What do you think of harem anime?

What do you think of harem anime?

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it's fine if all the characters aren't shit. gets too much hate from people who don't watch enough anime to have any opinion at all

crap shit poop

If it has Harem in the genre tags, I don’t watch it. Picture related.

An inoffensive fun time.

It's the best.

I like the comfy ones.

As long as the MC isn't insufferably bland and each of the girls get a decent amount of focus, it's okay.

it doesn't decide whether an anime is going to be good or bad
all the other genres the anime has does that
harem is secondary
harem doesn't change the flavor of the anime, it just changes the shape
like Charleston chews minis
they're still Charleston chews just cut up and packaged differently
if you like regular Charleston chews, but you won't eat Charleston chews minis because of the fact that they're small, then you're just missing out on good Charleston chews
but if you don't like butterfinger minis, because they're not to your taste, but you'll still eat Charleston chews minis, that's fine.

They require harem ends, since they get unrealistic scenarios all the way through the journey, at least go 100% max on the wish fulfilment.

it honestly stresses me out

What do I think? What do I *don't* think? Do I even think? Am I capable of thinking? Am I alive? user help.

I hate it when the beta MC chooses shitty tsundere

I hate it when there is a perfectly fuckable mother who never gets any attention. Doesn't the protagonist have a mom who shows up for about a chapter?

I prefer to watch actual relationship progress between two characters instead of 13 episodes of boring status quo between 10
They would just be worse-but-still-okay if it weren't for how awful the stereotypical harem protagonist is

I have a feeling there will be some real NTR in the future with her

you mean nothing-ever-happens the anime? anime is for children

Why is that when the main character is dense he is unlikable and when he is chad that he is much more unlikable?

I want to see an ecchi anime where the MC is a celibate buddhist monk and just constantly tsukkomi-ing the girls who try to seduce him

Mikan is soooo pretty

It is very haram

That i would like to be the MC.
But i would impregnate them all at the first episode.

>They require harem ends, since they get unrealistic scenarios all the way through the journey, at least go 100% max on the wish fulfilment.
I absolutely agree. Praise (isekai) webnovels!

Pure harem is garbage only good in hentia so the mc can fuck 5 girls at once.
Besides that Jitsu wa Watashi wa is good but its weakest point is the 30-40 chapters of LETS CONFESS TO MC. Strongest points is when they act like good friends fucking with each other or getting in to weird situations.

Absolutely haram.

This intellifag refreshingly understands that "genres" are just elements within your entertainment. A lot of people think "genres" are boxes, and you have to file each anime into just one box.

Garbage for self-insert losers

I thought you were talking about Gab for a second.
Gab NTRs others, not the other way around, especially stupid bakas.

My favorite genre. Especially if anime has less drama and more hijinks.

there needs to be a harem anime about the ottoman imperial harem

I meant raph. What a brain fart.

The only times I've watched haremshit is when the genre changes mid-show, a la Oreimo.

Fine as long as it doesn't remotely try to get itself seriously

>it's fine if all the characters aren't shit
Very much this.

There's harems where the girls are like pets or pokemon or something. It's much more fulfilling when they have more than just distinct personalities or appearances. Backstories, goals, y'know.. Actual story arcs.

Also this. But I'm also satisfied with these scenarios:

MC ends up with girl A, but it doesn't work out so endgame with girl B.

MC ends up with a fraction of his harem. Doesn't have to be the entire thing.

Also, just like any ecchi show, the harem/ecchi shouldn't be the POINT of the show, just a feature. Kind of like comedy. Not to say comedy anime are bad, but in a show in any other genre it's a very welcome addition that isn't the main reason you're there to watch.

>They require harem ends, since they get unrealistic scenarios all the way through the journey, at least go 100% max on the wish fulfilment.

Truer words were never spoken.

I don't watch em. Seen bits and pieces of some and it's just not my thing.

The best genre

Beyond stupid wish fulfillment for the most underage virgin boys in the industry but since it's self contained in it's subgenre i dont really care

I thought that Sup Forums had this clear, but seeing this post...

Post more Mikan.

Care to menion some of those animes where the mc is not bland.

Good thing there is barely two pages on myanimelist.net containing tags "comedy", "ecchi", "romance", "harem". 7 pages if you broaden to everything "harem" related. In whole history of anime making.
You fucking "Cowboy Bebop", "Neon Genesis Evangelion" lovers blow it way out of proportion.

You here for the girls. MCs role is - being dancing pole for the girls. There are harems without male MC, but then they as well may be made not from girls but genderless romansless objects.

>I watch cartoons for realism. Nice feelings not allowed, because that would be catering to my wishes.


harem a best ... as long as they have proper reasons for falling in love with the guy

>I hate it, when there is bathroom scene and no shitplay. My patrician fetish is not being satisfied.



This, most people who hate on real deal harem shows are newfags.

Never happens. Unless you cound MC did x to help a girl he just met. Thats not good reason, that's called not being a dick. Which leads to the "i like him cuz he's a nice/cool guy"

This. A good romance between two characters outweighs 5 stereotypical waifus and one bland mc.

Golden boy is the pinnacle of harem anime.

Well, not everybody is into cuck fetish yet. It is ok, everybody eventually grows up and sees life for what it is, and learns to enjoy it.

>tumblr nose

I like Tenchi Muyo.

Arguably the most boring genre
>MC rarely ever have any sort of personality to get otakus to self-insert
>Non-MC males are thirsty virgins and/or losers, only for comedy relief
>Girls have one personality trait to get them fit into a general archetype (Childhood friend, tsundere, etc) for personality fetish pandering
>Girls appearance wise fall into one of the major archetypes (like the blonde-blue eyes foreigner)
>Girls all have ridiculous big tits (except the token loli, unless the show has an oppai loli, then the "flat" girl "only" have C-cup
>Trite jokes that have been done to death (Guy walks into girl changing in bathroom etc.)
>Has generally the standard format of Introduction episode(s)->Episode about each girl->Episodes where everyone is together->Beach/inn episode->More episode where nothing happens->Boring two episode "climax" where every girl must work together -> Status quo ending because you can't alienate otaku who waifu'd a girl and might buy a BD copy
>Often relies on ecchi to sell copies because most harems are essentially the same, just with a different coat of paint.
12-page doujins are better written than most harems released, regardless if you want to fap or not.

It's the first time I've seen discussion about harem induce an existential crisis.

I chuckled.

Keijo!!!!!!! actually did that to me.

Sat on the couch with my friend and we watched the first two episodes, back to back, then I looked at them and just started melting down. It really got me that in all the world, all the possible things we could be doing with our time, in all human history, at this brief moment of my life, I just spent an hour watching cartoon women fight with their asses. I didn't play my guitar, I didn't paint something, I didn't read one of the many critcally acclaimed "Masterpiece" works of fiction sitting on my shelf, nor even one of my trash novels.

No, I spent a fucking hour, 1:613,200 of my life, watching cartoon women butt wrestle.

And now another 5 minutes explaining this.

Better than Isekai. TWGOK was genuinely good.

this user got pretty much everything about it covered.

It was 5 minutes well spent if you ask me. I haven't laughed this much for a while.

They're tacky and tasteless, but fuck dude, a man's gotta fap.

>fapping to softcore at best
jesus christ.

>food analogy

gonna just print this and post it whenever the question is asked again.

Waifu wars are only fun to watch with Sup Forums. Aside from that I never pick up haremshit that I missed the airing of. I'm clearly not the target demographic for this kind of stuff, i'm not interested in wish fulfillment or softcore blueballing.

The harem genre can be good when they go full on soap opera drama like what be gonna on in those Korean and Chinese stories. It's most more interesting to follow that and how the main protagonist family life is being broken part and how he desperately tries to fix it or tries to go about avoided causing too much hurt towards himself only for it to backfire more on himself.

Japanese harem stories are too full of wish-fulfillment these days. Where everyone gets along perfectly without any ounce of jealously or just feel like cardboard cut-outs characters that just aren't interesting in anyway. i don't mind such stories from time to time, but there is too much of the same thing flowing out there in the market now that it has gotten boring for me.

Its really disturbing if its done right.

I like it if they go all out and the girls are always getting jealous and fighting each other for his attention. If it's just an anime where one guy happens to be surrounded by a bunch of girls, it better be good in other areas.

I dropped off the series, what happened in the end?

>inb4 le leddit
Basically all the characters in the show are crazy as fuck.

Harem anime is the epitome of degeneracy and so are you

It's just a comedic fictional entertainment sport

I like bake monogatari

We definitely need more JS harem anime.

In short, Zetsubou sensei & his families are creating the "Soul Cleansing" Cult all this time.

I wish we got more good ones, I love a good girls war thread on Sup Forums.

>JS harem

Imagine just how comfy that would be.

Too much fake harem shit where it's obvious who wins from the start. Real harems are fun though when you don't know which girl is going to win and you can have fanbase wars on Sup Forums.

In the perfect harem show, all girls would win.

I don't mind if the cast has good memorable personalities. I've had the displeasure of reading Isekai Smartphone and wondering which girl is which every time they are mentioned.

It can be good if the girls are hot, and if there's actually chemistry between them and the MC, without making the show about the MC.

Well I'm one of the older folks here, with an insanely high powerlevel, and I can confirm most harem series these days are terrible. It wouldn't be so bad if they actually put some effort into the routes and relationships, like many series in the past (such as Da Capo, Ken Akamatsu's shit, TLR, etc), but most just add a bunch of cute girls just to attract readers/watchers, without giving them any real attention or development. The relationships and writing also tend to feel incredibly contrived. It's like they wanted to write an action/romance story, but didn't think it would hold up on its own so added harem elements in order for it to sell.

Most people that enjoy harem series these days don't seem to really care about these sorts of things anymore, so the people that make them don't really have to try. At least that's my arrogant opinion on the matter.

They are made for one purpose: Sexual fantasies

They're okay as long as the imouto wins in the end.

my man.

Absolutely harem

But user, Keijo is better than 99% of harem anime

ZnT was really good in that genre

Some are good, most are shit

Acceptable as long as the male MC has a spine and is an actual character and the girls have a reason for wanting the D
Same with shoujous but then I'd add the warning of excessive MISUNDERSTANDINGS and shit like yakuza/kidnappings
Also the plot must move forward with an ending in mind without the need to keep adding more and more suitors

I'm a purityfag but as far as harem go, I realized that they tend to work better when there's actual sexual tension and characters want to/actually end boning, especially with characters who are older than HS
Not only it makes the setting more 'realistic' (which might or not be a good thing), but adds actual stakes and speaks of more than just infatuation

This. "School Days" wasnt even that good, but it understood the genre perfectly and ran with the uncomfortable implications and questions.

Turn off your brain and watch the ones with the girls that make your dick happy. If you try to look for good plot, interesting motive, good mcs, you will most likely be frustrated and its your own fault for looking for things in the wrong places. Its like we get the "[Current shounen] is so shit!" threads, its always someone complaining about something they shouldn't.

worst genre ever

worse than battle shounen
worse than romance
worse than mech
worse than isekai

part of me feels a series like this exists already

It's only harem if MC fucks all the girls.

If MC doesn't fuck all the girls it's a love polygon at best or complete shit at worst.

Love it, watch at least 1 harem per season.