Imagine actually being proud of being british

Imagine actually being proud of being british

I would kill myself

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hahahahahaahahahahahahahahahha how fucking cucked these Bobbies are. Jesus fucking christ.

I wish people would realise the type of socialism in the west is a weapon, it was never meant to help anything.

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Our cops may be murderous thugs, but at least they aren't a bunch of cuffed cucks.

Classic, have seen this one before.

how is this socialism

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What a joke. London needs to be nuked.

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please tell me this is fake

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>when your police are a joke but you live in a nightmare police state

Diversity quotas in the police force? Treating minorities lighter than white people? Cultural Marxism? This is a form of socialism.

The British police have been corrupted.

seriously even a female cop in the US would've put up more of a fight. this is beyond pathetic.

why didnt the officer just shoot him?

The best part is the cop voluntarily putting his hands behind his back

the bobby even willingly gave up his right arm lmao

bobbies aren't allowed to carry guns

im just gonna kill myself regardless, im tired of living on this planet

This thread is for brits and faggot ass Americans following quickly in their stead.
We come from the same stock - our blood is full of fire and death. We aren't meant for this.

Resist this now. Don't go out like a bitch.

>Diversity quotas
have nothing to do with the cop being beat up
>treating minorities lighter than white people
but this is capitalism, your rich just want a work force that costs less, if you don't like that, then ask for less money than they do
>cultural marxism
is not a fucking thing stop believing pictures on the internet

I rather have the police shoot somebody innocent just to mark their territory. Just to let people know.
Don't fucking reach for anything. Don't even breath wrong.

wtf this has gotta be fake. Why would he throw his right arm back like that to be cuffed?

Redistribution of opportunities has lowered standards for everyone, making all cops lesser resulting in this. Redistribution is Marxism.

British police are a joke, everyone around the world knows it.

Through out history we Danes tried to save these fucktards. Sweden included.
Now we are surrounded by cucks.

Attached: Knudtried.png (2000x1611, 516K)

>We come from the same stock

no we don't. white americans are germans, not british.

i'm personally scot and welsh so the english can burn in hell and i'm happy watching it happen

probably real ): unfortunately.

Probably because he told him to

Being British these days must just consist of the constant urge to kill one self

images like this are actually extremely dangerous, people who are on the fence about committing crime will now be emboldened knowing how weak the state actually is in enforcing laws which leads directly to a collapse of society as the food chain of commerce is disrupted


Your point isn't even a theoretical point. What you said has already happened. The rule of Law in Britain has collapsed completely.

its like they are doing a reverse broken windows theory.

the danes were too pure for anything they got involved in

Have you ever been to London?
Do you even own a passport?

I imagine it's already escalating over there, and has been since the push. If posting this is what it takes to move the people, so be it.

he'll never live this down.

suicide seems likely.

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English are Germanic, you stupid ameriburger 20 IQ faggot that never went to school. Anglo Saxons and Germans are the same race. Even if America received most of its white genetic input from mainland Germans, the Founding Fathers and all original American settlers were BRITISH from Britain, fleeing to the colonies in the New World to regain the rights they lost here, in this shit hole. Our ancestry and history is inextricably bound up and no amount of attempting to distance yourselves from us makes it less true. In fact, you're probably some mexinigger abomination clinging to your faux-American pride so that they don't deport you back to where you belong (the ocean).

>muh welsh
>muh scottish
>muh heritage

Pic related is what you are.

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How did the UK get to this point? What the fuck happened to their police?

Where's the kraut with the pics folder?

The only laws these bobbies are interested in enforcing anymore are locking up people for saying islamophobic things on social media.

Agreed, i wouldn't get shit from American cops anyway because i would be polite.

Same thing is happening here in Scotland my dude, so start caring

>politely reach into your jacket pocket for your ID
>coppers thinks it's a browning m2 and shoot you down faster then you can spell "misunderstanding".

You should do it anyway

btw. A Dane invented the Burger.


That only happens if you're black. :)

talk dirty to me

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Well yes, that's brit I was talking to wasn't it.

>bobbies aren't allowed to carry guns

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From rulers of the world, to the worlds bitch.

Kosovo is Kosovar

At least we're not being murdered with assault weapons, you fat idiot.

I am so glad we don't have this shit



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Well, to be fair britain is not the only country suffering from pussy whipped cops. Its just that as a cop you barely can use any violence. Behind every nigger and sandmonkey is some fat kike ready to protect him with lawyers and you can bet that most european government always favor the poor innocent rapefugees.

All you did was prey on our weakness, steal our land, then lose nearly every war against Sweden which in turn cost us even more land.
If the Sweden of the past had established dominance we Scandis could've been a superpower


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This is a typical day in America, roo humper.

How can you people be so heartless? The police only want an easy life. If they went after real criminals they might get hurt!


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Man that's some heavy bdsm action right there...

sweden wouldn't be independent if it wasn't for those filthy no good ((((((((hansa)))))))).

The UK is a joke, I wish the muslims would just genocide all those weak pale skins that call them selves white, they are pale skins. pale skins dont have balls, they let the boot of govt step on them and dont fight back. dont be a pale skin. be a shining light of white power

Someone post the pic that debunks the “we wuz Germans” meme

Up until the census added “American” as an option for historical ancestry, something like 80% of white Americans identified as coming from British origins.

To be fair if these unprepared cops were armed they'd just be knocked out or worse, and robbed

>France: 0.21 Gun homicides per capita
>Burgerland: 3.5 Gun homicides per capita
>Roofuckers: BTFO

He'd only have it taken off him.

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don't kill yourself, you're not tired of living on this planet you're tired of the people on the planet, go out in nature, go to the beach and go and watch some david attenborough documentaries or whatever animal or nature documentaries you prefer. This earth is wonderful, the human societies on it, not so much

fucking lol

>tfw no save file and the doomed world persists

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Who was britains last hope?
Probably Harald Hardrada.

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britain is so fucking embarrassing, we really ought to invade them to save them from themselves

hahaha fuck i despise the English

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>Australia muslim population 2%
>france/germany 6.1%and 10%
>belguim 6.5%


These are women though


or genderfluids

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>Hamburg is in Denmark now

Thats a PCSO not a police officer

>Resorts to deflection

This can't be real can't it? jesus christ LOOOOL.

>nigger doesn't even run at full speed, just jogs away in a relaxed manner

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Imagine having that little going on in your life to actually give a fuck
thats funnier

what the fuck

desu I think invasion is literally the only solution at this point. We essentially live under a single party political system and only a tiny minority of the population want to change anything, which the rest have been trained to view as the biggest societal problem possible.

At least in the Soviet Union everyone knew the propaganda was false.

Attached: UK cops3.webm (640x360, 1.47M)

London is the ugliest capital in the western world mate.

>meanwhile police here

Why are anglos such cucks?

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Women police officers have their place, from the bottom to the top of police services. They can bring very useful skills and a different mindset to the job, the problem is the ridiculous notion that they are as capable in all areas as men. Its more than that you just don't send a Chihuahua to a riot and you don't send a Doberman to an old peoples’ home. Actually, women can be genuinely useful. They just need to be deployed appropriately. Feminism kills any chance of that.

>London named second best-rated destination in the world for 2018

I'm English m8.

You're one stupid cunt Bruce
Anything figure that even registers as 1%
Is a big problem in any country. Your gloating
Because you're being invaded at a slower rate

:( got room over there?

Congrats on posting anti-Anglo kike memes. Fucking cuck.

>Women police officers have their place
Making the tea?

>not starting a coup and becoming a warlord
weak men like you probably kill themselves