This picture perfectly summarizes the anti-gun march: A disinterested kid being used as a political pawn and his liberal mom with a shit-eating grin, basking in the admiration for her "clever" sign.
Anti-Gun March
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The fucking merchant on the right. Every.fucking.time
They just can't help themselves
It's pretty clever, actually.
It is ALWAYS a bunch of kike moms at this thing, bossing around all the spic mud moms, and the liberal roastie moms.
>It's pretty clever, actually.
but he didn't die
Someone photoshop the merchant face on her
No it's not, it's something a kike writer would put into a sitcom.
Americans aged 18-34 most likely to oppose assault weapons ban, poll finds
Not to mention the lesson she's teaching her son: It's okay to talk down to people and use foul language, so long as you disagree with them.
It was an anti-Trump rally disguised as an anti-gun rally. liberal trash know how to waste a perfectly good Saturday afternoon.
She's laughably Jewish
>real life Merchant
Wheres the truck o peace ?
why is nobody ever Shooting These People up ?
Why would they shoot their allies who opened doors for them?
This sign will be even more funny when someone finds this boy's suicide note: "when I said I'd rather kill myself than go that protest, that was for real, assholes"
yeah, I'm sure that will work out well for you. Everyone changes their views after being insulted
He's right, you know.
Man, this image illuminated me with an eyeopening realization right now. Probably the reason why we've fallen in this state of absolute degeneracy like the fucking tripe being perpetuated in that image is because pop-culture/single/soccer moms are pushing this purposefully. Parenting has diverted away from trying to build an individual to an ego fest where you try to show/be as inclusive as possible and not instilling morals. With so many single moms now, this shit is almost pandemic.
This reminds of a movie I saw a few years ago called Helicopter Mom where basically the whole movie is about how great it is having a gay son, because you can share so much with a him, even gay sons needs mommy's advice, yada yada.
Having a gay/trans kid became the equivalent of the chihuahua of today.
Merchant af.
Why did the merchant on the right write that on that sign and make that child hold it?
>rubbing hands
Spotted the jew
>Yes my son,go to the anti-gun march and spread the ((good)) word for a better world
Look at that Jaw bitch on the right. Her fucking hooked nose is as long as my forearm
> Wasting each other off instead of fighting the real sworn enemy
But... why?
God beat you to it. cheered me up, thank for the audible chuckle