Kemono Friends

Do u liek kemono frens?

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't know!

Who hyped for C93?


I want to protect Hippos smile

Fuck you Serval!

I'm really loving all the crossover art.



Kemono Friends LOL!




I'm glad there's someone who loves Jaguar so much as to create a shit ton of high quality artwork just for her.
Kind of odd that he only posts on though.

never watched it and probably never will

place your bets

No friend will ever cling to you like Otter to Jaguar




what's this?

Fucking hell

We a dead thread for a dead series.

My only dream is that other anime will be creative with Kemomimi

New "penguin"(not really) Friend, Great Auk. There are enough Penguins now for a 2nd PPP.

Another dead Friend

Post Christmas friends.

Good boy falls in love with a birb.

The whole KDKW bullshit made me lose all my enthusiasm about Kemono Friends. It's painful to even think about now knowing we'll never get a true Season 2.

Kadokawa really should go fuck themselves

ping pong


No it's not, that's clearly table tennis because they let the ball bounce once.

I don't think so.

itsn't ping pong and table tennis basicaly the same thing?

Yes, they are the same.

Does anyone else get depressed whenever there isn't a thread?


I liek kemono frens in a purely sexual way.

I do but I'd rather have none than a general

Fuck off.

No. I don't really have anything I want to post or look at so I can live without one until the next news update.

terrible op, should have let this get pruned and tried again

Ironically, there were posts here condemning OP's cancer but those were the ones that were deleted

Serval's soft bosom

So I hear there's a season 2 coming, but the art style's gonna change? Can anyone confirm this?


Oh thanks. That sure clears things up.

You deserved it

My buddy Mike told me that Season 2 will be live-action. He has no reason to lie about it so I believe it.

anime production(Tatsuki belonging) producer unfollowed KF official account.

But my friend Paul told me it would be a puppet show.

That was weeks ago

Generals dont exist.
Theres just threads with posters. Every thread is the same, only the posters differ.
Even if the OP says general, backlinks to an earlier thread and provides useful info its exactly the same from the posters perspective. Theres literally no difference.

The world is merely our imagination

no, it's latest happening
you are misregarding with TV station producer

Oh shit

It must be big

What could it mean?

Literally nothing since there is no proof he was ever following.

There was no proof of either Tatsuki following Hosoya or Fukuhara following the Kemono Friends official account. Just someone on twitter noticed the number of people they were following went down by three or four and guessed they have unfollowed those accounts because you would have been expecting both of them to follow those accounts.



That's not sugoi at all.

JAM Friends

>dudes are dressing up as animals and getting hot serval boipucci
>what are YOU doing?

The PPPs left the island, no? There's gonna be a new group to replace them or there'll be a riot

Doubutsu Biscuits & PPP will appear on Music Station again.

It's not gay if they are dressed as girls.

She's as cute as serval herself!

>on page 6 with only 30 unique ips
it really is over, isnt it?
n-not like this

It'll always have a special place in my heart though.

Is being on MStation multiple times in the same year something that normally happens?

Yes, but on a different TV station is pretty rare.
They are selling the VA as artists, rather than promoting the show itself.

I can't believe kemofure is finally fucking dead.

Kinda hard to promote the show when it isn't actively airing + the uncertainty of it ever airing again.

If the production committee ends up going with a different studio they would have to start almost from scratch.

OP is a repulsive retard. Then again, nothing is happening.

Osaka Live concert is tomorrow.

Hands off the hat!


Why is it yellow?

They are promoting the mobile game, you know the one their new single they will perform is for the openinig theme of.

No, you're supposed to let it die off page 10.

I want to shake Baby Serval till she says minmi. Is that a crime?

I liked it better like this:

Me. Can't wait for new non-h doujin comics

But how many of them would be translated; that tokiland doujin published months ago is intriguing but I haven't seen any scans.


Well this attempt at making a Kemono Friends MMD is going a bit better than the previous ones.

Why is Arai-san so healthy?

>Masaki Endoh as a lion
Wish he would do more singles, since he only makes covers for good shows


What the fuck


Serval is a classy lady
>Today I also learned a little about HIV.



I believe in you, anonymous.

>thread is on auto sage

They cannot kill ideas