Violet Evergarden

Reminder that Violet Evergarden is much more deep and complex story than Sup Forums expects it to be because Sup Forums has no idea how soul crushing and emotionally damaging this show actually is.

>even copied the braids
How are they getting away with it?

Kyoani Violet >Typemoon Violet

with what?

Plagiarism of course.

You are one fucking idiot

Nice argument. I'm literally blown away.

Are you a newborn? in what way was that an argument?

>Nice statement*



It's literally a collection of episodic sob stories with the MC being muh tragic heroine. Also everybody constantly jacks off about how pretty she is.

At least KyoAni'll make it pretty to watch, but don't expect much from the story.


>deep and complex story

She wants to fuck her daddy.

Fuck off to your irc channel

Is this the best written drama of all time?

This spam will never die.

What did they mean by this?


by your logic 70% of anime is Plagiarism.
