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Sup Forumss 23andme results
50% Danish
50% Ethiopian
kek I've met her irl, nice girl :)
50% Somali
50% Anglo
still haven't taken official DNA test
bogs daughter?
@isabella on Instagram
not political you mutt
That's wrong, it should say 100% faggot, now gtfo you, retarded nigger.
feeling tough yet
ITT: The best goys
>giving your dns to them
You know they add jewish and nigger genes just to fuck with you
t. tinfoil hatter
weird how that always seems to happen only to burger posters though...
I wish mine was good but to fucking bad.
>relinquishing your dna for FREE
you fucking IDIOT
>5% jewish
Why are you even on this board?
how many times is this bullshit going to be posted? the source is some sketchy "" article
No one ever explains this meme to me. Why does it matter?
There's a conspiracy going around that they will use your DNA for future mutations and shit. Like making a virus that can ONLY kill you.
They can do whatever the fuck the wanna do with it and you're a retard for trusting them.
Among other things, 23andMe will provide your genetic material to the state upon request, without a warrant. I don't know how likely this is, but a government actor could theoretically frame an innocent person, a la Making a Murderer.
>tfw too Jewish for the ethnostate
>tfw not Jewish enough for Jews
I have to much to live for to kill myself
Its not 123andme but I think it works.
That 15% berid, I know because berid is an european variant of berberid, who is an archaic form of atlanto-mediterranid that lives in the coastal zone of North Africa, and I know it because I don't have negroid blood ( like jew, it is simply "genetic noise" )
Berberid example
>Samuel Camacho
Berid example
ive seen berberids in my life and its literally zero different with morrocans, stop cherripicking mate
is pic related allowed in your ethnostate
You should totally give your DNA to the authorities. For (((free)))
Costs 99USD :^]]]
>vast majority of berbers, living in north africa, with the arab and negroid influence surrounding them
>totally pure berberid phenotype, berberid phenotype is shitskin
I give you another example of berberid phenotype, that doens't mean berber, but its still found pure in some berber tribes
And I can say that the north african part is Berid because
> Rural areas of Southern Spain are heavily berid
>I have berid cheekbones, berid eye type and an occipital bun ( founded in archaic phenotypes )
>TFW muttmeme doesn't me
also the
>Not a single drop of moor blood
>modern north africans are partly berberid, partly saharid, partly mediterranid, partly alpinid and partly orientalids. Mediterranid, alpinid and berberid are caucasoid, Orientalid is semitic and saharid is negroid. By name, moors are this, and I don't have influence of them in my face, body, behavior...
Dont make me laugh
Says he's 100% European unlike you Moor
Btw, those "moors" are still caucasian mixed with orientalids and negroids, of wich I don't have more than noise. Go read some Charleston Coon books
Ahskenazi are nothing more than Southern Europeans mixed with Semites, they're 100% Caucasian, no Negroid or Mongoloid admixture
Yes,but pure North Africans are just an archaic brand of atlantomediterranid.
>voluntarily giving your dna to a company to harvest and sell
these are the ultimate shill threads
Orientalid is not mongoloid, orientalid is arab
Just fuck me up
Don't bother about that, you can be a magnificent individual without being caucasoid.
Migrate to South America, breed a qt latina girl and start an integralist movement.
And guess what, semites arent european, semites are middle eastern
They don't fucking read something or see even pictures about orientalids/semitics and pure caucasoid, don't bother to respond to them. Seems like Australian education system and American education system are not that different
Great source
Normally you can get someone’s DNA in many ways that aren’t that difficult, but it isn’t worth the effort. But with these companies they already have the money to analyze the DNA from the person itself and they already need to analyze some of it, so fully sequencing it takes far less effort.