Did the russians interfere with 2016 election or is just the democrat's version of birtherism?
>girl to get attention not related
Not in any meaningful way. All "evidence" of Russian interference amounts to shitposting on facebook and twitter.
tldr: yes
Putin literally OWNS Trump, both through blackmail and through loans
You think they stop at Kremlin TV?
we've fucked with your govts elections and many others, to question whether another govt has fucked back is childish and insulting
>girl to get attention not related
Yeah no shit, you don't have to mention this
How did they interfere then?
What could happen to Trump if he didn't go elect?
i don't know, what i do know is that girl interfered with my 2018 erection
They interfered in the sense that their troll farms created spicy memes and tried to stir up shit in the US by playing both sides against each other. For example: rumor has it that the photoshop of that Parkland girl tearing up the Constitution originated from a Russian bot.
But the notion that ballot boxes were hacked or that Trump is some Kremlin asset? Total nonsense.
It was the Deep States attempt to impeach Trump. Mueller wasted tens of millions of dollars with his phoney investigation. The only thing he came up with was ten Russian internet trolls with no association with Trump. And they will never be extradited as there is no agreement with Russia.
Russia is a scapegoat for democrats to explain their failure of winning an election they should've won (considering all the money the DRC spent).
>their troll farms
never evidenced
Random twitter cunts don't count
Another kike lie
No, for JEWS
Not to explain failure but to keep pushing their ungodly agenda
Just like every year for the last 70 years.
unless they actually hacked voting machines it doesn't matter. They're free to elect whoever they want for whatever reason, including being swayed by foreign propaganda.
Why would spreading anti-Russia sentiment be part of the JEWS' ungodly agenda? Most Ashkenazi Jews hail from Russian. Why would they want USA to hate Russia?
You know Russians are corrupt as fuck and their intelligence community still operates under the old KGB playbook,right?
Russia supports Syria government, and some zionists want the Great Israel to happen.
What I wonder is if international free speech and the ability of people all across the world to talk to one another is something that is important to these people. Plenty of foreigners felt that the election was important enough to spend a ton of time trying to convince Americans to vote, to the point of essentially being volunteer campaigners for one side or the other. The hypocrisy from the democrats is that they seem to have no problem with all of the European rulers explicitly endorsing Hillary over Donald, or all of the foreign media organizations literary publishing support and hit pieces in order to help her.
What is the difference between a British paper and a Russian organization both putting up online articles on social media to try and turn an election one way or another? The difference is who they are supporting. And this is the only reason they care.
Either this sort of "interference" needs to be just accepted as an inevitability of the modern world, or they will need to seriously limit the functionality of the internet. Instead they will just continue to use Russian interference as a scapegoat for the American people finding their candidate lacking.
>checks flag
why the fuck do you even care in the first place? Honest question, also I could care less, either candidate is controlled by kikes either way
Why I can't care?
Besides, Trump has lots of ideas that my country needs, like more protectionism and inmigration control. The news here runs every night a story about Trump in more-or-less negative fashion. Most of the time they run stories about shit that only Americans care and don't affect Chile in any way.
>accuse others for what you do
Well, if you truly want political ideas, unironically read a book, what they say about the elections I'll summarize it for you, it could have been either rigged by the jews (U.S.) or by Russians, either way, it never truly represent the interests of the general public
>if you truly want political ideas, unironically read a book
Yeah. What happens with the other fuckers that don't read books here then?
they gave Trump marching orders, remove Magnitsky act, appoint Tillerson, weaken State Dept, destroy America from within by appointing incompetents and ruining institutions etc etc
you see we are overrun by shills, ignorant newfaggs, niggers, CIA faggs, commies and whatnot, right? Don't be one of them plus reading, once it becomes a habit, its simple, beneficial, and truly one of the tools that separate us from African tribes
I would like to interfere with her vagina, if you know what I mean.
media complains about russian-bought ads on facebook
meanwhile america literally has a multi-million dollar israel lobby in their country, and mexicans pouring in across the border illegaly and changing elections. Go figure, its a smokescreen.
No doubt they did. But USA does it also, so eye for an eye, that sounds fair.