Isn't racemixing good for disease resistance? I don't understand what's wrong with it.
Isn't racemixing good for disease resistance? I don't understand what's wrong with it
You aren’t white lol l
Your race has evolved mechanisms to fight off diseases it has come in contact with, you lose that speciality by being amorphous. That said you would have a slightly better resistance to exotic disease. Yet that wont offset the higher incidence of congenital disease.
>leaf thinks race mixing will help protect his offspring against disease
>fucks nigger
>both leaf and offspring now has AIDS
Been going 25 years now and the worst I've had is the flu...
>numerous young women
How easy are your Nordic women to want the foreign dick so badly
It is a deficiency.
if there are no biological differenced between race, then how could mixing be good for your immune system?
pick one, dumb dumb
I've been going 30 and I've never had the flu. So there you go well done. However it mainly comes into affect in a less sanitized environment, if things ever went south (say in a low iq mutt hegemony) then the lack of specialised immunity would be catastrophic beyond your increased flu susceptibility.
How can people who developed immunity to diseases in their local environment over millenia provide immunity to diseases across the world? If anything they are hurting everyone involved by diluting both immunities and making a weaker hybrid. Look at sickle cell as an example.
It is not the content of the threads that I mind but the repetition of the threads. So many of the the same thing continually being reworded in hopes that as some point people will agree with you. Bruteforce in hopes of success.
No one is going to stop you from having mutt babies.
Wouldn't mixing spread your specialized immunity. Also whites are actually the most mixed breed race in the world
The auto-immune system doesn't work that way.
Mixed race people have a lot of personality issues.
Go spend 5 minutes reading about genetics. As for whites being most mixed, not remotely true. You are likely confused as whites have more ethnic groups than most races due to less of a history of failure and genocide. So you would have to talk about individual white ethnic groups instead, which mix least out of every race in a multiracial environment.
Lack of indentity, lower average iq if you're talking about mixing with a sub Saharan African.
>Mixed race people have a lot of personality issues.
I only know two mixed race individuals. One half black/white committed suicide at 18. The other, a quadroon girl, is a complete nut case riding every black dick she can find because daddy wanted nothing to do with her.
>Mixed race people have a lot of personality issues.
Maybe in America but everywhere else in the world people aren't so hung up on race
Also your pic is mostly propaganda. No one says that shit anyways. Only insecure whites think of those things.
> (You)
>Go spend 5 minutes reading about genetics.
I took High school biology so I got an elementary understanding
>which mix least out of every race in a multiracial environment.
Look at america. Irish, German, polish, British,Spanish so on and so forth. You whites really like mixing it up
>genocide and such
Its funny that Africans have the highest amount of diversity. Though admittedly Europeans had a huge bottleneck at some point in time that had nothing to do with genocide(RIP Neanderthal). That's what probably paved the way to the prevalence of eye and hair colour differences. Also those aesthetics aren't much to be proud of. Its like one of those free to pay game were you can buy useless cosmetics to make yourself look like a fruitloop
>I only know two mixed race individuals. One half black/white committed suicide at 18. The other, a quadroon girl, is a complete nut case riding every black dick she can find because daddy wanted nothing to do with her.
>because white people don't excel in these behaviors
As I said before identity is meaningless. Identity created your untermensch retarded neo-nazi and your gangsta crackhead shooting up the hood.
virtue signalling with your vagina have been going on in all of western culture for quite some time. To be fair, when it comes to the very young ones. The disease ridden brown cock is often forced upon them, after they were dumb enough to accept alcohol from stranger
>after they were dumb enough to accept alcohol from stranger
Parents need to do more to teach and protect their children. Women are easily manipulated if they aren't raised well
You aren't supposed to ruin the entire line. If you're all the same line at the end you're all susceptible to the same shit.
Whites are actually the least mixed race in the world. And spreading immunity means us providing niggers and spics with our own powerful genes as history has proven, not the other way around. Ultimately I don't see the need to share anything with lower beings. Except lead of course.
It is not good for disease resistance
My god is she incredibly beautiful.
I bred a Norwegian woman (I'm german/irish) and my green eyed son has no mental issues. Stick to your race.
Their is no such thing as a white race.
As I said. Americas melting pot of 'whites' is the perfect example of mix breeding. They've all even lost their culture and created this abomination of McDonald's and weekly mass shooting. This is the pinnacle of 'white' culture. The same culture the Jews wish too export via medias to the rest of the world. Americans are the worst and everything wrong with the world.
Judging from your flag I assume your american. Just like those silly blacks clinging to wakanda after losing all their culture you seek to hijack the Nazi's as you know yourself to be lacking culture or atleast one with any substance. You'd make Hitler sick with your blind hatred
Im a doctor so I have a comprehensive understanding of biology and genetics. Whites racemix least out of all races, demonstrable by marriage registeries, birth certificates, online dating statistics and stated preferences.
Whites as a race have more genetic variance than any other group, go read your clusters. Finally as for the neanderthals, their genocide was more being integrated and otherwise outcompeted, they passed on a substantial amount of genetic material so to speak of genocide is inaccurate.
The genetic bottleneck you are probably referring to, when the human race nummbered in the thousands occurred to an african group. Potentially not even to the european progenitors.
>hybrid vigor exists in populations of millions, let alone billions where inbreeding depression does not exist
Please tell me more
>"mixed races are better!"
>can't find compatible organ donors
>have higher rates of psychological issues
>have the genetic predisposition to the hereditary diseases of both races with none of the resistances
>Americas melting pot of 'whites' is the perfect example of mix breeding.
But a continent full of raping niggers are pure.
Fuck off back to your mud hut UmFuFu.
Well the sole benefit they are is fewer diseases of recessive genes due to the disparate parents. However that in turn precludes them from having many of the beneficial recessive features. There are some positives to being mixed but they are out weighed by the negatives.
>have the genetic predisposition to the hereditary diseases of both races with none of the resistances
Schlomo has to try to get rid of that Tay-sachs somehow.
Your idea of who and who isn't white is flawed. White, black, Arab and Asian are not races. Atleast in genetics. The same way apples aren't one race. We just pool them all together.
Sorry to assume your belief but this is Sup Forums
>White genocide through breeding
>nah the Neanderthals were integrated
Also having Neanderthal DNA is just further proof of 'white' mongrelization
Oh sorry. Really thought the bottleneck happened in Europe.
Anyways as I said. There is no white race
>pic related.
Considering they are the most diverse race in the world I would agree