Who is this guy user and why should I embrace him. And where do I start. Half assed potato bigger catholic that only goes for weddings and funerals.
Who is this guy user and why should I embrace him. And where do I start...
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catholic server bkXHBgq
I'll unironically skin him alive if he shows his face here ever again. What they did to him was nothing.
If you want to find faith but don't have it, just be aware of that. If you go about your life with a desire to find higher meaning, it will present itself to you when you're ready to receive it. If you don't desire to find it, that's okay too but don't complain about anxiety and depression.
I once tried to introduce some street preachers to the idea that Jesus Christ is the logos, or, a concept for humans to imitate rather than just the name of a being.
Didn't end well. Try to involve any logic or rational thinking and you're met with the most unbelievable display of mental gymnastics. You name the passages such as Matthew 7:21 that God and Christ himself do not want empty hollow followers who just repeat the word "Lord Jesus" without actually doing anything to change in your deepest heart, mind and soul.
It's sad that these Evangelical Christians only dance around a philosophy their whole lives and never fully submerge or "baptize" themselves into the true discipleship and teaching of Jesus Christ.
Start here:youtube.com
>embracing some love preaching long haired dude
You some kinda fag or something?
The best advice I can give you user is to pray. God answered my prayers and filled me with the Holy Spirit. I have completely turned my life around. I have no more hate in my heart, it’s wonderful. Once you know that God loves you and cares for you as an individual, it makes life so much easier. Go to church, find one that works for you, I’m catholic, but I joined a baptist church because of their children’s programs and good security surrounding those programs. That so many members are NRA members is another good selling point. Now I see Gods miracles everywhere I turn, and my love for Him is unshakable. I want you to know what I know user. It brings peace of mind and joy, plus I still shitpost here.
>tldr pray user, the Lord answers prayers
>christianity is a white religion
>Who is this guy
The devil
My walk was a long one to understanding what I believed because I was raised in a churchgoing family. The best advice I can give is to continue seeking to understand why the Bible is true. I really enjoyed "Learn the Bible in 24 hours" by Chuck Missler. If you could have a brief glance at what is actually in the Bible without reading through all of it, this series is it. Then go to blueletterbible.org and pick a book to go through. Listen to sermons on each chapter and work your way through a single book slowly. Rinse and repeat with other books. May the Holy Spirit guide your path!
> (OP)
>My walk was a long one to understanding what I believed because I was raised in a churchgoing family. The best advice I can give is to continue seeking to understand why the Bible is true. I really enjoyed "Learn the Bible in 24 hours" by Chuck Missler. If you could have a brief glance at what is actually in the Bible without reading through all of it, this series is it. Then go to blueletterbible.org and pick a book to go through. Listen to sermons on each chapter and work your way through a single book slowly. Rinse and repeat with other books. May the Holy Spirit guide your path!
The bible is a jew book
The smoke of your torment shall ascend forever and ever.
I'm curious; do you still hate niggers?
>The smoke of your torment shall ascend forever and ever.
That makes him more eternal than your kike eternal servitude to a jewish god in a place where there is no sex and no strong drink, no fun and no merryment
A rabbi for the goyim, tasked with turning the goyim into obedient slaves for the Jews.
“I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.” (John 6:35)
This text points to the fact that believing in Jesus is a feeding and drinking from all that Jesus is. It goes so far as to say that our soul-thirst is satisfied with Jesus, so that we don’t thirst anymore.
He is the end of our quest for satisfaction. There is nothing beyond, and nothing better.
When we trust Jesus the way John intends for us to, the presence and promise of Jesus is so satisfying that we are not dominated by the alluring pleasures of sin (see Romans 6:14). This accounts for why such faith in Jesus nullifies the power of sin and enables obedience.
John 4:14 points in the same direction: “Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” In accord with John 6:35, saving faith is spoken of here as a drinking of water that satisfies the deepest longings of the soul. And the satisfaction becomes productive, like a well overflowing.
The words Jesus will speak when we come to heaven are: "Enter into the joy of your Master" (Matthew 25:21). The prayer he prayed for us ended on this note: "Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory" (John 17:24). The glory he wants us to see is the "unsearchable riches of Christ." It is "the immeasurable riches of [God's] grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus" (Ephesians 2:7).
The superlatives "unsearchable" and "immeasurable" mean that there will be no end to our discovery and enjoyment. There will be no boredom. Every day will bring forth new and stunning things about Christ which will cause yesterday's wonder to be seen in new light, so that not only will there be new sights of glory everyday, but the accumulated glory will become more glorious with every new revelation.
The gospel is the good news that the everlasting and ever-increasing joy of the never-boring, ever-satisfying Christ is ours freely and eternally by faith in the sin-forgiving death and hope-giving resurrection of Jesus Christ.
I don’t really hate anyone anymore, not even the Jews or niggers and I no longer say nigger every other sentence. That being said I’m still a realist, I avoid associating with the types of people who would fall into that category. I’m fairly proactive about it as well as I’ve since purchased a couple of rental properties and I screen all tenants myself like every owner should. I don’t base those decisions on skin color because there’s people with that undesirable mindset in every race and color, but I put people in who will pay the rent and get along with the other tenants, I conduct a nationwide background check, so you can imagine the types of individuals this process weeds out. I was so successful at doing this for myself that now I also do it for others, and now I make money doing something I enjoy and make my own hours. God has blessed me user, just as he has blessed us all. Pic related stuff still makes the righteous anger rise though.
He is Christ, the Son of the living God.
You should embrace Him, because you are in sin, as all humans and only in Him can you be washed from this sin and reach glory intended for man from the beginning.
>And where do I start.
And that is the hard part (for me, not for God). user, you cannot start having faith, you need to be granted it by God. For it is not human reason, but divine reason. Humans can't grant it, although God uses humans as tools for granting it to His elect.
If you are Catholic, I guess you were baptized. Might I ask, did you ever felt faith? And if yes, what caused you to lose it?
And if you have faith, then do not tell yourself: "where do I start?". For you already started. Follow the guidelines of this passage:
"Supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, 6 and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, 7 and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love."
2 Peter 1,5-7
All true, but behold God is not mocked.
"Immorality, impurity, licentiousness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, selfishness, dissension, party spirit, 21 envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God."
Galatians 5
Let no one commit those. And if we someone does, may he confess them (1 John 2,1), so that he can keep land in which he found hidden treasure (that is Kingdom of God - Matthew 13,44), not selling the land to first (((merchant))) who makes an offer.
>I don’t really hate anyone anymore
Good, let us not hate them, not because they ceased to be our enemies, but because we must hope even for our enemies. So that one day they might found better way.
South Africa was dismantled by the destruction of its Christian fundaments. Subverted by ANC supported by zionists and communists.
The future of a secularizing USA. This disinfo will cost lives, mate.
seriously how fucking awesome is jesus though.
Of course you will have such blasphemous thoughts, you t*rk.
Thrace bringing the bants.
>exposes the jews
>whipped the merchants
american education
>another victim of the american education
Following the ten commandments alone would make any country closer to utopia than any technology ever could.
Well, he raged at the merchants for impurifying the Jewish temple... He reformed judaism, and then it applied to the gentiles. There is no much arguing against this.