Dies Irae Thread

New episode today. Discuss. And in case anyone missed it, here are CGs for DI and Ikabey in 1600x900.


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I wanted big titties Ren again.


Would I like this if I enjoyed VNs like Fate/Stay Night and Demonbane?

Almost certainly.

Yes, but read the VN, the anime sucks.

I figured that much.

Hail the Queen

Not necessarily. This writer went full chuuni and exaggerates way too much at times.

Dies being max chuuni is great, faggot

While you're technically right, if he enjoyed both Fate AND Demonbane, the chances of him enjoying DI is really fucking high.

>exaggerates way too much
Not possible

That's nothing
Just wait until KKK, Soujirou's craving is literally "I want to become sword"

But user that's the appeal.

When do preview images usually drop?
This week is probably when Rusalka dies isn't it?

They are already out. Seems like it ends with Shirou and Ellie getting eaten
Looks like they are actually slowing down the pacing now.

They already dropped

Thanks, my dudes.
Seems like I'll get at least one more week of best girl, hopefully she shows up in whatever those bonus net episode/ova-things turn out to be.
We don't know anything about those do we, or am I horribly out of the loop?

Why is Schreiber so fucking autistic?

Loss of an eye and loss of a dick.

Because he needs it for his Beriah

Dropped it 3 episodes in, is the animation and execution still as shitty as before?

Pretty much.
I'm almost certain everyone in this thread is a fan of the VN, watching the anime out of morbid curiosity.
Any anime-only watchers probably dropped this long ago.

/lit/ reviews DI.
captcha: schule security

>Literally Multiversal Shichika

>even /lit/ gets tired from snek's shit
At this point I'm sure no one in the world can tolerate Mercurius and his autismus dialogue.

For what purpose? The art isn't even good.

>Become friends with Snek
>Develop an urge to destroy the universe
Poor Reinhard probably just wanted him to shut up.

Isn't it like Nanbaka where they're just conitinuing the plot, but episodes after the first cour don't air on TV?

Depends on how they pace it:
>Episode 8 Rusalka eats the club
>Episode 9 Hospital fight
>Episode 10 Rusalka gets Ridley Scotted
>Episode 11 & 12 Final fight
Unless I've forgotten something (It's been a while since I've read the Marie route). They could do that.

Then, maybe it could be side stories animated? Will we get eternal boner man animated?

Personally I would kill for Rusalka's torture/twilight zone scene to be animated.
Other than that, we're more likely to get the Kei and Beatrice backstory and maybe the Marie route epilogue if they go down the side story route.

My wife!

That's probably one of the most retarded moments in DI

Your wife is a slut.

I want to fuck Marie


Will Kasumi ever get a happy endo

Still the best.

Tell me about her?
Is she the best girl of this shit show?


You sound like you're anime-only, friend.
Short answer: Yes, she is best girl
Long answer: She's not a focus of the route being adapted, unless you want spoilers, read the VN.
We need a DI version of pic related

I never read VN, I will forget about this soon

If you're familiar with fate, specifically Illya, Rusalka is similar in the sense she's the fan favorite girl in the VN without a route to call her own. She gets to share one with another heroine instead.
As for her deal she's A 400 year old flirtatious sadist witch

The actual counterpart of Ilya is Rea: a Japanese-German autist literally made to give birth to the biggest evil. Masada isn't even trying to hide his plagiarism.

yeah I am familiar with that trash, she already said in the anime that she was old, so that spoiler is not that big

You'd never do something to corrupt Rusalka, would you, Sup Forums?

I'd let her corrupt me


They are literally just plain normal episodes that are only released online instead of airing on TV, why is this so hard to understand

I want to have sex with Valeria Trifa really badly

>Thousandth of a Millisecond
So he's a sloth compared to Grandmaster Luke Skywalker, and frozen in place for Flash?
>It's big number so it must be chuuni!

>Doesn't know Schreiber's power

Am I a brainlet if I prefer Mirror Moon Fate prose over Dies Irae's prose? I mean, Fate's translation is pretty clunky but at least I can quickly extract the meaning of the lines and start thinking about them. Dies feels really long winded just to meet chuuni quotas.

It's more evidence of his opponent being too slow. Schreiber's thing is literally just "I'm faster than you".

Don't call my daughter autistic please.

If he's fighting Flash, he's faster than Flash

>"I'm faster than yo-"
>Flash Absorbs his kinetic energy
>Eventually causing an infinite loop that Flash will survive because Speedforce protects Flash from the nasty side effects of going too fast

I don't know anything about the Flash, but as long as the Flash is in motion, Schreiber will be faster than him, that's how his Beriah works. There's no way to "absorb his kinetic energy" because his speed is always set at "yours+10".

If he's moving he's generating kinetic energy in some fashion, like moving the molecules and atoms around him.

He got the two personalities, nicest maiden you ever meet and twisted fucking psychopath.

Schreiber doesn't actually need to move at all. Even if he just stands in place you will never reach him.

>Powerlevel fights
Oh boy

If you actually read the VNs for both of those then you'll be fine with DI.

Schreiber's Bri'ah is him being faster than his opponent no matter what. His entire craving is that he doesn't want to be touched, so no matter how fast his opponent goes he will still be faster than them. Even if we assume someone would steal his speed or something, his bri'ah would bend reality to make him faster.
Literally the opponents speed+1

It is clear that they are saving the budget for greatest ever animation of the epic final battle.

So... How he lost to Shirou twice with this shit?

Shut up you baka

Kei is very cute

>yfw kei is fucked up but still best grill

He lost only once to Shirou. And it was due to foreknowledge and Marie interfering.
If you're talking about the fight with Bey then it was Wilhelm who won, Shirou only gave a small boost to Bey.

Was he gay?

Schreiber's true briah was never really a thing until Kei's and Rea's route were written. I only recall him losing to Shirou only once which is in Marie's route.

It's bromance.

Well... He was Sup Forumstard so what else you expected...

Ren was gay too

This is bullshit him being able to steal anhenhenbe from inside. Worst written character of the entire novel.

He's a total asspull of a character. Still fun as fuck though.

Has he just repeated same phrase two times? Is it Masada's way to get full payment for half of work? Has he just repeated same phrase two times? s it Masada's way to get full payment for half of work?

Worst girl

Kei's route actully made me appreciate her. It would be perfect if it hadn't turned into a clusterfuck midway into final chapter.

If anything Kei's route made me dislike her more, she should've just stayed a lesbean for Kasumi

Doesn't matter since Schreiber bends reality itself for his Beriah.

Oh, that means Accelerator can kill Schreiber.

I'm pretty sure Accelerator can't be hurt by any of the battlation commanders since he can just reflect everything.
>lol vectors

Couldn't Machina kill him since he can just punch through vectors?

Normal mode Accelerator probably, white wings mode is difficult to say since it allows Accel to use imaginary vectors.

>machina tries punching acceleratpr
>accelerator manipulates vectors to make machina punch himself
>machina dies from his one hit kill punch

Machina can't end himself with his Deus Ex Machina though.
At most he'd get a small scratch on his metal body

What exactly is stopping him? Wasn't his wish is to die?

Read the VN.

5 mins

get in here niggas

If Reinhardt can hurt himself, why Machina can't? Makes no sense. Guy was probably to dumb to off himself or something.

He wants a final death. It's pointless to try any method that will get him revived by Merc and Reinhard (as he's a part of Reinhard's legion)


Machina's law isn't to kill things to begin with. You clearly haven't read the VN and have no fucking idea what you are talking about.

I want to marry Anna!



Is VPN and Abematv the only way to livestream this shit?