NRA responses to "March for our lives"

NRA responses to "March for our lives"

"Today's protests aren't spontaneous. Gun-hating billionaires and Hollywood elites are manipulating and exploiting children as part of their plan to DESTROY the Second Amendment and strip us of our right to defend ourselves and our loved ones."

Expose these crisis actors that leads this movement and the anti gun organizations that backs them.

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Other urls found in this thread:

gun worshippers are terrorists.

they have no loyalty to public safety

gun worship is the mythical remnant of obsolete and inferior culture

It gets worse when you see people claim that the concept of the individual right to own a weapon didn't exist until the NRA was a thing and paid off political powers and the supreme court to make it a thing.

No shit. This is a talking point I have heard parroted by liberal shitheads a lot in recent weeks.

What did you do to get the graveyard shift, rabbi?

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no. fucking. shit.
the state organizes nationwide school walkout of unenfranchised minors to protest the state to infringe on our rights
the state organizes a nation wide protest featuring unenfranchised minors to protest the state to infringe on our rights

follow the money --- who the fuck is funding this shit?

based nra niggers

Historical revisionism in the school curriculum. Kids are taught that the American revolution had something to do with tea.

>Mandatory psychiatric evaluations for gun purchases
>Public registry of assault-style SLR owners to warn neighbors of the lunatics in their midst
>public safety outweighs gun worshipper paranoia
>well-regulated means strict, thorough, frequent and mandatory licensing and credentialing
> Tell Congress to pass laws overturning Heller
> People have NO rights to threaten, intimidate, or kill innocents

Putting safety above freedom? Jesus. What happened to my country?

It died.

if they want them, amend the constitution. otherwise, molon labe you little faggots.

>Tell Congress to pass laws overturning Heller
And kids no longer have to take civics in order to graduate

>people have no right to kill others
>abortion is different

Based NRA BTFO Gun Grabbing faggots.

but there's plenty of people we do have the right to kill, and that's why guns are a constitutional guarantee
public safety is subordinate to every single right

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You're not my supervisor:

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gun worshippers are violating the freedoms and rights of others to feel and be safe without guns

It seems like it. Unchecked decades of women heavy liberal indoctrination at public schools and colleges has just wrecked my country's soul.

your feelings aren't rights

getting my membership now.

Why do gun grabbers worship Israel?

You have no right to feel safe.

You don't even have a right to be safe.

They literally have societal safety as the highest value, guns are the sole means of ensuring greater civic protection. A miniscule amount of murder comes nowhere near to questioning that shill.

>rights of others to feel and be safe without guns
Here, I'll help you out, pretend guns don't exist just like you pretend crimes or other ways to die don't exist to justify that first statement. You're already pretending there are no problems and claiming 'safety' so why not just do it again?

>Mandatory psychiatric evaluations for gun purchases
>Public registry of assault-style SLR owners to warn neighbors of the lunatics in their midst
>public safety outweighs gun worshipper paranoia
>well-regulated means strict, thorough, frequent and mandatory licensing and credentialing (abuse of these rights should result in revocation of rights to violator and violator's family)
> Tell Congress to pass laws overturning Heller
> People have NO rights to threaten, intimidate, or kill innocents

>be Murilard
>be a good goy for the gun lobby
>fantasize about "crisis actors"

el oh el, murilards, so dumb

Shut your mouth cuck shill

>Tell Congress to pass laws overturning Heller

They've convinced our women to be anti gun leftists traitors.

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Die you fucking faggot shill

I'd add that im British and I'd feel safer with firearms. We are a national case in point of the worth of public gun ownership. We still have huge crime issues but zero means for self defence. The government keeps removing rights because it has no fear over what we can do in response; millions of new immigrants every year, millions raped and we cannot do anything to stop it. If you lose real relational power to your government you lose everything.

>...the rights of others to feel and be safe without guns shall not be infringed

not finding it in my copy

>public safety outweighs gun worshipper paranoia
>public safety outweighs the right to freely speak
>public safety outweighs the right to freely associate
>please move to the designated safety camp where our safety officers will make sure you are extra safe.

Anachro-tyranny in action.

>Well-regulated means...

This is the dumbest shit I have ever read on this board. Congratulations to you and others that came up with this pasta. It is, by far, the most innane, incoherent, incorrect garbage I've ever come across. Each passing person is now dumber for having read it.

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First they came for the guns, and I did not speak out, because I was not a gun owner. Then they came for me, and I had no way to shoot at them.

Mass faggification.

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What does the science say is better for the US?
Same laws they have now or slightly tighter
with a little more backgrounds checks etc?
If the science is sound then what's the problem?

>inb4 "we dont believe in science here, jesus wrote the constitution sir!"

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Give up your car, car-worshipper. Your ilk kills 40,000 a year and 1.6 million annually. We need common sense car control.

He who trades liberty for security shall have neither.

Also 20,000 of those gun deaths are suicides where the victim will choose other effective means if guns are not available as limiting guns has never impacted suicide rates. Another ~1500 are uses of police force, the vast majority of which are justified, putting the 'scary murder gun homicide' number at below 10,000 in a country of 300,000,000+ people.

And it gets even better because as long as you don't like in Baltimore, St. Louis, Detroit, DC or Chicago you will very likely never meet nor hear about anyone getting shot anywhere near you.

Everytown, Giffords, Move On, Planned Parenthood, and the Women’s March LA.all put it on The person who got the permit was a actual tv show producer. Its public record

car worshippers are terrorists.

they have no loyalty to public safety

car worship is the mythical remnant of obsolete and inferior culture

(((Trump))) is suspiciously quiet today about the march.

As the british are finding out literally as-we-speak

>bin that gun
>okay now let your wife and daughter get raped by ahmed here
>shame you don't have a gun, innit?

You liberal faggots confuse your emotions for science far too often

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>Today's protests aren't spontaneous. Gun-hating billionaires and Hollywood elites are manipulating and exploiting children as part of their plan to DESTROY the Second Amendment and strip us of our right to defend ourselves and our loved ones.
That's pretty much it in a nutshell.

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Something about it stinks. Gonzalez's speech was six minutes and twenty seconds, or the length of Cruz's rampage. You cannot convince me that was her own idea.

There is some serious organizing and money behind Hogg and company that the media is not reporting on.

nobody asked you faggot this thread is for burgers

tfw watched this movie with my family and they didn't get that (pic related) was the good guy until way later.

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you use the phrase "gun worshipper" as if it's a bad thing.

there is no guarantee to public safety anyway

"obsolete and inferior cultures" that use guns do as they wish those cultures that do not.

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Exaxtly. It means the outcome is increased violence, both against us and eventually others as we will have to riot when it could have been prevented by powers being kept in check with intimidation.

It's so blatant it's difficult to believe anyone really believes it--without an ulterior agenda, I mean.

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Well, the science isn't sound. That's the problem.

UK and Australia have seen violent crime INCREASES in spite of gun bans. Statistically the bans have had no discernible effect. Yes, there are fewer gun murders, but OVERALL murders and violent crime INCREASED.

If you do statistical studies of guns per capita and violent crime or murder rates, you don't find any correlation, now do the same for blacks and violent crime or murder rates and...

The trouble with liberals is that it's all "science this" and "science that" right up until science disagrees with their dogma, and then it's heresy. Libs do this with gun stats, and they do it with genetics even worse than the phantom christian fundamentalist evolution deniers do.

>>public safety outweighs gun worshipper paranoia
which amendment deals with your right to safety?

my wife and i have begun using firearms in the bed room recently. She just loves getting fucked at gunpoint! i was wondering if there is any information available about the safe & erotic use of firearms in the home. Next i'm going to hold a shotgun barrel in her mouth while i make love to her, so she can see me as the warrior i've always pretended to be. If you have any experience with this feel free to call Allen at 72o 36l 3l87

>violating the freedoms and rights of others to feel and be safe without guns
show us where this right is mentioned anywhere

The 'science' on gun control is inconclusive an leans narrowly against most of the 'common sense' gun control ideas that get pushed around. Draconian gun bans and buybacks increase crime, CC lowers it, open carry is sort of a toss up. Since you can only 'test' this in the real world by just watching what areas are like before and after they put in gun control or comparing areas with differing laws, but there's a dumb number of variables that you can't control for, making the 'experiment' dirty.

Japan has strict gun laws, but never had gun problems to begin with, and a low crime rate anyway. Mexico, Columbia have some of the harshest gun laws in the world and some of the worst gun crime rates and certain areas are essentially in open revolt.

Here's the thing. Order is a flimsy social construct put in place by a group of like minded people who agree that acting in a certain way is in their best interest. That thing can take a flying leap out existence with next to no provocation all it takes is one person or a small group to decide to change shit around and suddenly Order goes away. Chaos kicks off and safety, that thing people love to have locked arms with Order and skipped town. You are on your own, fuckers.

So shit has hit the fan. You didn't ask for it or want it, but a group of others have decided to wreck your life by harming or even killing you and your loved ones because they think that they should.

That is why we have a 2nd amendment in the USA. So if and when that day comes you have a way to defend yourself and loved ones. To remove that very basic element of defense in order to grant an illusion of increased safety is absolutely monstrous and must be opposed at all costs.

Right next to 'musket'

>What does the science say
two genders.

>Reddit spacing
>~30 second reply
>(((intelligent))) buzzwords
Its like you aren't trying to cover the fact you're an AI shill.


>the right to FEEEEEEEEL

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Anytime unarmed kids are killed with assault weapons in the US, me and my family feel a little bit safer, and a whole lot more free! Let's kill off the young before we have to find out that half of them are fucking faggots & trannies anyways.

I used to work at a high school. These aren't normal high school kids. Normal high school kids talk about getting drunk, high, or both. Normal high school kids talk about parties, getting laid, and their asshole teachers.

These kids have been indoctrinated to be anti-gun activists. They've had their youth stolen from them so they they could be used for political purposes. They've been programed like automatons to repeat emotionally charged rhetoric.

>Anytime unarmed kids are killed with assault weapons in the US, me and my family feel a little bit safer
So you've never felt safer ever? That's sad user, crime rates have been falling since the 80s, don't let the fact that no kids have ever been murdered with a fictional assault weapon keep you from feeling safe.

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> This

gun worshippers are airhead soyboys.

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>kneejerk muh feels

use your brain and think logically instead of kneejerking everywhere

we can show you stats about guns and gun control, the actual effects, the statistical analysis. Guns don't cause crime and never have - nobody picks up a gun and goes "wow I want to murder people", they decide they want to murder people and then pick up a gun, or knife, or make explosives, or start a fire, or just beat someone to death with a hammer.

As an example, you probably didn't know that there's more people killed with blunt objects (like a hammer) every year in the US, than are killed with rifles, the number for both, per year, is ~500 or less.

Over 80% of 'gun related deaths' are suicide, and of course nobody cares to take legal self defense out of the numbers either. Of the actual deaths from guns the overwhelming majority of them are from blacks killing each other - in fact a lot of the VICTIMS have prior arrest/felony records.

If you actually did the research and educated yourself about guns, instead of acting irrationally and emotionally, you'd understand that they're not an actual problem and that this bullshit is being pushed with ulterior motives in mind.

99.99% of women will ALWAYS choose perceived safety over freedom. It's part of female nature. [Citation: See History]

Stealing this

The high-capacity tacticool assault jansport

You need to read John Lott. The science is not inconclusive. The science is undeniable but they are libtards.

I've read a lot about it and understand the principles behind it, gun control does either nothing or it makes things somewhat worse. Its measuring a problem which is fairly acute so the data isn't all that great and allows for wiggle room. The one thing it never does, however, is ever prove gun control of any kind is a good idea.

>pay attention to us, plz
t. increasingly irrelevant organization

I'm also a little confused as to what it is the left thinks the NRA does. Relatively few people use their services and primarily what they do relates to proper ownership of firearms, affordable training, safety videos, best practices, cleaning, etc... they don't sell or really advocate anyone buy a firearm in the first place, they're just kinda there if you already had one or were thinking of buying one.

safety isn't really my focus though, i'm more enamored with shrill expressions of fake masculinity and the theatrics of freedom that are engendered by the fanboys of failed empires. You're validly arguing on behalf of your own safety, but other folks (in this case kids) who argue on behalf of their own safety are dismissed, despised and threatened - and by people who already claim to be armed experts at Constitutional Law. I won't pretend that guns kill people, I won't pretend that mass killings have increased even though the crime rate has fallen, and I won't pretend that there is anything driving the gun lobby other than hordes of failed men that look to weaponry and violence to escape the feeling of powerlessness that they live with - that there really are a bunch of insecure people living in a changing world, and they don't like it when other people talk about changing gun laws, mostly because they don't like how it makes them...feel.

The US died in 1913, somehow this corpse is still here

Well more about taxation on beer and Spirits,
O'Molassas Rhum

my thoughts exactly

t. worshiper of the BBC

What little money they do put in politics is almost always pro-2A lobbying, but the important part to note is that, in comparison to the unions, it's almost non existent. Planned Parenthood and the two major teacher unions each put several times the amount of money into politics, and since the teacher's union is apparently now openly anti-2A (they were the primary push and funding for the walkout and the 'March for our Live') that more than negates the tiny contributions the NRA makes through lobbying.

banning guns won't actually get rid of them and won't make you safer; you're attempting to trade everyone's rights away so you can have the illusion of safety.

People try to explain this to you calmly, but you don't understand and probably never will. You can try and push this all the way to a civil war, but that's not going to end well for anyone. Perhaps leave the country and live somewhere else? The laws that america were founded on are simply not compatible with people like you, so leave. I'd gladly take your spot and so would millions of others.

No, the first shots were fired when the Redcoats crossed the Concord bridge. The reason they were crossing the bridge was to confiscate a cache of weapons they learned the colonists had. Taxes had the colonists pissed, but it was gun control that made the colonists kill.

changing gun laws does not equate with banning guns. try not to let your passionate feelings get the best of you. we're all here calmly and respectfully learning from each other!

and i've never been implored to leave America by a Canadian. There's a first time for everything! You seem like someone that knows what would be best for everyone...

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car worshippers are terrorists.

they have no loyalty to public safety

car worship is the mythical remnant of obsolete and inferior culture

>Disarm yourself. Burn the Constitution.

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>Majority of Christian gun owners worships a black cube
Age old kike tactic of accusing the other of what they and muslims do themselves.

We're in the middle of a world wide communist revolution

Don't EVER give up your guns

Three revolutionary words: fuck the NRA.

No, seriously fuck it. And fuck it hard. And then fuck it some more.

Gun fetishists are no longer the loudest or the most popular voices in America.

It's almost fun to watch them lose their minds.

Seriously, though, fuck the fucking selfish,blood guzzling, dead white slaveowner worshipping, last gasp of white America kiddie killing NRA.

Fuck punching Nazis. Punch the fucking gun nuts trying to tell you killing kids is okay.

Just fuck it fuck it FUCK IT.

Fuck them straight to hell.

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