Why are the chorogons so FAT?

Why are the chorogons so FAT?


You didn't even post the fattest one.

I wish more official art of kanna existed


Because they belong to Sup Forums



I want to literally, unironically, sexually FUCK kanna

THICC is “in” right now in the west
THICC sells

What did you mean by this?

I want to titfuck Lucoa

those are big girls


If I pulled your tail off. Would you die?

it would be extremely tasty


Imagine Kanna landing on your face like that.

You’re a creamy girl

Cause men like meat.

I sadly hang out with ironic weebs because they’re the only human contact I get that’s not from family. It’s actually traps that sells.

I want Elma and Tooru to work out, get a good sweat going, then cool down by sitting on my face.

sorry should have added..
-to normalfags
which is half it’s viewer base at this point


Ravioli ravioli
Gangbang the dragon loli

Who else would cuddle this chubby little choragon even in her original form?

Absolutely not

With the backpack on or off?

Are those backgrounds supposed to represent their panties?


I want Elma, Tohru and Lucoa to get really sweaty, break the A/C on the hottest day of the summer, and then take turns sitting on my face.

Not Kanna?

I don't want to die.

THICC is the best term
that's what makes them voluptous

The OP is bad
The first 30 seconds of the song is OK then it changes to something really lame and low energy.

The animation clips have this ideas that don't have any relevance to the show itself or the other scenes in the OP.
Why is there that old film screen effect? Is this scene set in the past?
What is the kannas text face going off screen meant to symbolize? Is she a computer virus?
Why are everyone flying in the sky doing pirouettes? Are they inhabitants of Krypton?
Why is there a blurry mess of 3 Quetzalcoatl overlapping each other? Literally insane.
Why is there a blurrier mess of 3 lines of Toorus doing what the shit ever? Looks like shit, on top of being insane.
Why is there Candy with Elma faces being produced in a candy factory? She likes food therefore this makes sense, aha?
Why is there flowers with Fafnir faces popping out? Because he pollinates something? Hes fertile? uhhhh

I guess the meetings at kyoani go like this: "haha I can animate this SILLY sequence, isnt this interesting? Hey where did the director go?"
I just hate this, its like Nichijou where something completely wacky is happening but the intended substance is in a different galaxy. Nothing is connecting.
I guess there's a reason no one votes Kyoani products on the Aoty poll, all they have is animators but nothing else.

You are an idiot.

Her cowtits are as tumors

i want elma to sit on my face

I somehow agree with both of these posts.


>tfw no lewdly cute doujins of Tohru and Kanna as chibi dragons

>Tohru has a background

It's the perfect body for a woman


>Kanna is the only one where you can see her pantsu

Delicious plump thighs

Girthier than most tree trunks.

what did they mean by this

Those aren’t loli thighs, those are an adult woman’s lower half.

I can still hear the
>mune ga shimacchau ne

tickling my kokoro

Imagine the smell

How fat would Kanna get if she devoured everything in sight?

Looks more like a sukumizu to me.