Why do you need an assault rifle? Just explain that to me. And don't give me any of that tyrannical government...

Why do you need an assault rifle? Just explain that to me. And don't give me any of that tyrannical government, tinfoil hat bullshit either.

Because to the rest of the world, it looks like there is no reason at all for Americans to be allowed to own assault rifles.

Attached: hey-you-with-guns-53837273858285turn-turn-them-in-you-fucking-GOYIM.jpg (403x403, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The purpose of the 2nd amendment is military in nature. It does not say hunting or self-defense but arms intended to defend the freedom of the state.

Also you can own such weapons in Europe, too.

>society collapses everywhere in the world, throught history
>lol that never happens

Assault rifles have been banned for over 30 years and grandfathered devices require a class III license approved by the ATF after extensive background checks.

You're a faggot.

>Actually giving a fuck about what the rest of the world thinks
Try again.

The United States has a MILITARY for defense now. There is NO need for a militia. \

You guys have been saying this for years now and the U.S. still hasn't collapsed. Go post another "happening" thread.

Stop lying.

You should give a fuck. The rest of the world is who will have your back when Russia tries to push your shit in. Your nation wouldn't even exist without France.

Good thing we'll be armed for when Russia tries to "push our shit in"

We won't be fighting a rebellion against the government, we'll be fighting against (you).

>Trump is literally Hitler
>Please stfu with your fascist government fantasies

The rest of the american people are fucking retards.

I have a right to a firearm to protect me in an immediate life threatening situation. If I wanted to fight a tyrannical government, it would be attacking infrastructure with a toolbox.

You don’t understand. It’s say you may need guns in case of tyrannical evil government dumb idiot.

Good thing then that "the rest of the world" doesn't matter.

>Why do you need an assault rifle

Attached: 1-rifle.jpg (720x487, 46K)

------------PLEASE STOP RESPONDING TO THESE SHILL THREADS---------Fuck the Liberals

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bitch we will fucking kill you all

We already have a tyrannical government. See the Patriot Act, NDAA, Guantanamo Bay, Legalized Torture, False Flag attacks, Pre-emptive wars for Israel, rigged voting, presidents selected not elected, and federally controlled media propaganda.

theres 2000 years of Europeans peasants getting curbstomped and betrayed by their own governments becasue they didnt have the weapons to fight back

giving up your arms is turning you into a sheep that will get preyed upon by your own Guys

Attached: tenor.gif (498x373, 571K)

we are the last fucking stand and we aren't giving them up

>And don't give me any of that tyrannical government, tinfoil hat bullshit either.
>implying tyrannical governments don't exist

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>theres 2000 years of Europeans peasants getting curbstomped and betrayed by their own governments
To be fair the betrayal is very much happening now, and it seems like it's getting worse all over Europe rapidly. If there were armed civilians in the UK you can believe the civilians would have a way of policing rape gangs themselves.

Attached: El Scorpio is ready.jpg (520x483, 142K)

>assault rifle
>not assault weapon

and even with full gun controll both Islamists and right wing extremists have no fucking Problem getting any Kind of weapon they want into Germany

just look at the pic there, thats a "small" arms Cache from the right wing Reichsbürger movement

The noguns Yuros don’t understand The Alamo, either.

why do you need cars it kills people. if you ban cars govt will raise number of public transport and they will be hybrids which will save environment.

that german probably does

Shall not be infringed.

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>There is a military for defence now
Even MORE reason for a militia.

99.9% of americans cannot legally own heavy asslut rifles


that's actually pretty small, my neighbors and I could set up a better pic than that, and I live in California of all places

all i know is that help was on the way

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>appropriate and reasonable
Oh, does the constitution allow appropriate and reasonable infringements now? I must have missed that bit.

you really are autistic aren't you

why don’t these people just move to Canada?

but im resppojnding you

Tyrannical government

Attached: slide2.png (1500x1500, 926K)

if you respond to the OP it gets bumped that's why i only tagged people who responded to the OP

explain yourselves right wingers

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-25 at 11.47.24.png (2078x1240, 3.35M)

Easy, to shoot shit. Smh. I dont have to have a reason to own them.

>(((the rest of the american people)))

As a deterrent for a tyrannical government,

Attached: 1518849982806.jpg (600x600, 51K)

>Why do you need an assault rifle?
to kill faggots in Orlando or libs that try to take them away

Attached: 2a6.png (563x542, 260K)

>explain yourselves, right wingers
People in D.C. have way too much free time and don't know what to do with it?

one could conclude that those photos illustrate the left is more easily manipulated, sheep-like. easily led, astray in this instance.

why do you need to suck off niggers?

I'm not explaining myself to a faggot.

Omfg u ppl are so autistic.

You actually believe slide threads are a problem of people filling out a reply box.

>Why do you need an assault rifle?
I really don't have an immediate need. They're nearly impossible to obtain, but the three-round burst option would be nice.

Oh, you probably have no idea what the fuck it is you're talking about. You mean semi-automatic rifle spray-painted black right?

Because we can?

Because fuck you

Obviously you never opened an history book...
You are a tard or a gov whore

>Shows a picture of the first arrivals well before Trump's swearing-in.

Fuck Off, shill.

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>Why do you need an assault rifle?
It is a Book of Rights. Not needs. If you want it so fucking badly come and take it faggot. I would rather see this entire nation cast into a civil war then surrender my guns. It is accepting certain death to give our guns over. I would rather take as many of you along with me as possible.

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Youre threatening people with tyranny while simultaneously saying it doesnt exist and calling people stupid for believing in it. Who gives a fuck what the rest of the world thinks. We already know they hate us. Of course they want us disarmed.

"Hey you. The SLOW ONE. Your lack of respect for knowledge and history does not trump the fact that laws ("policies") have to abide the Constitution.

If you don't agree, you need an Ammendment. You don't have the votes, so you use again and again the Judicial Branch. You don't fool me.



Attached: Hogg.png (612x1007, 258K)

>based Reagan

>libtard whenever the subject of guns come up

>libtards when some black guy gets shot

Is this doublethink or mental illness?

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>Why do you need an assault rifle? Just explain that to me. And don't give me any of that tyrannical government, tinfoil hat bullshit either.
Only tyrants take guns. Now tell me more about that tinfoil bullshit.


Ever notice how most of the people saying this shit live in upper middle class and mostly white neighborhoods? I don't think they care about people living in the wilds of the U.S. at all.
Slacktivists want to change everything they don't like instead of just actually solving their issue with the easiest solution possible.

Pic related should answer your questions.

Attached: Capture.jpg (1687x830, 224K)

To kill you and anyone else who tries to take them, the taking them being the first immutable step to tyranny.


Why do you need a smartphone?

"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops."
- Noah Webster, An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, October 10, 1787

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
- William Pitt (the Younger), Speech in the House of Commons, November 18, 1783

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>You guys have been saying this for years now and the U.S. still hasn't collapsed. Go post another "happening" thread.


I think south Africa is teaching the balance numbers and should be on the list as well.

Probably will be one day. Probably trying to hide it from the public eye.

>knife attacks
Mate, that statistic is half a decade old. Also your logic of
>Well people are going to attack each other anyway, we'd better give them guns
is kind of fucking retarded. By that logic everyone should have nukes, because they are only going to find a way to hurt each other.

>You guys have been saying this for years now and the U.S. still hasn't collapsed. Go post another "happening" thread.

We've been saying it since 1776.
"Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of."
- James Madison, Federalist No. 46, January 29, 1788

Attached: george+washington+on+guns.jpg (500x500, 41K)

>Mate, that statistic is half a decade old. Also your logic of

"The Office for National Statistics said knife offences rose by 23 per cent in the capital"

23rd March 2018, 8:19 am

Have Muslim rapes gone up or down in the last half-a-decade ?

You dumbass, look at the rest of the world and you'll understand exactly why americans need their assault rifles, i dare say they need even a fucking rocket launcher and flamethrowers.
My "country" is a good example of this.

>my rights to demand appropriate and reasonable public health policies to stop gun violence
This is correct, you have every right to demand these policies. You just don't have the right to bypass law to force them upon a populace.

>Why do you need an assault rifle? Just explain that to me. And don't give me any of that tyrannical government, tinfoil hat bullshit either.
Yeah, it's not like half of Europe was under a communist regime because the people didn't have guns to revolt when the elections were faked.
>Because to the rest of the world, it looks like there is no reason at all for Americans to be allowed to own assault rifles.
Wrong, to the rest of ((you)) it looks like that. You trust your government to do shit for you because you can't do it yourselves. Hurr Durr police please help me I am too disabled to know how to operate a firearm to defend myself. You lefties genuinely disgust me.

>The rest of the world thinks
We literally don't give a fuck what you think or what you think we "need".
You don't "need" to open your boipussy for Achmed and Muhammad. Yet you do so an an hourly basis.

>23% in the capital
23% higher than what? Also capitals do generally have a different culture and make-up compared to outside of them. London even more so.

Fucking meme flags I swear.....

Because individual liberty. You know, that thing the country was supposed to be based on.

You don't have a "right" to government tyranny and forced wealth redistribution. I *do* have the right to self-defense, though. Don't like it? GTFO to Europe or North Korea or some other with "reasonable gun laws."

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Knife crime seems to be going up anywhere I look.

Attached: Uk Knife Crime 2011-2017.png (624x416, 27K)

It's been dropping where I live, but then again I live in Glasgow which has had 10+ years of programs to disarm people of knives. Where are in England and Wales they have always consoled themselves by thinking Scotland was always worse.

I guess complacency does bite then.

If you had guns you could shoot those crimnals attacking people with knives

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I need it because you want to take it. Simple as that.

This is because Khan didn't like stop-and-search which is actually really effective at stopping crime.

>fighting against a fascist government

Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 9K)

>hurrrrr someone is disagreeing with me, why are people not ignoring him?

Spamming these anti 2A threads breaks global rule#10 please read FAQ

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meme flag - checked
anti-gun stance - checked
Congrats, you get the first prize - a yellow star for your effort!

Attached: jude2.gif (400x458, 27K)


If we had more guns more children would be shot in schools. We're not a fan of that.

Tbh, a lot of his other ideas are okay, but his weak stance on crime pisses me off.

To kill libtards like you.

Why not ? Just gotta color-code it.


So do you know why handguns are banned in the UK mainland? We had a school janitor go nuts and shoot a bunch of primary schoolers (5-10/11) and we said as a nation "no". You can still own guns in the UK, just not handguns. Colour coding is nothing to do with it.

six million peoples want to live in gulag? Ok
how much money needs to move six million peoples from America to Iran, Russia, and North Korea to 2 month as Demo version?

We understand why Brits are gun adverse, we just don't agree. With the barbarians at the gate, you might need them one day and it will save many more children than 5-11. No one likes to see children die. Law abiding citizens are not the ones killing them.
Not one NRA member has ever been the perpetrator of a mass shooting.
Would have been nice if Lee Rigby or all those groomed girls had a concerned citizen with a pistol near by.

In Russia free gun banned
no rights, no election, no democracy, no economy
just well armed mighty feudals and their cattle
