Maybe Muslims only respect authority and western leaders are massive soyboy cucks?
Maybe Muslims only respect authority and western leaders are massive soyboy cucks?
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Maybe Muslims are doing this to gain favour and gain power as they've been doing a lot lately
>dragon islander
But seriously, western leaders are a terrible thing, look what they have allowed you all to become.
Or maybe Muslims are useful idiots corrupted by identity politics and anti western sentiments designed by soviets and an oil funded Islamic revolution?
Muslims in Russia are Russian, not Arabic. They have been there for hundreds of years.
Chechens are not Russian you dumb spaghetti and they have been there far longer than russians
A literal Russian gov propaganda event and the results of a Russian "election" are supposed to convince us that they are somehow based?
It's like you don't pay attention at all to the continuous Islamic terror attacks taking place in Russia.
Maybe it's because Muslims need a form of nationalism to get behind someone or something (an ideal)
When they come to western countries, they can do whatever the fuck they want with no consequences. But where they come from, it's monarchism, nationalism ideals which give them a sense of purpose, I guess.
Also, most of the Muslims in Russia are from the Russia area, not IQ40 nignogs from Muslimbique and desert Africa
Only retards are using "Russian Muslims" argument. Only problematic Muslims in Russia and Chechens and Dagestanis. Alltogether some 4 million. And Dagestanis aren't a single group but rather a dozen groups.
Rest of their Muslims are totally benign Tatars, Bashkirs and such.
Central Asian seasonal workers are not Russian citizens.
Literally a dumb meme. Not as bad as "Russia will split into 167 republics" and "China is colonizing Siberia". Totally divorced from reality.
Russia is facing issues, but not these issues.
And what do Islamic terror attacks have to do with "Russia is becoming Muslim"?
Do you understand the difference between these two events?
Do you understand that Russian Muslims aren't immigrants from last two or three decades, but various groups conquered by Russia over centuries?
You absolutely cannot compare Islam in France and Islam in Russia.
It should be said that muslims in Russia =/= arab/nigger muslims. What's more ironical is that while we sometimes call people from that region "black", region itself - Caucasus - is what considered to be where "white race" came from, thus Caucasian race.
This is a proof that putin is not based if anything.
They also enjoy peace, instead of having to dodge NATO cruise missiles and IS shrapnel.
true. russia was always diverse and multicultural. we should strive to be more like them
Europa was as diverse and multicultural as possible for thousands of years. It's just that each group formed their own countries. And now they started to import africans, turks and arabs to become "diverse and multicultural" amongst all their diversity and multiculturalism.
They have more terrorist attacks then all the West combined.
When you swallowed the whole redpill
but it works in russia. you guys have based muslims who love russia and integrate well we can do the same.
Russia is a poor country with no social benefits - Muslims are more used to this environment and are forced to work. If the western world stopped giving out gibs to muslims then it would be fixed
Or maybe the Muslims they are importing are all Sunni Wabbi Muslim prison populations that their countries are dumping to get rid of and taking advantage of Europe not vetting, exactly why they are all young men.
Putin gives the chechen leader money so they wont chimp out.
They don't "integrate", they live there since Tsar Gorokh, unlike africans, turks and arabs.
When muslims are white they're not as bad? Really makes me think.
Yeah, lets forget that 20 years ago they were moping the floor with the russian army.
Also lets forget all those terrorists attacks that still happen in russia
but this is based how you guys just coexist like that. it shows that multi cultural societies work if only people live somewhere long enough.
Slavs aren't white. There are less than 10% of white people in Russia.
You fucking moron.
I mean fine, if you want to say that that's cool but that then means they're the whitest non-whites and the most reasonable muslims. Point still stands.
Doesn't that guy run concentration camps or gays lmao? Don't kid yourself Russia enforces it's laws and doesn't just look the other way to avoid a slime-out like most of Europe too.
kadyrov lies to putin. chechens hate russians. they kill russians and smile to putin.
chechens are treacherous monkeys. they always want to fool you and cut your head off. putin doesn't control chechnya. they live by their own laws and do not obey anyone.
Yep. Then Putin came into power, murdered a few thousand chechen families via "mercenaries", assassinated the more troublesome leaders until who found somebody who was willing to keep peace in the region and do the dirty work for the Russians if needed in exchange of money.
Muslims respect strength and authority, two things the modern Western world is severely lacking.
Shame it doesn't work for Germany, Sweden, France and other places where they pay muslims.
Maybe you are right about this and it is true.
Russia has also seen some of the biggest muslim terror attacks ever.
Stfu black Serbia
Russia's Muslims preach a peaceful and secular Sufi Islam, Muslim refugees in Europe are Wahhabi extremists.
Yeah, for hundred of years. And fighting wars with each other before that for hundred of years. In any case it's completely different situation. What you really should look at in case of EU, it's situation with America when Europeans invaded there and killed almost whole native population. I.e. what you will get is either war, or war for extinction, or war with external enemy (ii.e. Russia) to cull either native population or African invaders.