skips were always getting terrorized.
islanders in my experiences have been pretty chill but they can chimp out especially when booze is involved. a lot of them play into the nig ghetto culture and aspire to be nigs since they're basically brown, they see themselves as black almost. so many times i've seen them chimp out only to have their folks reign them in and go ballistic at them, then they turn into submissive puppies. it's mostly the mums that do it, the dads are overworked and usually too drunk and just want to chill
Shoot str8 w me tho. How u really feel?
Like a boring nightmare.
It was still a 60-40 spread. To be honest I expected 85-15
50% Asian, 40% Pajeet.
No, those sub-continental cunts are not Asian.
i'll be honest, i'd rather live in a city full of asians than any other race. obviously i'd prefer whites and the first generation of europeans but if i had to choose between the plethora of 3rd world shitskins they're bringing in and asians, i'd choose asians and day of the week. at least i don't have to worry about my chinese neighbors breaking into my house at night and beating me half to death for my car keys
you fuckin' drugger
What the fuck is this thread? Australia is still the greatest westernized nation on the planet. Any faggot who lives in Melbourne or Sydney and uses his shitty day to day experience living in Gookland as an example as to how shitty Australia is can fuck off. There is MUCH more to Australia than those two gookvilles.
Australians are proudly racist and reject political correctness at every level. Stop being so fucking out of touch and go outside you gay cunts
Does anyone have anything positive to say about the state of Australia?
You might as well move out to the country. Life aint perfect but I'd take it over the city any day.
Its hard finding work though. These places are dying. Businesses can hardly afford to hire workers because they simply aren't making enough money to get by, so you'd best be prepared by having a trade or mining qualification of some sort and be willing to travel for work.
Yeah. Nothing worse that an abo or Torres traigjts faggot on meth.
It's a problem but not so much in the cities, most people now either hide it or steer clear because of the junkie stigma, but it's changed rural towns. Nice quiet places I used to stay with relatives as a kid everyone now is on the gear.
I think it's because there's not much to do out there, it used to be maybe just problems with alcohol and young kids smoking pot but now they have ice to have their fun out there.
its druggo, not drugger
Adelaide is gookland too. But its good to have someone thinking positive things about Australia.
How Australian of you. Gotta work on the shitposting tho.
Protip: it's not shocking when we already know
yeah i dunno about that. i said "nigger" infront of my 16 year old cousin and his mates and they were in complete shock at how "racist" i was. the looks on their faces was like i'd just killed someone
you are out of touch, this thread highlights the reality that we are completely fucked
The Islanders in high school were chill but dumb as fuck so I can't say how they act outside a school setting. I think maybe once they get older they might turn more nigger-ish as I know Islanders were fucking scared shitless of their parents so they never wanted to get into trouble at school.
Also I can confirm that Islanders think they are black and identify heavily with African-American culture. I mean we literally had people LARPING as Blood members at our school and they used to do Blood initiations (walk the line), wear red rags, do the blood dance, etc. it was pretty embarrassing, etc. But overall they were chill. Nobody wanted to fuck with the Islanders since they were so massive. Aussies and Islanders just played footy and rugby while the arabs played soccer and walked around in gangs looking for trouble.
Well, we all get to share Hell on Earth together.
Was literally told by Govt worker to take skills off my resume because im "over qualified" for most jobs. I dont fucking understand how someone can be overqualified for a position.
Fucking kill me. All I want is a steady 9-5 wage cuck job so im not on this nightmare of a website shitposting my life away.
There are only ever 150,000 jobs free in Australia at any one time with 1,900,000 jobless people on welfare. That number grows everyday.
The housing market is over-inflated, most people here are absolutely degenerate, police are good but have too much power.
Universities are filled with immigrants as its a loophole for immigration here. Most of them are alright, but they do not understand the humor or culture, creating their own suburbs and subcultures within communities, stirring up hate and pushing regular cunts out.
Government sponsored media (ABC and SBS) are fully controlled by leftists and has played a huge part in the increase of degeneracy, now being investigated by federal government.
Industry unions are corrupt as hell and actively steal from the government through extortion, and their massive voter bases. I have experiences this first hand. Causing over inflated government paid positions, draining funds of govt coffers, in turn cutting services and increasing taxes. E.g Train drivers are on 110,000AUD p.a. and often make 75,000AUD in overtime ontop of that.
We are an over regulated hell-hole with corrupt politicians, little prospects, on the verge of complete collapse.
More Melbourne and Sydney faggots concern trolling.
They've watch too much of that electric Jew.
It's really shit. There's no nightlife (look up aussie lockout laws) and with the existing nightlife theres a lot of violence (look up coward punch), because i believe the average australian IQ is much lower than it is being reported.
Our women age like milk, something to do with the harsh Australian sun and culture of tanning.
There's barely any jobs, though if you're lucky enough to land a piss easy job in retail you wont be doing too bad, as long as you're not renting in a city.
The weather sucks, its hot as a cunt all the time.
Our country is being whored out to China, all of our politicians are corrupt but sneakier and less obvious than those in Brazil or some other south american shit hole.
Public transport still uses trains from the 80's. Generally its pretty dangerous catching it at night, i really only see train officers during the day and when you do they purposely dont hassle the scum bags because they dont want to start anything.
Are we more redpilled? I'd argue the opposite, we're like a violent white knight culture. I've had good mates never speak to me again because they get a girlfriend. Australian men generally have no game. They're insecure 'tough' guys who rarely workout.
Cities are filled with chinese people and asians in general.
Outside of the cities there are meth riddled bogans everywhere. It makes the asians seem not so bad.
There's literally entire suburbs on centrelink (welfare payments).
theres so much wrong with this country, i hope to be moving to the north east cost of USA soon.
Any yanks here from Maine?
All the major cities are multicults.
Sometimes. But like New Zealand there's definitely a big left wing millennial push for shit regurgitated from US trends.
Look man I dno't mind Asians, they don't commit crime, they work hard and generally keep to themselves. I never ever feel threatened when I'm walking past asians as they're timid and quiet unlike Somalis who you fucking know will always start shit if they are in a group and are a constant source of violence and mayhem
But we can't deny that this is an invasion. There's way too many of them. China would never allow such a thing to occur in their country, why should we?
I know I'm a Melbourne faggot and I'm leaving as soon as I can but Australia is controlled by the massive voter bases in the south east. Everyday I see more and more foreigners, more shops with foreign writing on the signs and less aussies. It either needs to get violent or we are doomed
The gooks already own Australia--bought and paid for. What exactly are you on about?
No Aussies are blue pilled as fuck. I just don't even enjoy talking to them anymore. A bit of jokey bantz is all they're good for, any conversation of any substance gets retarded almost immediately. So they are just like that annoying person you might know who you only like in small doses.
The women are usually self entitled as fuck, so most guys arent in a great mood either, having to become a little slave under the thumb bitch just to get their dick wet.
I agree Islanders seem to want to be on our side, so that's a good thing, they're usually fuckin huge you don't want to be on their bad side.
Yeah you're right, that's why we have a right wing government right now. You fucking mong.
its full of chinks, bogans and british chavs. the bits that people can live in are expensive and full of cunts. youd be better off moving to ukraine, im serious.
>right wing government
>literally pushed for and legalized FAGGOT MARRIAGE
ha ha ha ha ha
More than half of Australia's population are concentrated in those two cities alone, you can't ignore, unless you think that those two cities are separate from Australia which would just prove that Australia has lost two of its biggest cities which means we are fucked which means you are fucked too.
Overall, you seem like a fucking retard who lives in a sheltered all white rural suburb, lmao. You keep ignoring the problem until it stares at you right in your fucking face you fool.
we used to have one that was like a blend of Irish and British values along with a chilled mentality that was dropped when necessary (like in war, it's kinda what the ANZAC spirit was), but now yeah we no longer have much of a culture and you can thank the US of A for that.
>right wing
>hundreds of thousands of new foreigners each year
>its the fucking Liberals
Both our parties are left wing you mong, Liberals just have slightly more right wing economics. And having these Chinese puppets in government hasn't changed the pozz or given us any power ya dickhead
reminder your "right wing" government passed gay marriage lmao
The welfare is good.
>thinking that left and right mean anything
I'd gladly take whatever direction if they ended immigration. No more neo-con bullshit.
Except cites are the problem Burn them all.
Islanders and Aussies are natural allies tbqh
I wish I could escape but that's where all the good lucrative jobs are concentrated. I wish I was financially independent enough to escape.
Countries fucked and has been for a long time. It's not quote Sweden tier but it almost like Canada but without a gay substitute drama teacher leading us.
White Australians are cucked. The most right wing people I know are Middle Eastern Christian like Copts and Maronites.. pretty sad.