What's the point of making her gay?

What's the point of making her gay?

all animes should be gay OP

I don't want to see my waifu with another man

Her being lesbian makes it worse.

Easier to self-insert as her girlfriend

Not really. You can fuck a lesbian and her waifu, but if your waifu has a husbando then you're out of luck unless you're a faggot.

thats a weird way to spell doggosexual

If your waifu has a husbando it means she is straight. Male MCs are meant for self inserting anyway, not ruin your immersion. But if she is a lesbian she would never be attracted to you, no matter the time or place.

Squeeze a little more money out of /u/ fags who wouldn't otherwise be interested in the series. Kyoani also just really likes /u/ b8.

If you can delude yourself into thinking you can fuck a 2D girl then you can delude yourself into thinking you can fuck her straight, or self insert as a girl. Rather, it should be harder to delude yourself into thinking you can NTR the usually overpowered protagonist.

>fuck her straight, or self insert as a girl

Hell no. The former you're literally changing her established nature. I also find it funny how you think you can self insert as the girl when you're most likely male and not the male MC made for self inserting.
You don't have to NTR anyone unless you're into that sort of thing, you can simply imagine her meeting you before she fell in love with the MC, or any other sort of scenario.
It's your fantasy.

>your head
If you're already imagining that you've transcended dimensions then imagining a change in sexuality is nothing in comparison. Also not every show has a self-insert male MC.

there is literally no proof she is gay

Except people usually fall in love with their waifu by seeing her interactions and the way of acting she displays within the context of her series, so their fantasy is grounded in something.
If all you saw of her is her being attracted to girls, then sorry to tell you but you have to be way more delusional, I question how would you even fall in love with her at that point.

>Also not every show has a self-insert male MC

At the very least every Kyoani show does.

What are you even trying to argue at this point? Your argument defeats your own initial stance so it seems like you're just going around in circles. If all you saw of her is her being attracted to the MC whose name is Toyota Mitsubishi-kun who has a wildly different personality to you, then sorry to tell you but you have to be way more delusional, I question how would you even fall in love with her at that point.

She's literally bidogsexual.

Hello Shinka Spam Autism Fag. In one of your threads yesterday, we were asking you what kind of mental illness you have. Please respond this time.

To make bank off of yurifags because Kyoani changed her role in the story.

I believe my waifu could fall in love with me because we have similar interests, and our personalities compliment each other. But more than that the most basic factor that made her desirable to me is the fact she is straight. If she had been homosexual I don't think I could have become attracted to her.
And you're wrong about the MC because MC's personality is also very similar to mine, so most of the interactions she had with him I can imagine her having with me as well.


You're imagining your waifu would be an adulterer who would cheat on the MC with you, or she's so fickle that she would drop her crush for the MC for you, or that she's a slut and would fuck you regardless. If any of those aren't part of her canon personality then you have no right to say anything.

It's a bit more complicated than that. In the first place she literally sees him as a little brother from beginning to end of the story, so most of her feelings aren't romantic in nature.

The movie will clear things up, I hope.