Death Note

Am I wrong to love this show with my heart and soul, or is it an exception among mainstream anime?

How much anime have you watched total?

if you are new than its fine
decent intro shit to start with

I think it has a really strong start that kind of starts to lose momentum somewhere around
the halfway point.

But hey, don't let others tell you that you can't enjoy something.

you better be fucking japanese to fuck up your grammar that badly

it's alright
it's enjoyable for at least one viewing

you can like anything
just understand what is safe to bring up around here to keep the autists quite

nah man im just stupid and blind
now this mistake is going to eat at me all night

im just kidding user, I fuck up spelling all the time

Most people here admit to liking it up to L's death.
I personally think that the best thing to come out of it are the swimming lessons

I loved the second half. I think L's death is one of the more impressively written turning points of the series. To me at least, the second half of the series is all one big epilogue for those who wanted to see what happened after Light's victory. Near is probably my favorite character for all that he's worth.

forgot to spoiler that
oh well

Who the fuck doesn't know about L's death at this point? That would be like spoilering the fact Goku turns into a super saiyan.

It's called being 14.

I personally wished that Mello had gotten more focus. He was kind of his own thing, being an investigator willing to work with kidnappers and gangsters to catch Kira, while Near just felt like Mini-L, but with less of a personal dynamic with Light.

you monster

this is the stupidest fucking opinion for anyone to have. i can name at least two dozen shows that Sup Forums would call entry level despite japan maybe making one good show a year

The author and artist Bakuman was better.

I really like it as a show about two geniuses trying to outsmart each other, like a fighting shonen but with keikakus instead of ki or chakra. As villains in fighting shonen job to the power of friendship or things like that, characters in Death Note can only win if their rival jobs, but it's still funny to watch.

That applies to all shonen, not just fantasy

It's essentially the "cat vs. Mouse" concept. It'll have you on edge with anticipation with each episode. For me it's Code Geass.

My friend made me realize Near manipulated Mello all the way to his death. Rewatch it.

You naive retard, of course is intro shit, once you realize that the main characters ass pull the solution to every problem it even becomes predictable, also the emo idol girl was completely unnecessary.

second season was a mistake

>the emo idol girl was completely unnecessary
The manga was kinda stagnant at the point she was introduced, also what editor-san said here


Its great for what it is. A lot of people ITT are trying to compare apples (no pun intended) here. It was my first anime, and it actually still holds up upon rewatch for me, which is something that I find to be very rare for me nowadays as I get older, especially so in the realm of voice acting.

fuck you man.

Not at all. It starts off pretty good and even L’s death was a good turning point, but what happens afterwards made it feel pointless and like it shouldn’t have taken place at all

10/10 until he loses his memory then its fucking 10/10 when he gets his memory back, after the big boy dies though it isnt too bad but the ending is absolute trash, theres no logical reason why Near knows what he does

Sitting onto two chairs sure worked out, with all the apologizing and what ifs it produced. Should have chose who to appeal to though, human larvas so the MC has won or justice fags so it was more coherent all around. The border between "popular lotsa money but not so good" or "popular AND good" is this thin.