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>suddenly a fucking mecha


It looks terrible

It looks awesome



Honestly, the concept is cheesy but I would have given it a try if it wasn’t for that god awful 3DCG. These practices need to stop.

Looks interesting, not exactly good, but seems fun.

>That fucking hair style that Damian Wayne has

Who the fuck approved that?

Looks good but threads will be absolute cancer

Kinda disappointed it's cg still hyped doe

It's done by the guys who did the Jojo openings

It's a nobility haircut or something

You fags complain even when the CGI is actually good. You niggers will never be satisfied by anything.

Which will be more interesting: Gotham by Gaslights or this?

This is only "good" in comparison to shit like Berserk. The only time CG doesn't actively hurt the eyes is in extremely expensive Pixar/Disney films.


looks fun

>Dat Harley Quinn

>This is only "good" in comparison to shit like Berserk.
Not even true. There's a lot of good CGI, it's just that memers don't do their research and say it's all Berserk-tier shit.

Found an english subbed trailer of it
Character designs by Takeshi Okazaki (Afro Samurai)
Screenplay by Kazuki Nakashima (Gurren Lagann, Kill La Kill)
Director did Jojo openings

Consider suicide OP

>Batman Isekai

I thought I had seen everything

there's a batman pirate isekai in the comics too

>says ninja
>but dressed pretty heavy like a shogun general
ok. but honestly with alfred still wearing his butler clothes makes me think they're just cosplaying. well cosplaying related tot he region.

>Kouichi Yamadera as Batman
>Wataru Takagi as Joker
>Ai Kakuma as Catwoman
>Rie Kugimiya as Harley Quinn
>Mizusaki, the producer of the opening animation sequences for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders, is the film's director. Nakashima, who was in charge of the series scripts for Gurren Lagann and Kill la Kill, is the screenwriter. Okazaki, the creator of the Afro Samurai manga, is the character designer for the film. The project will also involve English-language screenwriters Leo Chu and Eric Garcia — the executive producers for the Afro Samurai series and Afro Samurai: Resurrection film — who also joined the panel on Thursday.
>Kamikaze Douga is working on the project, and Yuugo Kanno (Psycho-Pass, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable, Ajin) is composing the music. The anime's website stated the project is three years in the making.

>Bladed weapons
How is this going to work for "Its just a concussion" "He's only sleeping" Batman?

How did joker build a mecha but not batman? it should have taken batman only a few days to build a nuke.

Blunt swords and beanbag rounds.

Bruce casually sitting in a Japanese house wearing his full Batman gear will never not look funny.

Blunt swords are a stupid meme. At least use a sword catcher.


This looks stupid enough to be good.

>Robin with receding hairline

The designs are just ridiculous enough to be good, the cg doesn't look awful but it's really janky.

Oh shit, the Jojo opening animation guys are finally making a series

It's a noble haircut since he's Bruce's biological son and will both inherit the wealth of the Waynes and Al Ghuls

They're also doing Pop Team Epic.

It's a movie

oh it's isekai, just fuck my shit up
hey janny, fuck you

hory shit

>Japanese Batman
>no Lord Death Man


Bruce has a smaller mech

This is made by the creators of japan??!?!

>Damian's hair

>yfw you realized Gorilla is actually Hideyoshi
I already love this anime.

for shits and giggles

Nobility haircut

Yes. It was a secret but Izanagi and Izanami actually make anime

Looks pretty dope. I think batman is a very interesting character and i'm interested to see a japanese take on him.

Oh shit nice catch

user he doesn't have his Demon in this canon to bull shit stuff for him

>samurai armor and sword

>Red Hood's mask
My sides

And caveman batman, mech batman, victorian batman too

Oh fuck it is red hood

Victorian Batman sounds great actually

Honestly, looks fun CGI looks decent. I haven't watched any anime in over a year, but I might come back for this.

is that batgirl on the poster or catwoman? The hair is throwing me off.

Why are you even on Sup Forums then?

Interesting stuff

he's here forever.

Who's that guy on the "J"?

>that red hood design

He had a shuriken!
It's probably poking fun at the overuse of ninja in western stuff or they just think we actually think samurai are ninja.

Anyway the voices are all on point, I like jokers a lot.

Looks like Deathstroke. Aka "Slade" in the old Teen Titans cartoon.

It looks like shit overall however Joker's VA sounds amazing.

God Joker sounds so fucking good. It's not better than Mark Hammil Joker but it's better than 99% of the western Jokers i've ever heard. Japanese voice acting is just GOAT.

Manga mostly, and as this guy said

Was thinking Deadshot, but Slade could work too

The script was probably written by Americans.

Why is Gorilla Grodd here?

Its all cause of Darkseid and Barbatos if the nips are smart and up to date on the bat lore u might even get to see a mysterious lady who is barbatos watching bruce doing this story

Oh, he was barely recognizable when Japanized.

Catwoman, in the trailer you can se she has a cat bell collar

Actually, i'm really curious about this. Anyone have some concrete info on who is writing this?

Fuck, I'm not really down with a ginger Catwoman. Visually throwing me off.

>that damien
>that red hood


That occurred to me as well, but his mask being split with the same two colors death stroke has leads me in that direction. Then again, now that I look at it a second time, there seems to be an eyepiece over the right eye that could be a sort of scope.

Isn't Batman all about the gadgets? How can he be Batman if he's stuck in the Edo period?

Had some flashbacks to the literally chinese cartoons Batman

See He has tech somehow

>have over 75 years of source material to be inspired from and reinterprete
>just make a generic samurai story with a batman coat of paint that only someone who has never seen a samurai flick would find novel

It says in the trailer by the guy of KlK and Gurren Laggan

I'm pretty sure they just think American stereotypes are fun.

Also I knew I recognized this trailer music, it's the guy who did Nioh's sound track. It sounds a little too similar to the opening in the game.

At least they brought in all four male Robins.

Why does Thanos looks like shit in the trailers? They didn't even give him his armor.

>they should rehash a story that has already been told rather than make a new story playing off of tropes that Batman has never interacted with.

And you're wording it like they're the creatively bankrupt ones.

user he has a demon thats behind everything he does

Wouldn't make more sense Batman Ronin? I mean, a ninja is loyal to their master, does Batman have a master now?

>Victorian Batman...

Is the Gorilla supposed to be a Batman villain?

I think this is going to be interesting but god i'd fucking love a 100% Japanese version of one of Batman's most popular comics, or even something like the Arkham series.

Fuck off.

Gorilla Grodd's only in because he's the director's favorite character despite how he's primarily a Flash villain

What was his name again?

>Poison Ivy
>Pengiuin as a warrior himself rather than a rival Shogun
>Deathstroke (not technically a Batman villain
>and Grood?
lack of freeze is disappointing

>get hyped because thought it was a full series of this
Fuck. That said, it doesn't look that bad. Aside from bald Robin.

would have loved to see their version of Freeze, definitely.

Should be titled BATMAN SAMURAI desu.