>Morning Fucker
Morning Fucker
get out of Sup Forums
Wish my fat piece of shit cat would lay beside me like that. All it ever does is make disgusting noises and sprawls out on the kitchen floor until feeding time.
What happened with this show? I never see any posts about it,
Maybe because people only make threads on days it airs.
Is sleepy just playing dumb? Could he have known exactly what they were talking about on the train?
Why doesn't he just fucking confess if he likes prez so much?
He is a pussy
Is the prez the most unlikable romance anime main heroine in years?
>muh entrance exams
>muh jealousy
It hurts so much that she is going to win for sure.
i've seen a lot of unlikeable main characters that win the MCbowl but mio just rubs me the wrong fucking way for some reason
Isn't that what you say to your toned mirror reflection in the morning, bear?
Which one is the puta?
What a puta.
jesus what a bitch
hurts that komiya is going to lose
It's her passive-aggressive attitude. It's not like she was even interested in Eita that way until like a few days ago when she finally moved on from Soma. And now suddenly she's acting like Eita belongs to her and Komiya has no right to ask him out and being so fucking passive aggressive when she does. I don't know it just comes off as very bitchy of her. Komiya should win but happy endings don't always happen I guess.
He was always at the back of her mind even throughout middle school. You can see it in the flashbacks, especially the part where he suddenly transferred schools.
Do you rise it since it was a kitten? My cat loves snuggling
slut in spanish
>No she totally always liked him so even though she's too much of a bitch to actually say anything to him despite an open declaration of war from camera, camera should back off in case kaichou decides she's done lusting for Eita's best friend's dick and wants to take a run at him
Kaichoufags are actually this stupid.
shoulda played with it more when it was a kitten
makes them more affectionate
Not that user, but all Natsume said was "why did you ask for my permission if you were gonna do whatever you wanted either way?" which is fair question all things considering.
Besides, she got off the train right away, so it's not like she was bothering them or anything.
>Not that user, but all Natsume said was "why did you ask for my permission if you were gonna do whatever you wanted either way?" which is fair question all things considering.
>She didn't do anything, there's no way she should have figured out what was going on, and there was no problem at all with her attitude or how she talked to Eita.
t. Brainlet
She grew to like him throughout middle school but she always believed on her crush on JUST. It only really hit her when he up and left without any warning.
This show is literally too smart for Camerafags. I can't believe it.
>actually defending Camera's rude behavior
She literally acted like your typical "convince me to watch this show" shitposter on Sup Forums.
>t. Brainlet
Ah, it's the retard from reddit that was shitposting in the thread from earlier today that's too stupid to follow basic dialog but calls other people brainlets. I see the irony hasn't caught up with you yet.
I would have posted there if I could. Too bad it was already dead by the time I was able to watch the episode and get up to date with the spoilers.
So you're the guy who literally thinks his headcanon is real? Try watching the show with sound on instead of imagining fanfiction and calling it canon.
>proudly admitting to being a redditor
What the hell happened to this place?
>I would have posted there if I could.
But you did. Your retarded posting style and inability to think isn't difficult to spot.
> they're still watching this generic romance shit with 0/10 sakuga
>that reading comprehension
This episode actually made me like Camera but you make her fans look bad. Reminds me of Remfag cancer.
I believe he meant the other thread.
Sure, whatever makes you sleep at night.
>Same broken prose
>Same spacing
>Same shitty offboard memes
>Same inability to follow basic dialog
>Same inability to understand the words you use
It's 100% you, you fucking idiot.
>Camerafag headcanon got BTFO so hard in an argument in the previous thread
>literally thinks everyone who shares the same opinion is the same person
t. One Guy
>Retarded ESLfag doesn't understand that retarded crossboarders screaming in the same broken English as they did in other threads are easy to identify
ESLfags are the stupidest fucking posters on this board.
Whatever you say, guy. Drown in your headcanon and stay mad.
Puutttaaa Rooobinsoooon!!
Best parrilla, best gato.
Yeah but I also throw a 'you sexy' in the middle there
>"No you can't date my beta orbiter"
Fuck this bitch. Hope she fails her entrance exams.